
Genetic Splicing

I felt a sharp cold breeze brush across my face as I walked out of the ship after we had landed in the Special Forces section of the spaceport.

"all right everyone give me a few hours to make it to the Special Forces building in the middle ring of town; when I make it there I will report everything that happened on both of our missions except for what exactly occurred while we were exploring the Osdroedian Dynasty ruins of course.

when I finish that you should have the appropriate funds inside your banks within the day." Trent said to all of us as he made his way past us all and quickly left my field of vision as if he was in a hurry.

I made my way to the door out of the Special Forces section of the spaceport when I saw Nova standing there in a beautiful black dress.

my eyes made contact with hers she ran and hugged me and kissed me very passionately even though all the other members of my team were right behind me.

"I missed you, Danny. are you ready to take today off and spend some time together?" Nova asked me as soon as we finished kissing each other.

"Who is this lovely lady?" William asked me as he pushed me out of the way so that there was a clear amount of distance between me and my wife.

as soon as he did this Nova quickly duct and ran behind me as if she did not like William at all; if that was the case then that meant there was at least one thing that we both could officially agree on.

"hi, my name is Raven. what is yours?" she asked Nova as she stretched her right hand out to shake Nova's hand.

"hi, my name is Nova. I am excited to meet you," she said as she shook Raven's hand and pulled her close before whispering into her left ear.

"I am so sorry; where are my manners? this is my wife Nova." I said with a smile across my face as I hugged her from behind.

"damn it Danny!!! you know I already hated your guts enough, but now you have a sexy and hot woman as your wife. It is so unfair". William said out of frustration at me.

"I am glad to have met you today," Raven said. "I am glad to have finally met another girl that I could socialize and gossip with".

"well, I will see you all tonight at the bar right by the Special Forces building for drinks". I said to all of them as I grabbed Nova by the hand and led her out of the spaceport.

'your squad mates seem quite interesting. As long as you stay loyal to me and don't try to cheat on me with that Raven chick it will not matter to me what you do". he said as she looked at me before we started moving.

"so now that we are no longer with everyone do you want to do anything since I have the next day off?" I asked her as we were walking down the main road.

Nova stops moving and grabs both of my hands. when I faced her I saw that she smiled from ear to ear and had a look of excitement and fulfillment deep in her eyes.

"I have saved us a spot at the Jean splicing clinic. why don't we go there and arrange for the growth of our first child or children." Nova said to me as she closed the distance between us and looked up at me a seductive look that made me immediately submit to her without any hesitation.

"your wish is my command. While we are on our way we should discuss the details". I told her as we began to move into the upper district of the city.

after I made it back into the upper district I truly enjoyed all of the architecture. the streets were twice as wide and had a set of trees running down the center of each of the major roads.

Nova guided me down the main road until I saw a DNA symbol that was used as a company logo.

the building was four floors in height. the building was designed out of pure white colored metal and it had black colored trimming at the base of each floor.

then on both sides of the building, I saw a variety of white cherry blossoms.

"hello, how can I help you today?" a female who had black hair and wore medical scrub clothing said to us when we approached the sliding door of the building.

"yes, we would like to go through the process of having you artificially grow as a child," Nova said as she smiled from ear to ear.

"We do provide that service here. you will need to go to the top floor and head to our genetics splicing department." the female nurse said to us as she bowed and let us into the building.

after I entered the building on the first floor I saw what looked like a typical medical office.

the only thing that was different about this building's first floor was that every few feet on both sides of the room I saw different statues of different worlds.

at the end of the hallway, it split going left and right, but there was an elevator on the rear wall which was guarded by two guards that were the house of Lupus's body armor.

"we will need to see your identification to allow you to go any further," the guards said as they blocked the elevator entrance from us both.

After he said that I clicked the display button on my scouter and my information came up for them to see. After they checked mine Nova showed hers as well.

"well, it all seems to check out. Let me guide you to the appropriate floor and area that you were trying to reach". the first guard said as he pressed a button that opened the elevator.

I followed him into the elevator and I brought Nova with me at the same time by the hand.

"so what area are you trying to get to?" the guard in the elevator asked me.

"We are trying to reach the genetic slicing department". I said confidently to him.

