
The Paragons journey

If a tree falls and strikes the ground, was the tree silent or did it make a sound. If man cries for justice into that deep night, then will all be set to glorious right. If hope is gone and the world is frost, then shall light shine upon what was lost. And if my life is at its very edge, To what god should I make mine pledge. Should I swim through the sea of stars, wade through jupiter and glide through mars, or trudge along the broken steps, and fall inside the scars.

Sir_Eragonian · Ficção Científica
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1 Chs


14 years, 11 months and 28 days.

Not young enough to be a child, not old enough to be an adult. The age where a person is shaped into who they will be, whether they like it or not.

Such were the thoughts running through Mack Nerva's head, wondering how he himself would change over the years. It was often that one would think themselves immutable, that they would never change from how they were at that moment. It was often that one was wrong.

He wondered how being an orphan had shaped him.They had died a year after he was born and there were no family members left to care for him. So he was brought up in an orphanage along with 15 other children of various ages. He had a harmonious relationship with them but no close friendships, it was a decent life.

He had done well in school, scoring 90% and above consistently in every test he took. An interest in most academic disciplines had led him down a path where he wished to learn about the underlying secrets of the world around him and how they could be used. This included human behavior and social sciences, something that served him well.

But Nerva soon put such thoughts out of his mind, they would only distract him from his other goals. Goals that one might consider rather ambitious for a teenager, after all it's not like it would be easy to rule the world.

Despite how evil it sounded, what sane man wanted to rule the world, it was actually quite docile in its intentions. Nerva had seen enough of the world to know that it wasn't ruled by the nicest of people, and he intended to change that. Not to say of course that the world was a horror to live in, quite the opposite in fact, but that it could be better.

He didn't want to stop at just ruling the world, he wanted to improve it. How he would do this was still up in the air, wouldn't stop him from trying though.

His goal was purely selfless mind, when you rule the world you get all the best things. As well as having nearly everything at your disposal, you could research how to live longer, his desire for eternal life was a strong one.

Still, it would be a long journey, if it wasn't for what happened next.

A blinding light flashed across his eyes, inducing a sensation of weariness. Nerva's whole body was instantly fatigued and he collapsed on the floor, striking the wooden board with a thud. His mind turned dark as his thoughts slipped away, leaving him in the dark night of his own consciousness.

Around the world anyone who was under the age of 15 had fallen into a coma.

Those who had fallen asleep where rushed into cryogenic chambers, new breakthroughs in the tech had made it affordable for all. Numerous theory's where made as to why this had happened but none could provide a plausible answer.

That was until the the first of the children woke up.