

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Chapter 1: Border Town

In the outskirts of the Chinese mainland lies Qing Shi Town, a cozy spot nestled amidst mountains, where a lad named Yun is on the brink of a fate twist. A chance run-in tightly links him to the saga of five immortal spirits, setting the stage for a wild ride toward everlasting life.

Yun, just your run-of-the-mill innocent teen, floats through life like a serene stream, smooth and untroubled. But fate's gears have been turning, and a sudden twist flips his world.

On a breezy morning, Yun strolls through the bazaar and stumbles upon an old-timey antique shop. Amidst the treasure trove, his eyes lock onto an ancient fox statue, so lifelike it could leap into reality. Enthralled, Yun reaches out, and as his fingers brush the statue, a flash of light and warmth courses through him, unveiling a vision: foxes, weasels, hedgehogs, snakes, and mice, the immortal squad whose legends echo across Huaxia. 

A newfound longing seizes Yun; he craves more, yearning to uncover their mysteries and tread the path of legend. Little does he know, that touch has stirred the wheel of fate, spinning his life into a whole new groove.

In Qing Shi Town, life flows at a tranquil pace, a timeless pocket where folks farm and chatter like it's an eternal Sunday. The town's architecture, old and earthy, lines the streets with quaint wooden houses, their roofs shimmering gold in the morning sun.

Here resides Yun, a lad with flowing black locks, clear eyes, and a winning grin—a real favorite among the locals. His folks, simple farmers with hearts of gold, pin their hopes on him. Gifted and humble, Yun lends a hand to anyone in need, earning him a spot in everyone's good books.

His days are simple, tilling the soil with his parents and losing himself in ancient tomes beneath the old willow tree. Those dusty pages hold the tales of Huaxia's myths and immortal quests, and Yun dreams of walking those legendary paths.

But fate's a tricky beast. One ordinary autumn day, destiny dials up a notch.

After helping his folks with the harvest, Yun heads to his favorite spot, ready to dive back into his book. But a scurry of footsteps interrupts his reverie.

"Yun, Yun!" comes a voice, urgent and small.

It's Xiao Yue, the blacksmith's daughter, her pink dress fluttering as she hurtles toward him. She's a sprightly ten-year-old, often trailing Yun, eager for his stories.

"Hey, Xiao Yue, what's the rush?" Yun asks, a grin spreading across his face.

"Yun, it's Little Black! He's gone missing!" Xiao Yue pants, tears glistening.

Little Black, the blacksmith's pup, is Xiao Yue's closest pal. Hearing her distress, Yun sets his book aside, patting her head gently. "Don't worry, Xiao Yue. I'll help find Little Black."

Together, they scour the town, questioning folks and combing every nook and cranny. But as dusk creeps in, hope dwindles.

"Could he be… captured?" Xiao Yue's voice trembles.

Yun's heart races, but he puts on a brave face. "Nah, Xiao Yue. Little Black's smart. Probably just lost track of time. Let's keep looking."

And then, a glimmer catches Yun's eye, emanating from the eastern bamboo thicket. His gut churns, and he leads Xiao Yue deeper into the forest.

The glow grows brighter, leading them to a small clearing. And there, lying beside a luminous green stone etched with strange symbols, is Little Black. His fur flickers with an otherworldly light.

Yun's fingers brush the stone, and there, hanging from Little Black's neck, is a jade pendant—a fox, just like the statue from the shop.

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