
The passion of hate

Yashica · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The passion of hate

The Passion of Hate

Kealan Kingdom, Royal Palace

The court ladies carefully styled her black hair as Valerie sat with her eyes closed. Although she looked calm and peaceful, the young lady was very annoyed. She dreaded going to this Gala today but it was tradition that every year, the three nations would come together to celebrate their peace. It wasn't the event so much that she hated, rather it was someone.

"Your Highness, we will put the jewelry on now". Valerie nodded and felt them place the silver earrings as well as her head piece. She felt her head being weighed down and a small sigh escaped her lips. "Is that all?", Valerie asked and opened her black eyes, they nodded. She faintly smiled and stood up, "Good, I can't wait to get them off".

Valerie started heading for the door and was about to turn the handle. "Where are you going?", One lady asked and she cleared her throat. Valerie knew that the palace people were keeping a close eye on her, not wanting her to slip away. Last year she managed to miss the Gala and because of that were on high alert. "Just out, one of you may follow me if you would like".

"Yes, I will. Please wait a moment". The princess instantly was out of the door and hurrying down the hallway. She could hear the court ladies shouting and calling for her. But Valerie ignored them, if she didn't take this opportunity to run. She would definitely be attending that event. All Valerie needed to do now was head into the garden. There was a hidden door that led to an isolated area, over the past week she had been leaving things there for today. She made sure to avoid the palace people and took calculated turns, everyone was bustling about and hurrying to prepare for tonight.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the entrance to the garden. But her excitement died down when someone had grabbed her arm, "Up to no good again, Valerie".

She slowly turned to the person with a smile, "Nothing wrong with going for a walk, right brother". He stared down at her with a serious look, Valerie's smile didn't falter. "Trying to escape this event will do you no good". A frown settled on her face and she asked, "What do you mean by that?"

He released her and crossed his arms, "You got away last year because I let you. You're not the only one who has tried to hide". Valerie stayed quiet and shifted her gaze away.

"You should stop running away from your responsibilities and being childish. Valerie, you're 20 now", Her brother said with a stern tone.

"I'm not running away. I am just living a little".

The look on his face told her that he was not impressed by the response. "The other nations will be coming now. Greet them and behave". She nodded and waved a hand, her court lady was waiting for her. Valerie quickly glared at her brother before leaving. He watched as she went and wondered what he was going to do with her. She never listened to any authoritative figure and tended to be more of the rebellious side. Valerie was quite a handful.

She waited in the main room. The tables had been set and the lighting was more on the dimmer side. Her parents walked in and asked if everything was going well, their eyes drifted to her.

"Good to have you attend this year", Her father smiled but she knew that he was still upset about last year. Valerie was harshly scolded and was grounded for a month, which was a terrible experience but worth it. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world!", She lightly chuckled. Valerie could hear the guards yelling at one another which meant the guests had arrived.

"Let us greet them, come Valerie". She wanted to roll her eyes but stopped herself and simply nodded. Her parents led the way, walking straight and with elegance. The doors opened and revealed the family members and officials from the other nations, Valerie and her parents smiled, welcoming them into their home. She remembered some faces, as punishment for not attending last year besides being grounded. Valerie also had to memorize the family's and important people.

"Now entering the Kano Royal Family!". She grumbled at that name. The king and queen along with their children walked up the stairs. Valerie pressed her lips together as a familiar face appeared. Prince Felix, the oldest child of the Kano family. His blond hair and deep blue eyes gave him a striking appearance. His eyes had a mischievous glint as he got her stare. She hated that look and wanted to smack it off his face.

"Have you been well?", Her mother asked and the Kano queen gently smiled. "Yes, I have been doing well. Thank you for inviting us".

"No need to thank us, it's a pleasure to have you". Valerie wondered why they did this every time, it was obvious that they were here to celebrate peace, they had to invite the Kano Family. Felix's father nudged him and gestured to Valerie, he cleared his throat.

"You look... lovely tonight, Princess Valerie", He cringed at his own words but managed to keep a smile. "You don't look too bad yourself", She replied and there was some tension between them. "We will see each other inside. Valerie, why don't you go with them".

"Yes, mother". Valerie followed the Kano family inside. She would occasionally glance at them and couldn't help but feel awkward. "Princess Valerie, we missed you at last year's event. Did something happen?"

"Uh, I was feeling a bit unwell that day. I apologize for not coming", She lied straight through her teeth. Felix let out a small chuckle, knowing that wasn't the truth. Valerie looked at him with a raised brow. He remained silent and ignored her stare. The sight of her brother caught her eye and she turned to the Kano family. "I will be taking my leave, I need to talk to my brother". She quickly left and made a beeline for him, letting out a sigh of relief.

