
3. Suspicions

We arrived at one of the sides of the dorm building. The sun was starting to set, and me, Shin, Fu, and Yuta were all eating some ramen. "You guys were too obvious." Yuta said out of the blue. He looked up at me and Fu. "You should have just chosen an actual random name. Like me for example. It's going to be easy to figure you out, considering this world is blessed." I thought about what he said, and realized he was right. A blessed world, a world gods and angels have decended upon, will have people who can easily figure out who we are.

"Speaking of, Yuta you were the last one to go to heaven. So I gotta know, what's the blessed world count right now?" I asked.

"I forget. It's not like I have been there recently, you guys just never go there." He stated, then continued to finish his ramen.

"Rai, you gonna eat that?" Shin asked, pointing to my ramen, which was starting to cool down. 'Forgot, hes the most ramen addicted out of all of us.' I thought while eating it in front of him. Shin turned his head away and looked towards Fu, who just finished his ramen. "What did you want to talk about?" Shin asked. Fu put down his noodle cup, with chopsticks in it, and looked at us. At this point we all knew why we had to use fake names and stuff. The energy bands we were given, have mind readers, since all the current yakshas are demons, and they have to keep an eye on us to make sure we don't do anything stupid. They also make it so the principle and the rest of the government can observe us. But Fu talked about something completely different from what I was expecting.

"It's about Yoshida." He said. The three of us - well two and a half I guess - had an expression change. Yuta was once again confused, I was surprised at the mention of Yoshida, and Shin was that half a person, who only raised his eyebrows. But out of him, thats the most surprised expression you will get. "I think, that Yoshida has an ulterior motive when she associates with us." I nodded my head, and Yuta looked like he was starting to understand, while Shin's face returned to its normal aloof expression. Then Fu started speaking again. "I think she is trying to.."


"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. HE CALLED US OUT THERE JUST TO SAY THAT. I WILL BEAT HIS ASS. AND DON'T THINK YOUR OKAY SHIN BECAUSE YOUR ALSO GONNA DIE RIGHT AFTER. IT IS YOUR FAULT TOO." I screamed once we got to our dorm room. Shin just casually flopped on to his bed and rolled over. 'I can't believe he called us out there just to voice his suspicions of Yoshida liking Shin.' I thought to myself as I sighed and hopped onto my own bed.

"Think about this in the long run. All of your guys' plans just went down the drain. If I get even one person's attention, then people will gossip. It has happened before remember. But that's not the point. Our classmates won't really pay much attention to you guys when it comes to the looks department, so they won't have a lot of faith in you. When that happens then.." Shin kept going but I tuned his voice out of my head. 'He is right though. He said he would try his best not to attract attention to himself, and The Yakshas made the plans off of this fact. This was actually a huge pillar for our plans, and Yoshida getting a good look at Shin will be bad, especially since Yoshida seems like the 'I want to be friends with everyone' type. That means she could end up telling everyone in the class about Shin's looks. Our plan was to attract attention to ourselves, that way we can safely get information with our popularity. Shin doesn't like attention, and since he can be practically invisible if he isn't the focus of attention, he could just go around and get information that we might not be able to get. But due to this we won't have that role. The Yakshas were put in Class E in order to get rid of the prejudice against it. During enterance exams, people a little peak at our strength, but to humans it probably looks strong. Meaning we already have attention, and if Shin starts to get attention, then we won't have anybody to fit that role. Our other options are the Dark and Light Yaksha, but I don't know who they are, and also they might have done the same thing. The Dark Yaksha is the smartest out of all of us, but even he might not have thought of this. Yoshida isn't the Light Yaksha, and thats a fact.' My thoughts went on and on, before I looked back at Shin, who was looking back at me, his amethyst eyes practically glowing in the light. 'DAMN IT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO' I ruffled my hair in frustration. 'I don't have concrete evidence that Yoshida is a demon, so I can't report her as one. And if she is an Angel or Goddess, she has higher standing than us. She can kick us out of school if she is an Angel or Goddess. The three of us had our suspicions about her from the beginning, but this is gonna be a long three years if can kick us out. It limits what we can do.' None of the Yakshas and Shin believe in coincidences but was it really an accident. 'No, that's not possible.' I thought back to what she said when she first met the three of us.

"You guys don't seem to be confused." I voiced out loud. Shin just laid down and was trying to sleep so I didn't ask him for any help. 'Wait a minute. We all mimicked the students expressions. We didn't want to stand out too much so we decided to mimick them. Even Shin had a slightly lost expression on. We were as confused as everyone else, yet she said we don't seem to be confused. I didn't feel any sort of demonic or angelic energy, so she could either be really good at concealing it, or she is allied with a demon or angel.' I sighed when I had this thought. 'This is tiring.' It was 10:00 pm, and I wanted to actually rest for once in my life so I decided to shower, and hit the bed. 'Hopefuly we can figure this out tomorrow.' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.


The next day, Shin was waking me up. My eyes slowly opened to see the same guy wearing a shirt and shorts, while shaking me awake. The shirt revealed his many tatoos on his body. 'I almost forgot about that.' I thought, while staring at the markings on his skin. I sat up and Shin finally stopped shaking me. We went to the bathroom to brush our teeth, then put on our uniforms. The first years had red jackets, the second years had blue ones, and the third years had black jackets.

"By the way, Fu said to keep an eye on Yoshida, but be careful while doing so because she might find out. He also told me to keep an eye on her." Shin said after packing his bag. 'So Fu is being really wary of Yoshida. Usually it would either be The Yakshas, or Shin himself. But it depends on whether she is going to shut down our plans by popularizing Shin. That would be troublesome.'