

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Chapter 4: Encounter Under the White Willow Tree

Yun's resolve to tread the path of immortality was fortified by his father's wisdom. He understood that the journey ahead demanded not just resilience against external trials, but also vigilance against inner conflicts. With the break of dawn, Yun embarked once more on his quest for the enigmatic green stone, eager to unravel the legends surrounding the five immortal spirits.

He wandered through the town and ventured into the willow forest on its outskirts. This ancient grove, believed to be planted by an enlightened master, exuded a mystical energy. Amidst the rustling leaves, Yun felt a serene calm washing over him.

His attention was drawn to a particularly grand white willow, its trunk adorned with intricate patterns resembling a fox. Recalling the Fox Fairy's blessing, Yun approached the tree and gently traced its markings.

In an instant, a beam of light enveloped him, flooding his senses with warmth and power. His consciousness waned, and he found himself in a dreamlike realm.

There, he beheld the Fox Fairy beneath a towering willow, her ethereal presence radiating warmth. "Yun, you've shown wisdom in resisting the weasel's deceit. This white willow is another gift from me, aiding your journey in Immortal Cultivation."

Grateful, Yun bowed. "Fox Fairy, what's special about this tree?"

"Its essence purifies the mind and amplifies spiritual power," she explained. "It also serves as a conduit to reach me in times of need."

Filled with reverence, Yun pledged to honor her trust.

As the dream faded, Yun returned to reality, his surroundings imbued with newfound clarity. Moments later, he encountered an elderly man with an air of sagacity.

"Seeking Immortal Cultivation, young one?" the elder inquired kindly.

Yun nodded, explaining his quest for the green stone.

The elder chuckled. "The Fox Fairy's mark is upon you. Take this ancient tome—it may aid your journey."

Grateful, Yun accepted the "Immortal Spirit Secret Record."

"I'm just a humble guardian," the elder said modestly. "Remember, the path is arduous yet miraculous. Stay true to yourself."

With each step, the elder's presence seemed to echo through the forest—a testament to wisdom accumulated over time.

As Yun leafed through the tome, he marveled at its insights. It contained not only cultivation methods but also tales of the immortal spirits and sage advice.

Elder Liu's words echoed in Yun's heart as he tucked the tome away—a beacon of guidance on his path.

Thanking the white willow, Yun vowed to return. With a determined smile, he embarked on his journey anew.

Under the canopy of willows, Yun's figure disappeared into the forest, his spirit brimming with vigor and hope. Ahead lay a path fraught with challenges, yet filled with boundless potential.

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