
The Painter and her Business man

Cassie William, a small town painter finds herself clashing with the CEO of Beaumont enterprise, Adrian Beaumont. She soon realise that Adrian is rude and arrogant but she doesn't hesitate to call him out. Impressed by her honesty, Adrian decides to offer her a deal that would turn her life upside down

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasia
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14 Chs

The Painter And The Business Man

And done! I decided to paint a series of black and red abstracts for the gallery's upcoming charity event. There's been a lot of pressure to get these done. Mike, who is the owner of the gallery has been on my case non stop to finish them ASAP. I'm sure he'll be estatic to hear that I've finally finished the last piece.

I'm so excited for the charity, it'll be the first time I'll get this much exposure for my work. I'm hoping this will bring in more clients for me and the gallery. Mike has invited one of his biggest connections, The CEO of Beaumont Holdings. Mr Beaumont is one of the richest man in the city, he often gets involve with local businesses to help those who had potential to succeed. Having Mr Beaumont there turned out small charity event to a pretty big deal, even the media reached out and wanted to attend.

So it's only natural Mike wants everything to be perfect and ready for the big day. I take off my coveralls and wash my hands. I'll give Mike a quick call.

"Hello! Mike speaking" He answers his tone warm.

"Hey Mike, I got some good news"I say unable to contain my joy

"Oh please tell me you finished the last piece"

"Yes did!"

"Great! I was starting to lose faith" he laughs

"I'll pop by later to have a look if that's okay? and we'll go from there"

"No worries, see you then" I hang up. I'm sure he'll love them as much as I do. Now that's all done, I'm going to rest of the day, I was up most of the night trying to finish these paintings and I'm absolutely knackered.


My bell rings and I answer the door. "Hello Gorgeous, Show me the goods" Mike laughs walking in. Mike and I have known each other for quite some time now, I met him when I finished University and was looking for work. He was kind and generous towards me, he helped me out so much. Over the years I have learned a lot from him and we developed an amazing relationship. He was the father figure I never had. I grew up going from home to home, I never knew who my real parents were nor had anyone to call family until I met Mike and my best friend Gina.

"Right over there" I point to the back room and we walk over. He gasps as he sees the paintings " Cass! I think this may be some off your best work yet" He grins at me.

"Why, thank you" I beam at him. I have been working my ass off on these, so he better like them.

"I'll have Joe pick them up tomorrow, Don't forget the gallery charity event is on Friday and please dress to impress I know what you're like!" he scolds me

"Um excuse me, what's that suppose to mean" I scoff

"It means you have a bad habit of turning up in a hoodie to events or any occasions for that matter. We have some big people coming" He says boldly

"Well mike I wasn't planning on turning up in a hoodie, but thank you for your input" I smile sarcastically

"Good! glad to hear. I'll see you on Friday!"

"I'll see you out"

I'm off work for the next few days so I decide to relax as much as I could, but me being me I still kept myself busy; running errands, thrifting, tidying up my house and food shopping. I also saw Gina on Thursday, who wouldn't stop pestering me about finding a man. It's not that I have high standards when looking for a guy, I just haven't found the one who does it for me. I want someone who gets my heart racing by just smiling at me, makes my palms sweat when he kisses me, the one who will make me re-evaluate everything in my life and makes me fall in love. I want to feel safe and protected to know that he will always be there when I need him. I loved the idea of being with someone masculine, dominant, an alpha male but who also wasn't scared to show me his soft side.

I'm 27 and I still haven't been in love, I've had two failed relationships. The First one cheated on me and the second just couldn't give a flying fart about me, it was always about him. At this point I have lost faith in men, aren't they all the same at the end of the day? Does love even exist?

It's Friday, I'm slightly nervous about the charity event. I really hope it's a hit and we get some buyers! I start getting ready, I'm wearing Brown flared trousers with matching lace top and brown heels. My hair is tied up in a top ponytail, my makeup light but still looks great and matches my brown eyes.

I call a cab, there's no point driving there I know champagne will be flowing all night and I'll probably be leaving with a buzz. I quickly glance at myself in my pocket mirror before the cab stops in front of the gallery.


"Really? A charity event? Why do you always sign up for things like this? When I'm in charge I hope people don't expect me to be making appearances, I'm busy enough already"

"Son, these appearances are important, it's important to remind the people that we are on their side and it's important to help the community when we can" My father says softly

If it was up to me I wouldn't go, I couldn't think of anything worst than spending an evening chit chatting with people who are just going to kiss my ass because of my name and status. My father had agreed to attend a charity event for a gallery and since he is stepping down and I am taking over the family company he has volunteered and only told me about this now, least to say I'm fuming.

"If you want to be a great leader and take the company even higher I suggest you follow in my footsteps" my father warns

"I don't need to be attending silly events to take this company higher, it's a waste of time"

"Adrian You are going, I am far too busy" I stand up straightening my suit "Fine!"

"Thank you son, I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and son you'll need to purchase something for the charity" he says giving me a nod and I nod back.

I leave his office, I'm not happy at all. I walk over to my office past Hailey who is sitting at her desk eating. I glance at her. Why does she dress like this?she is like an old Librarian, I thought she was in her twenties, she looks like she is but dresses like an old grandma.

