

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Chapter 42: The Wisdom of the Hedgehog

After defeating the rogue fox and securing the artifact, Yun and Lingshan's renown as valley guardians soared. Their names were uttered with respect, and their counsel sought by many. However, they understood that their journey was a perpetual cycle of learning and evolution, thus they remained modest, ever prepared for fresh trials.

One day, a messenger from the Hedgehog Clan arrived, carrying a plea for aid. The Hedgehog Clan, famed for their acute senses and protective instincts, confronted a crisis imperiling their very existence. A mysterious ailment afflicted their young, and the clan's healers were baffled.

Moved by the urgency, Yun and Lingshan agreed to assist the Hedgehog Clan. They followed the messenger through the dense forest, where the hedgehogs dwelled amidst roots and burrows.

Upon arrival at the Hedgehog Clan's settlement, they were met with a solemn sight. The youthful hedgehogs, typically playful and lively, lay languid, their small frames quivering with fever. The elders, their gaze laden with concern, attended to them with tender care.

The elder, a sage hedgehog with a spiraled shell, greeted Yun and Lingshan respectfully. "We are at our wit's end," the elder admitted. "Our young are the future, and without them, we face extinction."

Yun, his heart heavy with empathy, inquired, "What do you suspect is the cause of this affliction?"

The elder shook its head, expressing helplessness. "We've exhausted all remedies, yet none have proved effective. We fear it may be a curse or a plague."

Lingshan, ever perceptive, surveyed the surroundings with keen eyes. "May we inspect the young? There might be a clue we've overlooked."

Permission granted, Yun and Lingshan approached the ailing young. Utilizing their heightened senses and spiritual wisdom, they commenced their investigation.

They observed the young hedgehogs, noting their symptoms and environment. Lingshan, attuned to the earth, detected an odd energy in the soil—a subtle disturbance foreign to nature.

Yun, drawing upon ancient knowledge, discerned signs of spiritual discord. "This isn't a curse or plague," he declared. "It's a disruption in the spiritual essence sustaining your clan."

The elder's eyes widened hopefully. "Can it be rectified? Can our young be saved?"

Yun and Lingshan shared a determined glance. "We'll restore balance," Yun vowed. "We'll heal your young."

Collaborating, they enacted a ritual to realign spiritual energies. Merging their life force with the earth's rhythms, they generated a harmonious flow enveloping the young hedgehogs.

As the ritual unfolded, signs of recovery emerged among the young. Tremors ceased, eyes fluttered open, and they stirred, seeking maternal nourishment. The Hedgehog Clan witnessed, awestruck and grateful, as their progeny regained vitality.

With tearful eyes, the elder expressed gratitude. "You've safeguarded our future. Your benevolence and wisdom will be cherished."

The Hedgehog Clan crisis averted, Yun and Lingshan felt profound contentment. They not only rescued the young but deepened their comprehension of the spiritual ties binding all life.

Before departing, the elder presented them with a gift—an intricately carved amulet crafted from sacred shell. "Wear this in gratitude and solidarity," the elder bestowed.

Accepting the token reverently, Yun and Lingshan recognized how friendships and alliances enriched their journey. They continued as valley guardians, custodians of balance, guided by the wisdom acquired through trials endured and connections forged.