"so you need to make it to the top floor". he said before pulling out a key and putting it into the elevator.

after he put the key inside a small button slid out from the wall and he clicked it.

then the elevator began to move upwards swiftly until it came to a complete halt and the door opened.

"Welcome to genetic splicing. I will be waiting for you here at the end of this Hall. When you are done with what you need to do I will guide you back down to the base level of the building". he said before he stood still against the wall like a stone statue unfazed by anything around him.

while Nova stuck close to me I made my way down the hallway and noticed that they had paintings of different landscapes on both walls.

the flooring was made out of tile squares.

after I made it to the end of the end of hallway I was stopped by a male scientist and asked some questions.

"what are you doing here? How can I help the two of you today".

"We are here to offer our DNA so that you can grow us a child artificially with the advanced technology that you provide". I said to him.

"Okay then I will need you to follow me to my office. when we get there I will need a hair sample from each of you." the scientist said when we made it to the desk.

I pulled out one of my hairs on my head and gave it to him.

"Will this suffice for my end of the DNA required?" I asked him.

the scientists grabbed a small glass tube that was on the table and put my hair sample in it.

after that, Nova pulled out a small part of her hair but she screamed in pain due to the length of the hair.

"all right now that that is done allow me to read your DNA and that will give you some options on how you want your child to appear and act when it is born." the scientist said when he took Nova's hair and put it in a separate glass bottle than mine.

Nova and I followed him to his office which was located to the left of the front desk.

when I made it into the office I noticed that the room unlike the rest of the building was painted black and it had a dark vibe to it with all of the sculptures of the different species in the galaxy all colored a dark red color.

"I do apologize if this room feels uninviting to you, but I like it since it stands out compared to the rest of the building. the sculptures are awards that I have received because of the genetic research I have done on each of these species." the scientist said as I looked at the statues.

"so what options are available to us in our child customization?" I asked as I sat down in the left chair and the Nova sat down in the right one on our side of his desk.

"Well it seems that this is your first time so I will explain how the genetic splicing and creation methods work as simply as I can to you". he said as he took out the hair samples and placed them on a scanner that was on the left side of his desk to the left of the rear side of his computer monitor.

"First we can only select DNA strands and characteristics that have already existed in either of your bloodlines. Are you two okay with that?" he asked as he looked at us and then back at his computer monitor.

"yes, we are both okay with this". I told him after I looked at Nova and she looked back at me with a look of satisfaction.

"Okay my second question for you though is do you want more than one child? if that is the case we will not be able to be as selective with the genetic splicing and it will be more random. we can make up to three clones at a time before the DNA completely destabilizes and makes the child become a deformity". said to me.

after looking at Nova I saw her shake her head side to side.

"we only want one child right now". I told him.

"okay then these are the options that are available to you". he said as he turned his computer screen around and showed a variety of different hairstyles and other options to cycle between.

after Nova and I spent about 30 minutes discussing all the different characteristics that we would want in our child I gave him the screen back.

"so you want a daughter you want her to be tall. you also want her to have white-colored hair that is thick and coarse. the last thing that you have chosen for her is that you want her to have a curious nature. you have also typed in the name Rachel.

are you sure that this is all that you want to select for your future daughter?" he asked me after reading everything that was not marked unknown.

"yes, we have decided that we would prefer to leave a good chunk of it up to chance so that our daughter will be a Wonder and mystery to us rather than scripted in the way she acts," I said confidently to him.

"all right with that in mind it will take us about three weeks with our accelerated growth rate to make this child for you. when this is done we will automatically pull everything from your shared bank account," he said to me.

I grabbed my black card and handed it to him so that he could scan it.

"We are happy to do your business today. If there's anything else genetically that needs to be done of any kind you are welcome to have us help you in the future". told me as he put the card in front of his scanner that was to the left of his computer screen.

when he finished scanning the card he handed me a receipt and my card before he let us out of the genetic splicing floor of the building.

Nova and I followed the guard out of the building before we made our way home so that I could get the much-needed rest that I needed on my bed since I was finally home with my wife.

I just knew that this rest was going to be amazing and hopefully, I would not have any visions when I woke up involving that deity since I had achieved one of the things I needed for her already.