
Trent's Second Talent

as soon as the transport ship left the safety of the battleship I was able to hear the sounds of combat which sounded like fireworks as well as laser beams going off continuously.

I noticed that on the side there were a total of four starfighters with two on each side serving as bodyguards to ensure our survival in the world below.

around us I could see ship fragments floating everywhere as the battle continued; but shortly after we had left the ship we had made it past the enemy fleet by moving through an opening that was made and down through the atmosphere of the world below.

when we started to enter the atmosphere I could feel small amounts of the heat from it seeping through the small openings from the windows of the ship.

it only took about half of a minute to make it through all of the layers of the world's atmosphere and after we did I was able to see clearly at the volcanic world that we were assigned to conquer or die trying.

the starfighters continued to guard us until we made it to an opening inside of a mountain that we were going to use as a staging area to begin the invasion.

when the ship finally stopped moving and as soon as it did Trent opened the door and gave us an order as soon as he stepped outside.

"all right members of the Black Rose squad I want you to help set up a defensive perimeter around this landing zone. As the first ones here we will be in charge of defense until the main military force shows up to take over this specific job.". Trent said to us all. "come on the move! move! move! the undead are not going to wait for you to get ready slowly".

I quickly got out of the transport ship even before Trent started commanding us with much haste behind every word.

the area that we had landed in was quite large. this area could easily fit seven or eight transports at a time which meant that we would have a lot of room to set up our defenses. there was only one way in via land which was through a single cave entrance that was located about 200 feet in front of where we had landed.

"Danny I want you to focus on placing up a few barricade walls on the way to the cave entrance". Trent said to me while he handed me a total of nine blue-colored energy cubes.

if these worked at all like the automated turret that he had designed to defend our ship while on missions then I would know exactly how to deploy this type of item.

I made my way to about a third of the way in between the front of the transport ship and the cave entrance before placing down three of the cubes on the ground. after I did that I pressed a button that was on the top of them and the cubes began to expand until they stretched out to be the shape of a rectangle but without a top part on the outside. on the inside of the new thing that the cubes had generated, there was a dark blue energy field that had created a solid wall of defense for the enemies to get passed if they were to attack by land.

I did the same thing about another third of the way to the cave entrance so that I had placed them decently apart; but close enough together to where they could easily help one another out if that was required.

as soon as I had finished the trans request I began to make my way back to him to see what else he would want me to do when I noticed that William was placing cubes as well on both of the sides of the walls that I had made. these cubes generated an auto turret that had a rotating gun that glowed an orangish-yellow color at the tips of them.

"all right now that that is done I need you to climb on top of the transport ship and place this sonar scanner up there so that we can see if any enemies will be approaching: William," Trent said as he handed a sonar dish to him.

"what do you need me to do Trent?" I asked him.

"well since they will be making their way to us soon I will need you to use your melee weapons so that you can kill any kind of approaching enemies while we are finishing the setup of our defenses. also, you do not have to worry I have set the auto turrets to only attack Undead so you will not be harmed by them at all unless you are caught in the crossfire." Trent said to me as he looked back down at the tablet that was in his right hand.

"all right I will make these Undead pay for making a fool out of me on the last mission". I said to Trent before I walked to the last barrier that I had placed and activated to keep the enemy out.

when I pulled out my melee weapons I noticed that they looked quite simple since they were not a custom job I was going to have to be careful and try not to break them this time.

I was able to hear all the noises around me after zoning out most of the noise that my teammates were making when they were finishing setting up the defenses. the cave was very thin and wide to the point where I could only see about two columns worth of Undead at a time.

as soon as they came into my line of sight I rushed forward and began to cut them all down with my melee weapon which caused the undead to burst in a bright yellow puff due to the solar power stones that were inside of my melee weapons.

I was able to annihilate almost all of the undead that I could see, but they just seemed to attack in endless waves which caused me to become exhausted only about ten minutes into the battle. due to exhaustion I fell to my knees and thought that I was going to be killed but at the last second as one of the undead skeletons thrust his sword at me I heard a loud boom quickly followed by the enemy being burst into flames.

due to the brief moment that I was given, I had gathered enough breath to have a second wind and rose to my feet to continue the battle. the second time that I started to attack was a lot easier since I had backup from someone else.

