
The Parasites City : Evolution Begins

In a world where science has advanced to unimaginable heights, the Oncothoraxin Savrocyte was a groundbreaking medical achievement. But when it falls into the wrong hands, turning into a weapon of destruction, chaos ensues. Mark, a young student with lost memories, uncovers the truth behind the organization, his mother's death, and the city's infestation with Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms. With the parasites threatening his mind, Mark sets out on a perilous quest with trusted allies to expose the conspiracy and seek justice. Along the way, he unravels his mother's secret, challenging everything he thought he knew. Will Mark survive the treacherous journey and thwart the organization's sinister plans, or become a pawn in their game?

Khian_Knight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


The individual rises from his throne, his black cape billowing behind him as he descends towards the three chained individuals. His red eyes gleam with a menacing light as he addresses.

"My fellow members of the Organization," he begins, his voice echoing throughout the area.

"We stand on the precipice of a new era, a time when only the rich and powerful will have the right to live in this world. The weak and unworthy will be cast aside, and the strong will rise to claim what is rightfully theirs."

As he speaks, the assembled crowd murmurs in agreement, nodding their heads in approval. The individual's words resonate with them, speaking to a deep-seated desire for power and control.

"We are the chosen few, the elite among the masses," he continues. "And we will not let anyone stand in our way. We will crush all who oppose us, and we will seize the future that is rightfully ours."

With a sweeping gesture, the individual points towards the chained prisoners, his eyes ablaze with fury.

"And let this be a warning to all who would dare stand against us," he declares. "These pitiful people have dared to challenge our authority, and they will pay the ultimate price for their insolence."

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, their fervor fueled by the individual's powerful words. And as he stands before them, a figure of dark and terrible beauty, they know that they have found their leader, the one who will guide them to victory and ultimate power.

Mark, Spectre, and Detective all started to come around, their senses returning as they heard the murmurs of the crowd around them. They looked around and saw that they were chained up in front of a large gathering of people, with a mysterious figure speaking on a throne nearby.

Mark turned to his friends and asked, "You guys alright?"

Spectre shook his head and replied, "No, man. We're chained up here. How could we be alright?"

Detective added, "We made a terrible mistake coming to this demonic place."

"See, I warned you that it was a bad idea to come here," Mark said. "Now, we are like sitting ducks, just waiting for them to do whatever they want with us."

As soon as the mysterious figure noticed that the three were awake, he approached them with an air of nonchalance.

"Well, well, our visitors have finally come to their senses," he said with a smirk as he walked towards Mark.

"You know, Mark, your mother was the most naive and dumbest woman I've ever met," He added a gesture, making everyone burst into laughter.

Mark's eyes narrowed, and he struggled against his chains, trying to attack the detective. "You're the dumb bastard here!" he yelled, his voice cracking with fury.

He then moved on to Spectre, saying, "Out of all of them, she's my favorite. Unfortunately, she isn't like us. She chose to go against the most powerful and most intelligent people ."

He leaned in close to Spectre, whispering, "I know all about your personality, Jhohan. You're the perfect copy of your mother - beautiful and intelligent, but both of you are ignorant when it comes to power and authority. Do you remember the emails you received containing secrets about the underground facilities and codes to every door? I'm the one who sent them to you. I've been watching your every move, and those machines you stole - I prepared them for you because I believe you have the ability to create an antidote for my creations and make them even more powerful and undefeated."

"And.. Thank you for your help "He added

As Spectre heard the mysterious guy's words, a realization dawned on her. All this time, she had been futilely attempting to create an antidote, not realizing that the tiny creatures were always one step ahead, constantly making improvements. She felt a sense of defeat wash over her as she realized her efforts were all for naught.She had unknowingly made the situation more worse.

The mysterious guy then turned his attention to the Detective and asked, "And you, Detective, didn't you reveal your secret to them?"

Mark interjected, "What secret, Detective?"

The guy replied, "Oh, it looks like they don't know what you did to your partner."

