
The Path to Becoming the Overlord of Goblins

Goburo has been reborn as a green and plump goblin, fortunate to have the aid of a system. Otherwise, how can he gradually grow to become the forest's ruler? How can he conquer powerful monsters one after another and ascend to the rank of Goblin Overlord?

sherly039 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 15:Warcraft Tide (1)

On the other hand, in the Warcraft forest, as Goburo hunted the magical creatures, he also started planning for his future.

He knew that accumulating 3000 or even 5000 evaluation points in a single simulation was extremely difficult. It would take him a long time to reach that level of evaluation score.

Before that, he estimated that he would need to continuously improve his skill level.

However, he had made some progress in his current abilities.

In the upcoming simulations, he had to focus on prolonging his survival time. He could only live for a maximum of a few decades each time.

This was unacceptable.

He hadn't even lived to a natural death yet, and he wondered how many points he could earn for dying of old age.

By the way, he needed to find a wife if possible. In the past four simulations, he had died as a single individual.

He was a transmigrator, and this was simply unacceptable!

Clearly, this was not acceptable.

As he pondered this, the sky gradually darkened.

He had already killed twelve magical creatures, and among them, only two wild boars were relatively large.

The rest of the magical creatures were small in size, so Goburo didn't exert too much effort in dragging their corpses back.

As he returned, Goburo noticed that Gobura had already returned with the hunting team.

Thanks to what they learned from Goburo about teamwork, they had caught more prey than usual today. They had even managed to catch nine prey.

Although it was still a bit short compared to Goburo's twelve, it was quite good.

As for the trolls, although Goburo's hunting efficiency was still high, he was only one person after all, so he returned with four prey he had hunted himself.

After some thought, he decided to keep five smaller prey for himself, and the trolls could feast on the four prey he had caught. From today onwards, he would sustain himself.

The remaining food would be given to the goblins since they had never eaten their fill. So, Goburo planned to let them revel for a day and it wouldn't happen again in the future.

"You guys can eat this food." Goburo pointed to the pile of food in front of him.

Upon hearing Goburo's words, the goblins first paused, then rushed towards the food in a frenzy.

He had originally planned to teach them how to cook meat, but seeing their behavior, he decided to teach them tomorrow instead.

After taking out all twenty-five magic crystals, Goburo carried the five carcasses he intended to eat back to the cave.

The goblins showed no sign of gratitude for these gifts.

Goburo was not surprised by this. After all, nobody had taught them manners. However, he didn't immediately reprimand them.

Instead, he decided to let them be unruly for a day.

Starting from tomorrow, he would first teach Gobura and Goburi, then select eight goblins to teach them how to manage the tribe together.

After returning to the cave, Goburo quickly started skinning the monsters and cleaning off the blood.

Then he gathered some branches and started a fire, planning to have a barbecue for dinner.

Previously, he didn't have the means to do so, but now that he was the king of the tribe, he couldn't neglect himself anymore. He had to at least live like someone important.

The only difficult part was that he didn't have any iron tools, so he used his own claws to skin the monsters.

"Crackle, crackle!"

Listening to the sound of the burning branches, Goburo stared blankly at the roasting meat. Ever since he crossed over, he had been constantly striving to become stronger in order to survive.

There was hardly a moment of rest.

Now that he was alone and quiet, he finally had a sense of being transformed into a goblin.

Looking at his greenish skin, he took a deep breath but didn't have the courage to go to the lakeside and see how he looked now.

"Never mind, as long as my strength improves, there will be changes. If I can evolve into a greater goblin, it should be much better than now."

As he thought about it, the meat in his hand started to emit a faint meaty fragrance.

Since he didn't have any seasoning, he chose some wild fruits, ground them into jam, and brushed it onto the meat, hoping to add some flavor to the barbecue.

Before long, the aroma of the roasted meat wafted out of the cave. Goburo glanced toward the cave entrance and saw that it was already filled with goblins.

From the longing look in their eyes, it was clear that their goal was the handsome Goburo.

"Hmm, that must be it. These guys actually covet my beauty. It seems that I must be quite handsome."

To make it easier to cook, Goburo had previously cut the meat into small pieces, so it didn't take long to roast a large quantity of meat.

"Go back and train. If tomorrow's training and hunting results satisfy me, I might consider letting you have some of this meat."

As he spoke, Goburo put a slightly yellowed piece of roasted meat into his mouth. The crunching sound could be heard as he chewed, and the goblins outside crazily salivated, but none dared to rush forward and snatch it.

At the same time, they remembered what Goburo had said. As long as they did what Goburo instructed them to do, they would be able to eat that delicious-looking meat.

"I don't like people watching me eat," Goburo said coldly.

However, not a single goblin left. It was obvious that they didn't understand what Goburo meant. If he didn't like it, then he didn't like it. It had nothing to do with them.

In fact, they didn't even realize that Goburo was referring to them as the "people."

"Get out of here and go to sleep!" Goburo suddenly shouted.

This time, everyone understood.

They looked at the enraged Goburo and quickly rolled back into their own caves, quite literally rolling back.

And because Goburo had taken over the cave, to prevent it from exploding with goblin killings at night, he made the troll sleep outside until he dug a new cave.

After driving away the little brats, Goburo continued to roast the meat.

The meat coated with wild fruit jam had a unique taste. He thought it was quite good.

Once he found iron, he could get a pot or something and make a meat stew, which wouldn't be bad either.

Thinking this, he finished roasting all the remaining meat and immediately started the next simulation.

"In a peaceful death, this time I must have a peaceful death," he repeatedly suggested to himself.

[Simulation starts, consuming 100 mana crystals. Detected 9 remaining evaluation points from last time. Random talent acquired: Razor Claws. Your claws are sharper than those of ordinary goblins.]

[In the first year, you are the leader of the tribe, the most powerful goblin in the goblin tribe. Your strength has reached the bottleneck of ordinary creatures. To further progress, you must go out and hunt elite-level creatures.]

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