
The Path of Emperors

The Qi of the world is in turmoil, a golden generation is brewing. Countless heavenly geniuses and fairy's are born, generations have passed since a sole Emperor ruled, will there ever be someone who can restore peace in this world? With the existence of multiple Emperors that could sunder the earth, flip the heavens and manipulate the man, peace has been long been since a thing of the past. Wars are waged over resources. Vanity and Greed are everywhere. But the heavens had enough, it is time to propose a new man—a ruler—that would bring peace to the earth. A brand new age, shining swords flying everywhere and rare elements being willed by cultivators, heavenly-defying pills being consumed and robust ancient formations being built are a common sight to see. Even mortal sects are more affected by the absence of peace and the rising new generation. The Cryptic Sword Hall's sect master in particular is betrayed, abandoned, and out for vengeance. His sect that he built with his own hands, destroyed by those he calls his own friends and allies. Bitterly escaping the clutches of his enemies, he narrowly escaped death and in his last breath filled with the desire to cut, a simple but beautiful iron sword descended and stabbed his chest.

benadiction · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


As the sun rises in the east and the first rays of light peek through the window, the sounds of rustling leaves of trees can be heard in the distance. The room is serene except for the soft melody of the wind coming from the windows.

Long Wuxian slowly opened his eyes and as he took in his surroundings, he realized that he was in a very unfamiliar environment.

Though unfamiliar, he never felt so rejuvenated and relaxed in all his life.

He stretched his arms and legs, as if part of his everyday routine.

Walking out of his room, he realized that he was in a large courtyard. Long Wuxian peaked through one of the windows and he realized that he was currently residing on a mountain peak.

Master must've brought me here. He thought.

Glancing around, he couldn't see his master. Not even in one of the rooms.


Flinching, he heard a sword slash outside of the courtyard. Long Wuxian then tried calling his master, "Master?"

Hearing no reply, he walked out of the courtyard and headed outside.

Outside, what he saw was locks that shimmer in silver light, her blue eyes sparkling the night. Even her very presence soothes and makes people calm, if not for the deadly strikes that she is delivering with her swords.

Performing a sword dance, it was sharp and precise. Twirling the swords above her head, weaving it in and out of each other, or even jumping over it. She looked transcendent, a fairy that fell from the heavens.

"Pretty..." he couldn't help but blurt out, Never having ever seen such timeless beauty.

The woman abruptly stopped and before Long Wuxian could react, a sword in his eyes and piercing blue eyes are the only thing that he could see in his eyes.

"If you don't explain why you are here, and who you are in three seconds, I will pluck out that lecherous eyes of yours" her cold and grating voice matches her appearance well. he thought.

But he couldn't really say that, so he raised his arms and said, "I'm Long Wuxian, disciple of Master Tou Jing.."

"Bullshit!" she said before Long Wuxian could even finish. She eyed his appearance, her gaze couldn't help but feel complicated and her grip to her sword became stronger, "Master said she wouldn't take any disciples anymore, especially because of..."

"Enough" a voice intervened, Long Wuxian looked at the origin of the voice and he couldn't help but gasp at how handsome this man was.

"Junior sister, master already told me everything." as he continued to eye the woman, she gritted her teeth then let go of her sword freeing Long Wuxian.

"Sorry I couldn't arrive sooner, we could have avoided this unpleasant display, junior sister." The man so handsome that he exudes effortless grace and charm said.

His chiseled features and strong masculine frame rivals that of Immortals of the legends that every inch of him screams of perfection.

Seeing his new junior brother dazed, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks burning a bit and woke him up from his stupor clapping his hands, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Shangdi your Second Senior Brother." he then eyed the woman, and introduced her. "And she is..."

"Zhou Nuxing." Cutting off Li Shangdi, she threw her sword made it float then stepping on it and flying away indifferently.

Li Shangdi smiled wryly looking at the departing figure, he then looked at Long Wuxian saying, "Don't worry, when you meet your brothers and sisters they will be cold to you at first but they are all nice people."

He then glanced at his appearance and couldn't help but feel a chill. He threw him a mirror and said, "You just looked so much alike someone they knew and hate, here take a look at yourself and if you have any questions I will be meditating at the courtyard."

Long Wuxian, saw a smoke engulf Li Shangdi and after it went away he was already gone.

He felt completely confused about their strange gazes, and even though he looked handsome compared to mortals, he wasn't that uncommon either.

Long Wuxia held and lifted the mirror pointing it to his face, he was flabbergasted.

"Who are you!?" he shouted while groping his face and stretching his cheeks.

The man in the mirror is not even close to looking like him, the only thing that remained of his appearance was the brows that he inherited on his father.

Long Wuxian's hair is no longer dark brown, rather it was as black as coal. His eyes are much more different turning on a hue that gleams like that of violet dye. The way his face and body turned delicate and defined, like that of a sword. Skin like that of porcelain, the muscles turning toned and slender.

Is this how my mother looked? A sudden thought appeared in his mind.

Long Wuxian then glanced and walked at the courtyard in a distracted manner, never in his life has he seen his mother so he is clueless.

No paintings, recordings or even things that his mom might have left for him.

It was just like he gave birth to him and disappeared in the world, never to be seen again.

