
Ten Years

'The world penitentiary.' Those words resounded through Jake's head over and over again. He had heard about it but he never would have thought he would end up inside it, a prisoner no less.

It was not visible on his face but he was smiling on the inside. 'I think I just set a world record as the youngest person to be put in the world penitentiary. They didn't even have some leniency on a kid like me.'

"As you might already know," Commander Lucy continued, "the world penitentiary is in the Thradon district. So is the world council. They decided this is where you belong and you were sentenced to ten years."

'Ten years?! They sentenced me to stay here for ten years?! They're lucky I'm in here. Stupid world council. I would have killed all of them if I wasn't in here. I'm not even sure I can break out of here if I use my energy.'

'Surely Anna can't let me stay in here. She has to do something. She must do something.'

"Just so you know, I think you do belong in here." Commander Lucy said. "Uncontrolled magic like yours needs to be restricted. And what better way to do that than to lock you in here? Maybe you will have learnt a thing or to about responsibility in ten years."

After saying all she had to say, Commander Lucy walked away, the same way she came.

'So she came here to gloat. The aging bitch. I can't stay here for ten years. There's only one thing left to do.'


On Repol, the three suns continued burning as harsh and as bright as ever. The planet was still in desolation, not an iota of life apart from the main inhabitants of the planet – The Werts.

The structures on the planet seemed to have had major improvements done to them. They no longer looked like they were handmade. It appeared to be a combination of different building styles of humans.

The buildings on Repol had dome-like attributes, the use of bricks for construction, and multiplex buildings.

Sitting in one of the buildings that was by far the grandest when compared to the others on Repol, was none other than Nishon.

He lay straight and composed on the rocky bed in the house, his eyes wide open, attentively listening for nothing in particular with his eight muscular tails sprawled across the ground.

Hearing someone push open the entrance doors, Nishon slowly sat up and looked at the person that was here to pull him away from his thoughts.

"Diablo." Nishon said as he saw the wert that had come in.

He had seven tails, just like Jardon, with two spiraling long red horns on both sides of his head and fire could be seen burning inside his body through his scales. In between the red horns, slightly above his head, a flame burnt strongly and idly. His eyes were pure black and smoke came out from his nose as he breathed.

"What do you want?" Nishon asked.

"I do not mean to intrude, but there is something you need to hear about." Diablo said in his deep and harsh voice.

"What is it?" Nishon said, getting down from the bed and walking towards Diablo.

"Our bases on the human planet Soran, are no more." Diablo said.

"Are no more? How is that possible?" Nishon asked. "I did not get any reports of the human forces pulling back in some places. I thought they were already spread thin."

"You are right, but I was told that the one responsible for the destruction of the bases is one human."

"One human destroyed the two wert bases?" Nishon asked, knowing it was not possible for a single human to destroy a wert base, talk less about two.

"No." Diablo answered. "The first base was destroyed by the human army. The second base attacked the humans and a human was able to kill most of them, before he singlehandedly killed one of the five-tailed werts that was in charge of the base."

"That is not an issue." Nishon said. "There are lots of other five-tailed werts. I fail to see any problem apart from the loss of our two bases."

"The human who killed the five-tailed wert was a boy. No more than eighteen in human years." Diablo explained.

"A boy? Then he is not a soldier. Not part of the human army."

"Yes." Diablo said.

"A child should not be capable of killing a five-tailed wert. Are you absolutely certain of what you are saying to me?"

"Yes Nishon." Diablo replied.

After pondering over the situation, Nishon breathed out and sat down on the bed once again.

"Leave. I know what needs to be done. I will be out to give orders in a short while." Nishon said.

When Diablo left, Nishon still remained sitting on the bed, gazing into thin air, clearly occupied by his thoughts.

'What kind of human child has the strength and magic to not only go toe to toe, but to kill a five-tailed wert? The five-tailed werts are not by any chance weak and apparently neither is that child. It seems it is time we dealt a huge blow to those annoying humans.'

Right outside the door, Diablo had stopped and had been watching Nishon think the situation through in order to come up with a solution.

'I will not take orders from you much longer.' he thought as he began to walk away and leave. 'I can feel my power rising. Soon, I will be your equal. Or your superior.'