"So you decided to show up", He looked at the Kano family, "No trouble has happened between you two yet?".

"Not yet". Her brother sighed and shook his head, "Can't you try to get along. Isn't it tiring to argue all the time".

Valerie shrugged, "It is not entirely my fault. He is the one that normally starts the argument". That was partially true, Felix was the one who started heated conversations. She may or may not fuel the fire. "At least try to get along this time and not cause any trouble".

"No promises but I can try. Don't place the blame on me if it does not work out well", She crossed her arms. Valerie would attempt to have a civil conversation with Felix for the sake of her brother. He was the only one who could convince her to do this. "I expect good things", Her brother grinned and patted her shoulder.

"I said no promises! Besides it's almost time for dinner, I won't be able to talk to him".

"Unless I put you together", He said with an amused smile and wiggled his eyebrows. Valerie lightly smacked him and whispered, "Don't force it!". She huffed and he laughed as she hurried to her seat. Valerie sat down and sighed as everyone else did the same. Her gaze drifted over to where Felix was and they locked eyes. There was a mischievous glint in his blue eyes and he placed his elbow onto the table, slowly waving at her. She knew that look didn't have any good intentions. Valerie glanced around before glaring at him, he rested his head onto his hand before winking. She recoiled and shivered in disgust, knowing he did that just to get a reaction out of her.

"We want to thank you for coming to the Kealan Empire, I hope your travels went well. As you know, we are here to celebrate the alliance between our nations for 100 years", Her father's voice filled the area and everyone's attention was on him. "Let us enjoy this celebration and continue our friendship!".

Clapping and cheering erupted from the people before taking a sip from their cups. Soon the sounds of celebration turned into chatting and laughing. Valerie sat in her seat, quietly cutting into the meat before taking a bite. The rest of her family were already conversing with other people. She carefully watched them, they were busy and distracted. This was the perfect time to slip away. Valerie placed down her utensils and wiped her mouth before slowing getting up. She casually began to walk towards the door, trying not to attract any attention to herself. Surprisingly, no one even noticed that she was gone but that was a good thing. Valerie could finally breathe, she wasn't fan of being in such crowds or these events.

She turned the corner and saw the garden which was illuminated by the moonlight, making it look like it was enchanted. Valerie stopped in her tracks at the sound of fast approaching footsteps, she curiously turned around. A shadowy figure was running toward her. She squinted her eyes to get a better look. The person stopped and pointed, "I caught you red handed".

Valerie immediately recognized the voice, "Great, it's you Felix".

"Hiding somewhere?", He asked and stepped into the moonlight and grin plastered on his face. "Running from someone?". He chuckled and gesture between them, "I guess we are both running away". She stared at him with suspicion as he glanced over his shoulder.

It was weird to see him running from something. "Didn't take you for a coward, oh great Prince Felix".

He clenched his jaw and turned to her, "I'm not a coward, I'm just buying myself time. I'm curious where you hid last time".

"If you think I would tell you, then think again". Felix figured she would say that. He was about to open his mouth but was cut off by another, "Prince Felix!". He panicked at that voice and took a step forward, tilting his head up.

"Fine, I will alert a guard about your whereabouts". An audible gasp left her lips and she scowled, "Two can play this game. It seems like the person you are running from is closer than a guard. I can lead them right here, you are not in the position to make threats".

He gritted his teeth together and narrowed his eyes, "Do you want to test that out?". Valerie stood her ground and smiled, "Do you?". Both stared at one another, waiting for what move they would do next. A couple seconds passed and no one said anything, so Valerie decided to make the first move.

She cupped her hands around her mouth and pretended to be surprised, "Oh my! Is that you? Prince Felix?!". His eyes widened and he quickly pushed her hands away before covering her mouth with a hand. She glared at him and he threw them against the wall, trying to stay out of sight.

Felix didn't think she would actually go through with it but since Valerie did. He was going to get payback. "You said two can play this game, right?". She frowned but soon understood what he meant. Once Felix saw her expression of realization, he opened his mouth.

"You wouldn't-"

"Princess Valerie! What are you doing so far away from the main event!?". His voice echoed and they both knew someone heard that. He smirked and leaned toward her ear, "Oh no, what shall we do? Should we get caught or should we hide? The choice is yours". She gave him a death stare and he raised his brows, waiting for her answer.

Valerie debated whether she should let someone find them or take this opportunity to run. As much as she wanted to see him get caught and be scolded by his parents, Valerie would be in the same situation. All her efforts would go to waste.

