
Coming of Age

I could hear all of the citizens of my homeworld of Yalluter who all began to cheer as those of us who had turned 16 in the last 3 months were getting on an Express train so that we could begin our Klitron process.

my name was Danny Hilton; I was truly excited that it was time for the Klitron process to begin for me. in this process I was going to finally get the chip that was implanted in the back of my neck at birth removed. through this process I will finally be able to find out what my talent is. whatever my talent happens to be that will determine which cast I am a part of in The Terran Collective.

it took me a few minutes to be able to finally find an open seat on the express train.

as I looked out the window I noticed the area around me that I had grown up in was quickly vanishing behind me which I possibly would never see again depending on what kind of talent I would receive after going through the entire Klitron.

the area that I was leaving behind had only middle grade architecture and all of the structures other than any type of military buildings only had one floor. the reason behind that was because The Terran Collective has a alternated caste system type of government.

in this world you start out as a member of whatever section of society that you are born into; which in my case was the cast of Crafters. the only way that you were able to escape from your cast that you were born into was by going through The Klitron. when you finished this process whatever type of talent you had unlocked would determine the type of cast or roll in society that you will play to ensure this race is survival.

the crafting cast that I was a part of was considered middle rank in society so the respect that we got was usually in the middle some people respected us for our crafts while others despised us and hated us for being lesser since we weren't born as a person who was part of the political, military, or legal system in this world.

the train that I was on was completely loaded with only a small walkway in the middle that was not occupied by all of the 16-year-olds who were going to take their Klitron.

this train was colored with a black metal interior and had a royal blue carpet over the floor. while we were riding into the upper district of the world I noticed a few assist robots that were offering us any kind of food that we wanted while we were on the journey.

when I saw one of the drones come by I asked him if I could have a plate of a piece of meat that I had only heard rumors of called bacon.

the reason why it was so rare was because pigs did not grow in abundance on this world so only the wealthy or those with a lot of political based influence could claim a pig for themselves.

which my family was unable to do because of the fact that we were classified as middle class citizens barely scraping by and trying to survive in this world.

my mother made her money by working at a local factory in our neighborhood that made different types of elemental ammunition for all of the different weapons that the military used in this current conflict over the rare blue mineral that is known as Paradisus.

well my mother had quite simple job my father was actually quite well known throughout this world because he was an inventor. he became very well known for the assassin pistol that he had created that they had given a nickname to. that nickname was The Whistler; it was given that name because it would make a sharp whistling noise that was almost impossible to hear if traditional non-elemental ammo was used in it.

that was the life that I had grown accustomed to living since birth but now that I had turned 16 I was going to be possibly going down an entirely different path that was quite unpredictable since the talent or talents that I will possess are not genetically determined; it is decided by random chance.

I truly hope that my talent was not going to be something useless that I would at least prove useful to The Terran Collective.

a few moments later the robot came back with three strips of this bacon that I had heard about.

when I took my first bite I felt a rush of flavor since it was lightly covered in pepper and the strips were quite crispy as they crunched in my mouth.

this bacon definitely lived up to all of the expectations that I had for it since I had never had the right to taste such an amazing type of meat before.

a few minutes past when the train completely stopped moving. as soon as the door out of the train opened people rushed out quickly not caring who they trampled or knocked over since everyone was truly excited about this specific day of their lives.

while everyone else was pushing and shoving to try to be the first one out of the train to begin their Klitron process; I stayed in the train and waited until most of the people were finally out so that I could move around at my own pace.

I knew that I was only going to have one Klitron so I wanted to enjoy second of this day as much as I could.

when I made my way out of the train I noticed that the area around me had quite advanced technology and fancy architecture compared to what I had grown up around.

for instance the first thing that I noticed was that the vehicles were much more fancy and well put together; and they each also could fly which they used for transportation of multiple types of goods.

the area that I had walked into as the door to train closed behind me was a fancy government area of the world. the main walkway was right in front of me and on the other side of it was a massive five-story building that was made out of titanium and colored royal blue and black. on the front of the building I saw three massive letters a giant T, a giant T, and a giant C.

the line for the entrance of the structure was quite massive and I waited for quite some time until I had finally made it to the front and was stopped by a lady that was wearing a red business dress as well as holding a tablet in her right hand.

"all right by looking at what you are wearing I am guessing that your caste is the crafter caste". the lady said as she looked at me when I entered the building.

"yes I am a member of the crafter caste. do you have a problem with that!" I exclaimed out of rage and anger so that she did not think she was superior to me just because I was born in a different caste than her.

"no I do not have a problem with this sir just go down the third Hall in the building and enter into the room at the end of the hallway and wait for your Klitron process to begin.

I moved on as she allowed me to enter deeper into the building and followed her instructions by going down the third hallway.

when I walked down to the end of the hallway I saw an elderly man that was in a two-piece suit he handed me a ticket and told me to sit down and wait until my number was called.

as I took the ticket from him I felt a rush of excitement as well as intense amounts of stress because the only thing that I knew was that after today my life most likely will never be the same.

thanks for the viewing remember to vote for the book if you liked it and give it a collection ad if you wish. all support will be appreciated and I will try to keep the chapters up to date.

Casson_Westerfieldcreators' thoughts
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