
The Path to Becoming the Overlord of Goblins

Goburo has been reborn as a green and plump goblin, fortunate to have the aid of a system. Otherwise, how can he gradually grow to become the forest's ruler? How can he conquer powerful monsters one after another and ascend to the rank of Goblin Overlord?

sherly039 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 27:Don't you want to stay in the Ghost Clan's secret realm forever and never leave?

[With the influx of this black aura into your body, you can feel that the trace of ghost blood injected by the Nightingale has become even more ferocious. At the same time, your physical strength seems to have improved slightly.]

[The strength of this ghost wolf is only at the peak of the ordinary level, yet it can immediately bring such an enhancement to you. You are increasingly looking forward to what other ghost beasts can bring you in terms of improvement.]

[Later, as you continue to venture deeper into the secret realm, you encounter new ghost beasts, also ghost wolves. Their strength is not much different from the previous ones, but this time there are three of them. You easily kill them and extract three traces of ghost aura.]

[Feeling the increase in power, you suddenly think that maybe it would be more efficient to act alone instead of following the ghost tribe.

However, you remember that before entering, the Nightingale specifically instructed you that the most precious things in the ghost tribe secret realm are not the ghost beasts, but a treasure called the Ghost Pearl.]

[The quantity and quality of the ghost aura contained in the Ghost Pearl cannot be compared to the ghost beasts, and you were instructed to obtain as many Ghost Pearls as possible.]

[Because the ghost tribe is particularly sensitive to ghost aura, they would quickly discover the Ghost Pearls if you were with them.

However, they may not be able to defeat the guardian beasts around the Ghost Pearls. So, by following the ghost tribe, you can definitely obtain a considerable amount of Ghost Pearls.]

[You start hunting ghost beasts while searching for the ghost tribe. However, after a considerable amount of time passes, you haven't encountered a single member of the ghost tribe.

You realize that something is wrong.

The ghost tribe's secret technique should be very sensitive to the ghost blood in your veins, and they should have known your location long ago.

Yet, they haven't come to find you.

You realize that something must have happened to the ghost tribe, preventing them from reaching you.]

[But you think it is more likely that the ghost tribe simply does not want to accompany you.

After all, you have been attracting too much attention lately, even more remarkable than some of the talented individuals within the ghost tribe.

That's why they are unwilling to help you.]

[In the blink of an eye, a day has passed. During this day, you haven't encountered any members of the ghost tribe.

By now, you are certain that these ghost tribe members are intentionally isolating themselves from you.

However, you are not angry because not far ahead of you, suspended in mid-air, is a black pearl. Surrounding the pearl are three ghost tigers.]

[You can tell that these three ghost tigers have the strength of leader-level creatures, and their strength is about 30% stronger than normal demon beasts.

But it only poses a minor challenge for you. In fact, you are even excited because leader-level creatures definitely release more ghost aura than ordinary creatures.]

[Upon seeing you, the three ghost tigers immediately charge towards you from different directions, like three ghostly figures.

The tattoo of the malevolent spirit on your back suddenly opens its eyes, and simultaneously, layers of red patterns appear on your body.]

[Then, you grow an extra head and two extra arms on your body, becoming a dual-headed, four-armed form with a significant increase in all attributes.]

[This is the skill you obtained after transforming into an evil goblin, known as "Evil Spirit Enveloping."

During its usage, the damage you receive is doubled, but in return, all your other attributes are also doubled.

The three ghost tigers rush towards you, being elite-level creatures themselves. But you are on a higher level among the elite-level creatures.]

[With your left and right hands, you block two of the ghost tigers, while using your newly grown hands to catch the last one.

You easily handle the three of them, without being inferior in strength.

Using your immense power, you tear off a large piece of flesh from the tiger grasped by your two hands.]

[The severely injured tiger lets out a piercing scream, and you press it to the ground with one hand, while smashing its head with the other.

In no time, the tiger is reduced to a bloody mess. You have successfully killed a leader-level ghost beast with brute force alone.]

[The ghost aura of the ghost tiger instantly enters your body, enhancing your various attributes slightly.]

[Then, your now empty fists continuously strike the remaining two tigers, without using any weapons.

You kill the two tigers through sheer force alone. Once again, two streams of ghost aura merge into your body.

This whole scene is witnessed by the ghost tribe members who were attracted by the Ghost Pearls.]

[They can't believe their eyes as they witness you slaying these three ghost tigers.

They have battled with ghost beasts before and know how strong the ghost tigers are.

It's difficult for two or three of them to kill a single ghost tiger, but you easily kill three of them. These young members of the ghost tribe, who have not witnessed your abilities before, are instantly awestruck by your strength.]

[You give them a cold glance and walk over to take the Ghost Pearl.

As soon as you hold the pearl, you can feel the rich ghost aura contained within it.

With just one Ghost Pearl, you can break through from a leader-level to a chieftain-level creature.

However, you obviously won't do that.]

[You want to obtain as many Ghost Pearls as possible and then absorb multiple pearls at once, making yourself even more powerful during the breakthrough.

The surrounding ghost tribe members quickly gather around after seeing you obtain the Ghost Pearl, trying to invite you to join their group.]

[You reject their invitation.

In the moment you receive the Ghost Pearl, you realize that your sensitivity to ghost aura has become significantly stronger.

The Ghost Pearls seems to attract and resonate with each other.]

[Now, even without the help of the ghost tribe, you can find more Ghost Pearls on your own.

As for the opinions of the ghost tribe members towards you, you no longer care.

These guys didn't want you to join them before, but now that they see your strength, they want your help to improve efficiency. Things don't work that way.]

["Do you really not consider joining us, Goburo? Let me tell you, this is the order of Lady Nightingale. Are you going to defy Lady Nightingale's orders?"]

["Heh, bringing out Lady Nightingale now? What right do you guys have to mention Lady Nightingale? Why didn't you invite me earlier? Now that you see my strength, you want me to help you? A bunch of filthy jackals."]

["Goburo, let me tell you, this is the ghost tribe secret realm. It's normal for demon beasts to be trapped here and even for some talented demon beasts to fall inside and never be able to leave. Don't you want to be trapped in the ghost tribe secret realm forever?"]

[The leading member of the ghost tribe speaks, while the other ghost tribe members surround you.

You look coldly at these ghost tribe members and feel somewhat concerned.]

[It's not because you can't defeat them, but because over the years, during the secret realm assessment, even if there are casualties among the ghost tribe, there would only be a few.]

[Now, there are eleven ghost tribe members present.

If you were to kill all of them, it would undoubtedly lead to an investigation by the higher-ups.]

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