"So, what is it?", He asked with his infamous scheming smirk. She rolled her eyes and slightly pushed him off, "Just keep up". Valerie took off, not giving him a second to catch up. She ran through the stone paths that were surrounded by blooming flowers, Felix was trailing behind. Valerie continued through and made multiple fast turns, he almost lost her a couple times.

"Are you trying to lose me?", He breathed out. She didn't answer and was focused on finding the hidden door. Valerie suddenly stopped and Felix bumped right into her. Confusion flashed across his face and he whispered, "So, you are trying to get caught!".

She gave him an annoyed look, "Have patience, stop jumping to conclusions". Valerie pushed some flowers away and opened a small door. Felix peered over her shoulder in interest, "You weren't lying".

Valerie ducked under and stepped aside to let him in. She shut the door. "When did this exist-". Her hand clamped over his mouth. The guards footsteps were nearby and she could hear the sound of their metal boots. They quickly passed and Valerie removed her hand. Felix glanced around, taking in his surroundings. It was a small area with a pond in the middle and a couple of trees along with bright flowers. Nonetheless it was a sight to see, his eyes shifted to Valerie. She was searching through a bag, he curiously walked to her.

"Did you steal these?", Felix grabbed a wine bottle, "I never took you for a drinker".

"I'm not. It's non-alcoholic". He read the label and it was true, "Aw, where is the fun in that". Prince Felix popped the bottle opened and Valerie snatched it from him, pouring herself a glass. "Do you have another glass?". Her expression said it all and he took hold of the bottle.

"Fine, I can work around that". Felix gulped the liquid before letting out a satisfied sigh. She stared at him with a displeased look and sat on the ground, kicking out her legs. He joined her and scanned her face. "You look miserable. Ruining the whole atmosphere if you ask me. Last year's Gala seemed brighter".

"I tried not to come, sorry to disappoint. Maybe you have to wait for next year". He laughed at her response. She sipped her drink and glared at him, "My hatred for you grew in a few seconds despite me not seeing you for over a year".

"Feeling is mutual".

"How did you find me?", She asked. He leaned back and smiled, "Noticed you leaving and decided to follow".

"That's not the entire truth, you were running from someone. More specifically a girl", She saw his smile drop and continued, "Could it be a past lover you wronged? Or a current lover?".

He ran a hand through his blond hair, messing up the style. Felix clicked his tongue and muttered, "Fiancé to be exact". Valerie was surprised, she didn't expect him to be getting married soon or be running away from her. She burst out into laughter as Felix glared. Valerie found it amusing that he was running, he always held himself with such pride. Often claiming that he wasn't scared of anything and was always up for the challenge. Felix being like this was very rare but funny.

He groaned, "What is so funny?".

"You being in this situation is pretty funny. Though I guess we are the same". Felix's brows scrunched together, not quite understanding what she meant. "Same situation...?", He thought about it for a moment and took a wild guess.

"Are you getting married...". Her silence and change of expression told him that he was correct. "Who is it? Don't tell me it's that general's son?".

"No, it's the prince of Xidon", She softly mumbled and finished her drink. That name sounded familiar to him and Felix let out a gasp. "Xidon! Why Xidon? Isn't that an enemy country?".

She poured herself another glass, nodding. "Tensions have been high with them and they are hoping that this will calm the situation down. They also have coal mines that would benefit us. I'm going to be a pawn for the Kealan Kingdom". Felix watched how her expression became sad but as Valerie eyes flickered to his, she quickly covered her emotions. He sighed and took the bottle from her, "Let's drink our sorrow away then!".

"Like we can". She reminded him about the non-alcoholic label. He laughed, "Let's just pretend it is". Valerie rolled her eyes and rested her head against her knees, "Who are you marrying then?". Felix paused his movements, the bottle just touching his lips. He grumbled a bit before answering, "Some noble family's daughter. They proposed marriage and my parents deemed it a good thing".

"Sounds tough".

"She is a bit over the top at times. Recently she has been... very straightforward with her advances and is pusy". He narrowed his eyes, expressing his dislike for her. Valerie nodded in understanding and was surprised by how his expression turned sour. "When she is queen, do you think she will try to knock me down a peg?"

"I'd like to see her try".

Silence fell upon them, their conversation settling in. They both didn't want to take part in their marriages but it wasn't like they had a say when it came to these matters. If it benefited their nations then it was okay. Sometimes, he wished that he didn't live as a royal. Although their lives were filled with luxury and wealth, it was sometimes suffocating with the responsibilities they had.

"I honestly would marry anyone else, if given the chance", Felix said out of nowhere. Valerie stared at his saddened face, feeling sympathetic considering that they were both in the same situation. She didn't know what came over her but her mouth seemed to have a mind of it's own.

"Marry me then."