"Listen, all members of this organization," the mysterious guy announced.

The mysterious guy's words echoed throughout the room, causing a hush to fall over the crowd.

"Do you remember that time, so long ago, when one brave soul stepped forward and offered up his patrol partner as the first subject for our experiments? He helped us find the best fit for our research and even went so far as to sell prisoners to us. This man is a true hero, and he deserves all the respect we can give him."

As all eyes turned to the Detective, a hush fell over the room. Mark's jaw dropped in shock, and Spectre couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could Detective have been involved in something so heinous? The crowd, however, erupted into applause, cheering and praising the man who had helped them achieve their dreams. Detective hung his head in shame, regretting his past decisions more than ever before.

The mysterious guy barked orders at his soldiers, "Unchain him! Let him free!" The soldiers quickly obeyed and freed Detective from his chains. The guy then gestured towards the Detective, motioning for him to step forward towards the front of the crowd.

The detective moved forward, unable to look at Mark and Spectre. His mind was racing with regret for his past actions and fear of the unknown future that awaited him. The crowd watched him intently, curious about what was to come next. The mysterious guy spoke up, his voice echoing through the room.

"Now, Detective, it's time for you to fulfill your purpose. You know what to do,"

The detective took a deep breath, trying to steady his shaking hands. He knew what he had to do, but the weight of his guilt was almost unbearable. He glanced one last time at Mark and Spectre, then turned to face the mysterious guy and gave a solemn nod. The crowd watched in silence as the detective stepped forward to receive the weapon handed to him by a soldier.

He turned to face Spectre, he felt a lump form in his throat. He knew what he had to say, and he knew it would not be easy. "Spectre, I'm so sorry," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was one of the people who shot your mother and her colleagues. I did it because I needed the money to pay for my wife's medical bills."

The detective repeated his apology, Spectre struggled to contain her emotions. Her hands trembled as she realized that one of the people responsible for her mother's death was someone she had once sat and eaten with at the same table. She had spent years seeking revenge, but now she was at a loss for words. The weight of her mother's death felt heavier than ever before.

Looking into the detective's eyes, she could see a hint of remorse and regret. "You can't undo what you've done," Spectre said, her voice shaking with anger and sorrow. It was clear that there were no easy answers or quick fixes.

"You're right !Spectre. I cannot change what I have done in the past"

The detective's words hung heavy in the air, his admission of guilt and apology still echoing through the room. But just as quickly as the somber mood had set in, it was shattered by the sudden change in his tone.

"The losers should not live here!" he declared, his voice booming and filled with newfound confidence. All eyes in the room turned to him, stunned by his sudden outburst.

Then, with a quick and deliberate motion, Detective Jameson pointed his weapon straight at Mark. "Did you guys wonder how I survived alone in the forest?" he taunted, his voice dripping with malicious intent. "I meant to be left behind, and I put a tracker on the car so that those wonderful creatures would follow you!"

He turned his face towards Mark and gave him a wink, and Mark understood the meaning behind it.

"Trust me"he speak soundlessly

Detective Jameson turned around to face the roaring crowd, his eyes gleaming with pride and satisfaction. "The new Era Has Come!" he shouted triumphantly, "The dawn of a new Kingdom, where only the best of the best will live and prosper!"

Suddenly, he turned to the mysterious man, the one who had helped them to build this new world. "But for the sake of respect and honor," he said, "we must know your name. What can we call you, so that we may address you with the reverence you deserve?"

All eyes turned to the enigmatic figure, whose face was still concealed behind a sleek, black helmet. The crowd erupted into a chorus of demands, shouting and cheering for him to reveal his identity.

"Remove it! Remove it!" they chanted, growing louder and more insistent by the second.

Detective Jameson raised his hand, gesturing for calm. "Please, please," he said, his voice calm but firm, "let us give this man the privacy he deserves. He has done so much for us, and his name will be forever etched in the annals of history. Let us honor him with our silence, and show him the respect he is due."