I was still unsure of who exactly had saved me but due to the sound of the weapon firing and also because only one shot was fired at a time I was pretty sure that the person that had saved me was Raven with her sniper rifle.

after a bit more fighting head gone underway I saw that the undead began to move just like they did when the werewolf had challenged me before on the ship. the only difference this time was that it was not a werewolf that came out to fight me it was an unfamiliar site to me.

"I challenge you to singular combat since neither of us is making any major progress with a normal battle". the enemy said as she looked at me.

this enemy was almost completely pale and had dark wings on her back as well as white fangs outside of her mouth which meant that this was most likely an undead turned vampire.

I was going to accept her terms but before I could even say a word I heard Raven's sniper rifle go off and the bullet landed straight on her frontal forehead before she burst into flames and became a pile of ashes right in front of me.

when that happened all the skeletal warriors began to attack in haste without even waiting for any kind of order.

Raven and I quickly killed them and went back to the outside barrier.

"Why did you kill the undead vampire without allowing me to accept his terms first?" I asked her as I sheathed my melee weapon.

"you need to understand that it does not matter what kind of vampire it is they cannot be trusted. if you even show them the briefest moment of weakness they will use that to their advantage and bite you," she said as she sat down behind the wall and reloaded her sniper rifle.

"Are you saying they can spread their vampiric disease to other species?" I asked her with an expression of worry across my entire face.

"yes, they can. also just so you know unless the cure is applied within 10 minutes of the bite while they are in the process of the conversion there is no going back." Raven said with a depression that told me that she knew exactly what she was talking about through personal experience.

then I kept my eyes in front of me so that I would be aware of any movements made by the enemies since I thought that what we had thought was probably only the first wave of what was to come.

"you are free to meet up with your captains now that we have set up our defenses and supplies". a warrior that was wearing a full body set of heavy power armor said to me.

after I looked at him I saw that he was carrying a great sword on his back so I knew that he was ready for combat and would be able to protect himself.

"well, now that he is here we can meet up with Trent and move towards the vampire stronghold," Raven said as I saw her place her sniper rifle on her back for gesturing for me to follow her.

I noticed that there were a lot more people here now that all three of the ships had landed which made it seem more lively and ready to slay whatever the enemy was going to throw at us.

"Since everything is now set up I will be splitting us into the two teams we will be using for this mission. when we reach the main stronghold I want Danny and Raven to attack from the front while the rest of us sneak around and attack from the back entrance so that they cannot escape without trying to get past us." Trent said to us before he waved for us to follow him away from the defensive perimeter.

almost as soon as we entered the cave Trent stopped moving and made sure that we were not being followed.

"Why did you stop?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"I am now going to use my second talent. Remember the one that I told you that I had been myself from using back when we had our first meeting as a group?" he asked me.

as soon as he said that I noticed that all the other team members got very close to him and touched his body in different areas.

"come on Danny grab onto his right shoulder so that he can activate his second talent". William said with rage behind every word as if I was to do it without even questioning anything.

after I did as William had requested of me I noticed that a black Aura began to envelop Trent.

"Dimensional Phasing". he said quietly to where no one else that was not right beside him could hear him.

then Trent walked towards the rock wall which caused me to panic because I thought we were about to crash into it. instead of crashing into it as I thought we were going to we phased right through and the area around us glowed a bright yellow until everything went white.

after that, I noticed that we were no longer inside the mountain we were at the end of a bridge that was hanging over a boiling lake of lava. on the other side of this bridge, I saw a castle that was made out of a dark red metal.

"Are you okay Trent?" I heard Sid ask while I was looking at the area in front of us.

when I looked back at them I noticed that Trent started to shake and was unable to move anything except for his eyes and mouth.

"I am fine I just need to rest for a bit". he said in response to Sid's question.

"here Trent since we need to continue the mission get on my back and I will carry you until you're able to move once again". William said as I saw him pick up Trent and give him a piggyback ride which looked quite odd since they were both grown men.

so that is why Trent does not use his second talent very often. it seems to end up making it where he is not able to move his body at all once he makes it back to the normal dimension where everyone else is.

I had a good feeling about this mission as if I was either going to succeed where I failed before or that I was going to discover yet another piece of the puzzle that would lead to my godhood as I looked across the bridge at the enemy castle that we were going to be attacking.