
The Parasites City : Evolution Begins

In a world where science has advanced to unimaginable heights, the Oncothoraxin Savrocyte was a groundbreaking medical achievement. But when it falls into the wrong hands, turning into a weapon of destruction, chaos ensues. Mark, a young student with lost memories, uncovers the truth behind the organization, his mother's death, and the city's infestation with Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms. With the parasites threatening his mind, Mark sets out on a perilous quest with trusted allies to expose the conspiracy and seek justice. Along the way, he unravels his mother's secret, challenging everything he thought he knew. Will Mark survive the treacherous journey and thwart the organization's sinister plans, or become a pawn in their game?

Khian_Knight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


"Could you please tell me your name and your age?" asked the soldier sitting behind the front desk.

"I'm Fernando Morty, and I'm 98 years old," Fernando replied.

The soldier continued with his inquiry, "And who are your companions, and where do you all live?"

"These are my companions," Fernando replied, gesturing towards his family. "This is my wife, Lydia Morty, who is 82 years old. These two little girls are my granddaughters, Cynthia and Cyndei. We all live in Midhills village."

The soldier quickly jotted down their information in his logbook, carefully examining their identification papers before nodding in satisfaction. "Thank you for your cooperation," he said, "you can proceed to the waiting area and A bus will arrive shortly to transport you to the residential area."

Jhohan introduced herself, "I'm Jhohan Cruze, and I'm a scientist."

The soldier requested an ID to confirm her claim. Jhohan hesitated and replied, "I'm sorry, I can't provide you with an identification."

Just then, Captain Bron interrupted and the soldier immediately gave him a salute.

Captain Bron said, "She is a scientist, and this is Mark. They are my companions, and don't put them on the list of survivors. They are part of the rescue team."

The soldier acknowledged, "Copy, sir!" and allowed them to proceed.

Mark and Jhohan followed Captain Bron as he led them through the winding corridors of the facility. Two soldiers guarded the entrance give him a salute and let them entered, They passed by several labs, where scientists were examining the creatures that had been brought in from the outside.

As they continued walking , Captain open the door revealing the Large room, they suddenly heard a loud noise overhead. Looking up, they saw a helicopter hovering just above them, its powerful blades creating a gust of wind that made their hair fly everywhere. Captain Bron explained "This is where we receive the creatures," he explained. "They are then transported to the labs for examination and study."

Mark watched in awe as the helicopter lowered a large crate containing a creature. They could see the creature's silhouette through the metal mesh of the crate after the soldiers removed the cover, and its roars and screams echoed through the room.

A man approached them, dressed in a sharp and pristine uniform adorned with medals and badges of honor. His hat bore a gold emblem, and his boots were polished to a shine.

"Hey, Captain, what happened to your leg?" he shouted.

Captain Bron turned his head towards the man's voice and saluted him. "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't catch that," he said.

The man repeated himself after the helicopter dropped off the creature and flew away. "Captain Bron, what happened to your leg? It's good to see that you're still alive."

"We were being chased by those beasts, and then one of them supposedly dead got my leg, so I decided to amputate it. You know, it's better to live with one leg than to turn into a beast," he said, laughing.

"You still haven't changed, Captain. You're still as brave and foolish as ever," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"And who are these two?" he added, gesturing towards Jhohan and Mark.

"Anyway, this is Mark and Jhohan. They both helped the people in our village," he added.

"It's nice to see you both. You don't wear your strength and bravery on your sleeve; it's not obvious to your body," the man replied.

"Nah, nah, that's what you think, sir. But these two have the ability to fight monsters," Captain Bron said.

"Well, if you say so. But are you sure you're okay?" the man asked.

"I'm totally fine, sir. And I just want to clarify that Jhohan is a scientist. His creation saved my life," Captain Bron said.

"Look, I can touch my leg without feeling any pain," he added.

"I see, but she's too young to be a scientist," the man commented skeptically.

Captain Bron interjected, "Yes, but she's a genius."

The man raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I guess your family is full of scientists then. Where are they?" he asked.

"You're right, sir. I am the daughter of Jhannyn Cruze," she said.

"Oh, you're the daughter of one of the best scientists ever. So, where is she now?" he asked.

"She passed away when I was a toddler," she replied.

The man looked shocked. "How? I hadn't heard any news about her passing. In fact, as far as I remember, two years ago my spy told me that he saw Jhannyn Cruze, one of the members of a secret organization that had formed in the Midlight Tower," he said, his curiosity piqued.

Jhohan was left speechless upon hearing what she had just heard.

"Come, follow me. I will show you the evidence," the man said.

They followed him, and he led them to the elevator. The man pressed the button, and they ascended to the upper level of the facility. They entered the circular room, where they could see all areas of Obsidian Base through the transparent walls that surrounded them.

"Please have a seat and wait for me here," he said, gesturing towards the long, soft chairs. After a few minutes, the man returned and placed all the photos on the desk. "Look at all these photos captured by our spy," he added.

The three of them looked at the photos, and Mark remarked, "Oh, there's a big resemblance on your face, Spectre."

Jhohan couldn't believe what she was seeing, and tears began to fall from her eyes.

Captain Bron asked, "Sir, are you sure that this is Jhannyn Cruze?"

"You can check this photo as well, Captain," the man said, handing him another photo.

"You can also check the back of it, it clearly states that it was captured two years ago and Jhannyn was a member of a secret organization called 'The Council of Shadows'," the man said.