And before he knew it he was already standing in front of Li Shangdi meditating.

Li Shangdi opened his eyes and smiled, "Junior brother, master said that the reason your appearance changed so much is that your blood awakened, overpowering the genes of your other parent." He paused then continued, "As for what the abilities are, master said to me that she will explain it to you."

A bloodline?!

Long Wuxian was shocked so he asked immediately, "Senior brother, isn't that just from the legends?" he was trembling from shock and elation.

"Yes and no. Master informed me of your origins so you probably though of it as a legends, but it is true. There are few individuals who are lucky enough to be born in such families who bare such bloodlines." pausing, he faced the window and said reminiscing, "Well, I am one of those lucky individuals..."

Long Wuxian felt Li Shangdi's good mood reduce so he did not ask information about him.

Li Shangdi woke up from his stupor and smiled at Long Wuxian then said, "Well if you have any more questions that you are worried about, you can ask away."

"Well, here is the thing. Senior brother said that master informed me of my origins, what does that mean?"

"This is not your region anymore, you came from the most eastern part of eastern continent and you are no longer there." he paused then continued while spreading one of his arms wide, "This is the central continent, the holy continent of cultivation."

"Continent..?" he said in a confused manner.

"Yes there are six continents but that is not that important, but as for where you are in the central continent." his gaze sharpened and tone change with full of pride, "You are now a the disciple of the strongest entity in the world, and is also the Grand Elder of the world's number one sect, The Heavens Equal Sect."

So master was might not really be lying. he thought

Li Shangdi put on a grin and said, "Heh, master told me that you did not trust her for being the strongest entity under the heavens. Don't worry we were all skeptical also at first but she will show you."

Long Wuxian blushed, he did not realize that his thoughts were seen through by his master. He also can't help it, would you believe a random suspicious woman with a veil that wants to take you as a disciple?

Long Wuxian asked another question and trying to change the subject, "Senior brother, you said you were the second senior brother, how many are we brothers and sisters here?"

Li Shangdi put on a pondering expression and said, "Well there is me, and there is also Zhou Nuxing she is your sixth senior sister."

Long Wuxian curiously waited for Li Shangdi to say more, Li Shangdi was put on a though position so he just said, "I will just introduce you their order from the lowest, there is Nuxing then there is your fifth brother Qi Gai he will be joining you on lessons from master with Zhou Nuxing. Your fourth brother is Bi Heping, he is the kindest out there. Third Sister's name is Gu Chenxi, she is pretty fierce and straightforward so be careful around her. There is me and lastly Eldest senior sister." he stopped.

"Who is eldest senior sister?" Long Wuxian said curiously and eagerly.

Li Shangdi seem hesitant to tell Long Wuxian, "Well..."

Let it be. Li Shangdi heared a heavenly voice coming from his mind sea.

Taking a deep breath, he sighed and looked at a decrepit lone tree on the courtyard, "Well if I am honest, she looked so much a like you." pausing he sighed again to look at Long Wuxian, "I would not be surprised if master said that you were her son, but she already checked and you weren't"

Long Wuxian heart dropped, he never thought that he will be distraught about this topic.

Not noticing Long Wuxian's mood he continued, "She was charismatic, strong and probably had the chance to overthrow master's position as the strongest entity, her name is Long Xian'er" seeing Long Wuxian's shocked appearance, he continued with a grin, "Her name meant fairy dragon, that much of her name explains more than enough."

Li Shangdi stood up, then fixed his robes while saying, "Junior brother, master said that he will meet you at the back of the courtyard. She is just there in front of a grave paying respects." heading out, he left just like earlier.

Long Wuxian's mood is a mess, he took a deep breathe trying to relax his nerves. The tiny hope of that his Eldest sister is his mother vanished.

He was a little sullen, but shook it off. Long Wuxian then headed out the courtyard to the back.

He arrived and despite it being a grave, a suppose feeling of death and loss, it felt rather comforting and peaceful.

Glancing around there he saw a veiled woman with hair that reaches through her feet standing in front of a gravestone, his master Tou Jingxia.

"You're here." she said.

"Despite death being a natural part of life" She paused then asked," Why do cultivators struggle to be unrivaled and immortal?" Tou Jingxia said randomly.

Tou Jingxia sat on the ground and gestured for Long Wuxian to sit, "It always bothers me, I never felt happy being the strongest and thinking about my eventual death never bothers me."

Long Wuxian was just there silent and listening to his master.

"I wish I could have had an answer sooner so that I could have been stronger." Tou Jingxia said while forcing a smile. She then looked solemnly towards Long Wuxian and said seriously, "Here is your first task as my disciple, why do you want to live forever and become unrivaled?"

Long Wuxian heart starts to beat fast. He never thought his master saw through his ambitions.

"Your eyes and conviction on your sword intent gave it out." She explained.

Shocked, Long Wuxian just sat there dumbfounded.

He always has this thought but he never thought why, it was ingrained to him by his father that he had to be.

So he just did but that should have not been enough for the effort that he put in.

Tou Jingxia smiled, "I'll give you a day to think about it, try to give me a satisfactory answer and I will tell you about what I know about your identity."


Long Wuxian looked at the spot where his master is, but she already left like a ghost.

Looking up, he saw endless clouds of the heavens and pondered why.