The crowd fell silent, staring at the mysterious man with a mix of awe and curiosity. Who was he? What was his story? They could hardly wait to find out.

But the Mysterious Guy remained firm in his decision. He lifted his hand and said, "Listen to me, people! My identity is not important. What's important is that we have created a new kingdom, a new era where only the best will survive. I am the leader of this new era, and my decisions will lead us to a better future. Trust me!"

The crowd seemed to calm down a bit, but there were still murmurs and whispers all around. Suddenly, a voice rose above the noise, "But how can we trust you if we don't even know who you are?"

"Show us your face!" they yelled, their voices growing louder and more insistent.

The tension in the room was thick, and it was clear that something had to give. Would the mysterious man reveal his identity and satisfy the crowd, or would he hold firm and risk losing their support? The fate of the new kingdom hung in the balance.

The mysterious guy ascended to his throne and signaled to the soldiers surrounding the hall. Each one fired a warning shot, the sound of the guns echoing through the underground.

As the sound of the gunfire filled the hall, the crowd fell silent, staring at the soldiers with fear and confusion. The mysterious man remained seated on his throne, his face calm and collected.

"Let me make one thing clear," he spoke in a clear and authoritative voice. "I am not here to harm anyone who is willing to abide by the new order. But those who try to resist or create chaos will face dire consequences."

The crowd looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Some looked fearful, while others appeared intrigued by the mysterious man's power and confidence.

After a moment of silence, the man continued. "As for my identity, I will reveal it in due time. For now, you may refer to me as your new ruler, your guide to a better future."

The silence in the hall was suddenly broken by the sound of a single voice. "Who are you to sit on that throne and threaten us with your guns? You wouldn't be in that position without the help of our money. We can't celebrate our success now!" It was a woman, and her voice was filled with anger and defiance.

"Exactly! We should have a say in who leads us. We need to vote!" someone else added, voicing the thoughts of many in the crowd.

The mysterious man descended from his throne, He retrieved a gun from his guard, who stood by his side. The crowds were preoccupied, focused on the election of their new leader. But this man had his own agenda.

Without warning, he reached for the gun at his side and aimed it at the unsuspecting voters. Panic erupted as the sound of gunshots reverberated through the room. The air filled with the screams of the wounded.

The mysterious man remained calm amidst the chaos, his eyes fixed on his targets. With each shot, he took down those in front of him, his aim deadly and precise. It was as if he had done this before, as if he was a master at the art of violence.

As the last of his victims fell to the ground, the mysterious man disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction. The room fell silent, save for the moans of the wounded and the weeping of those who had lost loved ones.

The chaos continued to escalate, some individuals attempted to flee the area in hopes of escaping the danger. However, the guards at the exits were adamant in their duties and refused to let anyone leave. They forcefully pushed and shoved the individuals back into the crowded hall, adding to the tension and panic in the room.

One woman in particular, with fear etched on her face, pleaded with the guards to let her go. "Please, I have to get out of here. I will give you my Money " she cried, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as the guards continued to block her path.

The desperation and hopelessness in her voice resonated with the other attendees, and murmurs of agreement began to circulate throughout the crowd. It was clear that everyone was trapped, and tensions continued to mount as they faced an uncertain and dangerous situation.

Detective Jameson quickly took the opportunity to free Mark and Spectre, freeing Spectre first before turning to Mark and urging him to leave without questions.

"This isn't the time to ask questions."

As they tried to make their escape, the guards returned and the detective quickly instructed Spectre to shoot him, throwing the weapon to her.

"Spectre, shoot me!"

Spectre hesitated for a moment, but when she saw the guards closing in, she pulled the trigger and the shot echoed through the hall.

The bullet hit Detective Jameson in the shoulder, and he fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Mark stopped in his tracks, horrified at what had just happened. But Spectre grabbed his hand and urged him to keep moving, "Mark, let's go!"

Together, they ran towards the exit, the sound of shouting and gunfire echoing behind them.