
The path of fate

Amelia a young woman living a quiet life, suddenly finds herself thrust into a world of mystery and intrigue when she receives a dangerous request from her dad to marry a stranger. not knowing that he is a cold-hearted Mafia boss who doesn't care about anyone. Luca a dangerous mafia boss and CEO of a successful company doesn't care about anyone After a terrible accident that happened that took away the life of his parents and only sister, he became a mysterious and dangerous devil. He thrust at full speed, making the bed below grunt "uh-huh! he shouted "enjoy it sweetie" he snarled seductively "or else he whispered frowning tracing a straight line across my throat-otherwise meaning or your dead. this novel involves lots of sex scene if you are not comfortable please skip.

Patrick_Perpetual · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Jack was shocked. "But what if the man is dangerous? What if he's not trying to help your father?

Amelia's eyes widened in horror, "you think that's possible? She asked.

Jack hesitated not wanting to alarm her further, but feeling like he had to be honest. "I think it's a possibility" he said.

"But there's also a chance that this person really does want to help your father, he added "we don't have enough information about this man, the important thing is that you're careful and don't put yourself in any danger ".

Amelia nooded, then recounted her conversation with her father in details, as she spoke, Jack's face grew more and more concerned. "This is alot to take in, he said

Wben she was finished "but I think we need to be very careful about what you do next . I don't want you to put yourself in any danger.

Jack paused, then continued, "we have to try and find out more about this man before you agree to anything, especially the name. Can you me if your father mentioned a new or gave you any details about him?

Amelia shook her head, "he didn't say anything about the person, she said. "He just told me to trust him and that everything would be okay"

"But you don't trust him, or do you? Jack asked gently. "Not completely, at least.

Amelia bit her lip "No" she admitted "I don't completely trust him" she paused then look at jack, her eyes filled with worry, "I'm scared Jack, she said her voice breaking, "I don't know what to do".

Jack reached out and took her hand, "it's okay to be scared, he said. "this is a tough situation and it's understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed. But we'll figure this out together ".

Amelia let out a shaky breath, grateful for his support, "thank you " she said "I don't know what I'd do without you".