
The Path to Becoming the Overlord of Goblins

Goburo has been reborn as a green and plump goblin, fortunate to have the aid of a system. Otherwise, how can he gradually grow to become the forest's ruler? How can he conquer powerful monsters one after another and ascend to the rank of Goblin Overlord?

sherly039 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 21:Simulation ends, purchase Primordial Evolution

[Your giant sword sweeps away Eck's long sword, and you slash down his thigh, the sharp sword directly cutting off Eck's left leg. Just as he is about to cry out for help, your giant sword slams onto his chin, shattering it, and he faints from the intense pain.]

[You carry his body and run towards the outside. Just as you carry the body outside, you encounter a group of soldiers patrolling outside. With your immense strength, these soldiers can't even stop you for half a second, and you break through their encirclement.]

[You rush back to the Warcraft Forest with Eck. When you arrive at the Warcraft Forest, Eck is barely alive. Without saying anything, you use all imaginable punishments on him.]

[Four days later, Eck dies in extreme pain. During that time, Eck asks you countless times why you tortured him like that, but you don't give him any answer. You want him to die without understanding how he died.]

[After successfully killing Eck, you dive into the Warcraft Forest and continue to hunt powerful Warcraft creatures to enhance your strength.]

[In the 131st year, your strength reaches the pinnacle of a leader-level creature, but at this time, your body is aging and it's almost impossible to evolve through the original evolution. You can only evolve using conventional methods.]

[In the 153rd year, you successfully break through to become a Lord-level creature with a lifespan of five hundred years.]

[In the same year, the woman in silver armor you once met comes to the Warcraft Forest. You're surprised that she hasn't aged in a hundred years, but then she launches an attack on you.

Unexpectedly, with just one strike, she completely kills you. You die.

Simulation ends, comprehensive score: 8726.]

[From the perspective of a goblin, you have become a legendary existence. From the perspective of a time traveler, you are also a very successful one. From the collapse of the sky to becoming a Lord-level creature, with a little more luck, perhaps you could have reached the peak.]

[You can use your evaluation points to redeem the following items.

Option 1: Original Evolution, cost: 5000 evaluation points.

Option 2: Obtain complete memories of this life, cost: 1000 points.

Option 3: Obtain special skill Life Recall/Wounded into Battle, cost: 1500 evaluation points.

Option 4: Level up Combat Instinct lv.2/Deadly Strike lv.1, cost: 30 points, repeatable.

Option 5: Spend 200 evaluation points, evolve Strong Body lv. max into Iron Body lv.1.

Option 6: Spend 400 evaluation points, evolve Quick lv. max into Swift as Lightning lv.1.

Option 7: Level up Slow Regeneration, cost: 20 points, then spend 400 evaluation points to evolve into Regeneration.

Option 8: Obtain Rage Variation, cost: 10,000 evaluation points.]

Seeing these options that appeared, Goburo was quite surprised. He didn't expect that he could purchase the complete memories of this life.

Among these options, the Original Evolution and Memories are a must-have.

After all, the experience of one million five hundred and thirty years is no joke and would greatly benefit his future simulations. However, after purchasing these items, he would only have 2000 points left.

To be honest, he wanted both of those special skills, one for survival and the other for a chance to turn the tables in a desperate situation. After some thought, he quickly made his choice.

"System, I choose Original Evolution and the memories of this life, and I also want to purchase Life Recall, upgrade Combat Instinct and Deadly Strike to the maximum level, and obtain Iron Body and Swift as Lightning. The remaining points will be used to upgrade Slow Regeneration."

[The system rewards have been granted, Please check your attributes, and the remaining 16 evaluation points will be used for the next simulated talent selection.]

[Start evolution. After the Original Evolution, your attribute points will be 1.5 times that of a regular evolution, and you will receive 3-5 new skills.]


[Evolution complete, please check your attributes.]

[Start memory infusion.]

With the sound of the system prompt, Goburo felt a wave of dizziness and then fell asleep heavily. During his sleep, he had a long dream, which was his memories from the simulation.

When Goburo woke up again, the sky outside hadn't changed at all. Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, the rewards from the system didn't experience the passage of time like the outside world. Although he felt like a long time had passed, it was just an instant.

"Kaina, wait for me. I will find you again."

In this dream, he truly felt his love for Kaina. He wouldn't let her have that kind of ending in this life. At the same time, Goburo also felt a hint of fear towards the woman in silver armor.

That dream was too real. In the final moment of being slain, he keenly felt that even as a Lord-level creature, he had no means to resist in front of that woman.

At the same time, his appearance had undergone a tremendous change. He could see that the ground had noticeably gotten farther away, and his height had reached 2.5 meters.

Although he still had a proportional body, compared to a regular goblin, he had become much more coordinated.

Unlike a normal Big Goblin, whose body was just slightly larger than a regular goblin's, with a big belly a big head, and slightly thicker arms, Goburo's entire body was full of muscles, without any trace of fat.

Then, Goburo looked at his new attributes.

Name: Goburo

Race: Big Goblin

Template: Elite (After Original Evolution, attributes are 1.5 times that of regular evolution, and gain 3-5 new skills)

Level: 21/30 (0%)

Stamina: 63

Strength: 83

Agility: 63

Spirit: 65

Charisma: 5

Skills: Deadly Strike lv. max, Combat Instinct lv. max, Iron Body lv.1, Swift as Lightning lv.1, Regeneration lv.3, Focus lv.5, Hardened Skin lv.1, Impact Absorption lv.1, Counterattack lv.1, Block lv.1, Frenzy lv.1, Life Recall (Special Skill)

Talents: Devour, Azure Eyes, Monster Language, Medium Stomach, Great Strength

After taking a look at his attributes, Goburo was quite satisfied with his current state. Especially in the Charisma column, when he just crossed over, his charisma value was 0. No matter what, he used to be a handsome guy before the crossover, so he was quite satisfied with his charisma gradually recovering.