"And also, she was one of the creators of these monsters," he added.

"That's a lie!" Jhohan shouted, slamming her fists on the desk with enough force to split it in half. The General and Captain Bron were both surprised by her incredible strength.

"Spectre, please control your emotions," Mark pleaded with her. "It's a big problem if you let your anger control you."

Jhohan's tears continued to fall as she struggled to contain her rage, but Mark's words began to resonate with her. She knew that losing her temper here would only make things worse, and she took a deep breath to steady herself.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Jhohan," the General apologized, still taken aback by Jhohan's strength.

"I just wanted to prove that your mother is still alive. Maybe she's still underground in the Midlight Tower," he added.

"You can all stay here if you want. Take some rest. I will go back down to check the situation," he said as he headed to the elevator and descended.

"Wow, Jhohan, where did you get that kind of strength?" Captain exclaimed in amazement.

"It's incredible!" he added as he sat back down on the couch.

Mark, however, tried to lighten the mood. "I understand you, Spectre. Just remember what you told me before, not to be overpowered by our emotions."

"You can find a vial of tranquilizer inside the bag, please inject it into me," Jhohan said, her voice weak.

"Are you sure?" Mark asked, concerned.

"Just do it," Jhohan replied.

Mark retrieved the vial and transferred its contents into a syringe before injecting it into Jhohan's right arm. Within moments, Jhohan had fallen asleep on the couch, her breathing slow and steady.

"I hope she'll be okay," Captain Bron said, watching her closely.

"She'll be fine," Mark reassured him. "The tranquilizer will help her rest and clear her mind."

Mark walked towards the transparent glass, gazing out at the magnificent view of the entire Obsidian Base. From above, he could see a sprawling airport with jets parked, helicopters taking off and landing, a bus with survivors boarding, and the tallest wall bordering the base. He also noticed the different army units and equipment stationed around the base.

Captain Bron walked up beside him and pointed to a specific area. "That area over there is the residential section where survivors can take shelter, and families of the armies live," he explained.

"Captain, I want to find my sisters and uncle. Can you help me locate them there?" Mark asked, hesitating slightly as he noticed Jhohan nearby.

"Of course, what are you waiting for? Stop worrying about her. Let Jhohan rest, and I'll help you," Captain Bron said reassuringly.

As they made their way through the bustling base, Mark couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with excitement. When they reached the exit, Captain Bron called over a soldier driving a military vehicle, which backed up and stopped in front of them.

"Hey, where are you going? Can you please take us to the shelters of the survivors?" Captain asked.

"Yes, sir! I can take you there since I'm headed to the residential area as well," the soldier replied.

They climbed into the vehicle and soon arrived at a cluster of buildings.

Before getting out of the vehicle, the soldier offered Captain Bron a pair of crutches. "It would be better if you use these instead of your stick," the soldier said.

"Thanks a lot!" Captain Bron replied.

"No Sir , you're welcome! Have safe day!"

Mark searched the area eagerly, hoping to catch a glimpse of his sisters and uncle.

Captain Bron headed towards the front desk and called out to Mark, "Mark, come here!"

"It would be easier to find them if we ask about their room or where they can be found here at the front desk rather than wandering around the buildings" the captain suggested.

After getting the information from the front desk, they headed towards the building where Mark's sisters and uncle were located. As they searched for their room, Mark caught a glimpse of them walking towards the same building. He ran towards them, calling out their names, and they turned around, surprised to see him. Tears of joy streamed down his face as he embraced them tightly.

"I can't believe you're all alive," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

His sisters and uncle hugged him back tightly, equally relieved to see him safe and sound. They spent the rest of the day catching up, sharing stories of their experiences during the outbreak and finding comfort in each other's presence.

As night fell, the peaceful silence was shattered by the deafening sound of explosions, followed by the blinding flash of light from every missile launched by the base's defense systems. The ground shook violently beneath their feet, and panic started to set in.

Captain Bron wasted no time and quickly made his way to the command center to assess the situation. Mark, who couldn't bear to sit still, decided to join him. But Uncle Brown stopped him in his tracks.

"Just stay here, Mark. Your sisters need you," he said, his voice filled with concern.

Mark kneeled down in front of his sisters and held onto them tightly. "Don't worry, my pretty sisters. You're not kids anymore, you're matured now, right? All I want to see is two brave sisters. I have to go since my friends need me too, but I promise I'll be back," he said reassuringly.

His sisters nodded, their eyes brimming with tears as they hugged him tightly. Mark could still feel the fear emanating from them, and it tore at his heart to leave them behind.

Mark quickly ran towards Captain Bron and they both entered a waiting military vehicle with other soldiers.

"What's going on?" Captain Bron asked the soldier.

"We're under attack, sir," the soldier replied.

The vehicle sped off towards the direction of the attack, and as they got closer, Mark could see tanks and soldiers rushing to defend the base, and helicopters flying overhead. The explosions grew more intense with each passing moment.

As they arrived at the facility, Jhohan, who was holding a rifle, greeted them and asked where they had been.

"We were just visiting my sisters," Mark replied.

Jhohan handed him a syringe. "Take this, Mark. Inject it into yourself. Don't let the microorganisms control you this time."

"How many are left?" Mark asked.

"Only four left!" Jhohan replied urgently.

"Being brave doesn't mean you're invincible. It means you're willing to face the challenges that come your way, no matter how difficult they may be."

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