"Hailey, you're coming with me" I say walking into my office

"Yes sir" she follows me

"We are going to a charity event in two hours, we'll need to purchase something there to contribute to the charity, call Antonio I don't want to be driving, i'd rather he drives us there"

"Yes sir"

"And Hailey... i'm going to need a coffee" she nods closing my door.


"Thank you" I say as I climb out. I spot Gina, Dan (her boyfriend) and Charlie outside. Charlie is an accomplished painter, he deals with the gallery from time to time.I should've known he would be there. He has asked me once or twice and I've always turned him down. I just don't think we match. I mean Charlie was hot but he's that guy. The one who you get involved with and think it's going well and then he hits you with it's not working. He's a ladies man, not a one woman man.

"Hey guys" I say opening my arms to hug Gina. She gives me a kiss on the cheek. I turn and hug Dan.

"Where you been stranger, haven't seen you around lately" he smiles

"Been busy with work, the usual" I turn to Charlie who is grinning at me, "Hi Cass" he smiles at me sweetly and deposits a gentle kiss on my cheek

"Hi" I give him a warm smile.

"Shall we go in?" I say feeling Gina's and Dan's eyes on us.

"Yeah let's go" Charlie says. I hook my arm in Gina's and we make our way inside. She leans in an whispers in my ear

"He clearly likes you"

"Hush you!" here she goes again.

"Cass!" Someone's shouts my name, I turn my attention towards the voice. Yes please save me. It's Mike, He's walking towards me with a rather large grin on his face.

"You will not believe this, two of your paintings have already sold! Isn't it fantastic?" he says unable to hide his excitement

"That's great Mike! Two down, three more to go. Where is your special guest, is he here yet?" I ask "Not yet but he should be arriving soon. I think"

Me and Mike kept an eye out for Mr Beaumont but there was no sign of him and there was only one hour left before the end of the event. Mike was hoping to get some pictures for the local paper.

I walk over to the corner where my paintings were hung and spot a tall man and a woman looking at them. I mind my business and admire my work. I'm proud, they actually look bomb up there on the wall.

"Don't you think these are nice Sir?" The woman says

"I brought you with me to assist not give your opinion" he pauses "I think whoever painted them are lacking in certain areas in their life. The work reflects the painter" he says rudely. Erm ouch, who does this guy think he is. Art critic. I am standing there gobsmacked, he just dissed me.

"Well, you have to buy something Sir" she responds

"Not this heap of crap, when I see something I like I'll buy it. In the meantime can you get me a drink, this event is so boring" he orders her, she leaves straight away as if she couldn't wait to get away from him. I couldn't hold my tongue.

"You could be nicer to people you know " he turns to me, his eyes brown narrowed and dark. He's wearing a dark blue suit with the top of his shirt slightly open at the top. Honestly he came across as an arrogant jerk! He's glaring at me but I'm not going to stop there.

"And what do you know about art to decide that this is a heap of crap? The painting never reflects the painter's life, if so all art work from one single painter who look exactly the same" I hiss

"Maybe you should mind your business instead of eavesdropping on conversations that don't concern you" he says rudely

"I would if you weren't so damn arrogant and rude" I glare back at him

"Why are you even talking to me, Who are you?" he says, his eyes wander up and down my body, I'm taken back by his rudeness

"The creator of this heap of crap" I spit out before turning on my heels and leaving. Argh what a dick ! I find Gina and Dan telling them what just happened. They were shocked to say the least. After a few drinks I've already forgotten about Mr dick.

Mike is standing with a group of people and calls me over, "Cass" he says waving his hand. I walk over.

"Cass, Mr Beaumont couldn't make it tonight, His son is filling in for him" he says smiling "Meet Adrian Beaumont and his assistant Hailey" His back slightly turned, he's leaning over grabbing a drink from the waiter.

"Mr Beaumont, Meet Cassie Williams, she's one of our most promising artists" he turns to face me.What. The. Shit! This guy really?! No wonder he is this arrogant, typical rich prick with a gold spoon up his ass.

His lips presses into a hard line, his eyes focused on mine

"Hmm, We've already met!" he says bluntly

"Yes, unfortunately" Mike is starring at me dumbfounded, my eyes not leaving Adrian's. This has now turned into a pissing contest.

"Nice to meet you Miss Williams" Hailey says with a large smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you too and please call me Cass" I smile at her. She seems like such a sweet girl. She has straight long hair, glasses, her makeup very simple, she's wearing a skirt suit set which seems a little too big for her.

"You've already met?" Mike asks

"Yes, we have. By the heap of crap I painted" I say sarcastically, I shoot Adrian a look ' yes bitch I said that'. Mike looks at me in shock, shooting me daggers.

"Is that the official name of the set?" he says bluntly

"Erm, Cass. Can I talk to you please? in private" mike says before dragging me away in a corner of the gallery

"What the hell was that? Why are you speaking to him like this?"

"Because he is a rude and arrogant jerk. I went over to check out my work and this bag of dicks called it a heap of crap, And you should see how he talks to his assistant" I spit out

"Really?" he says shocked, I nod

"Look any normal day I would ask him to leave, but"

"Yes, I know his dad"

"Yes, his father is sponsoring the event and matching whatever we raise"

"Fine, I'll put on a brave face" I give him a fake smile.

We walk towards Adrian and his assistant, his eyes don't leave mine. "Mr Beaumont it was such, such a pleasure to meet you, my life will never be the same again but I'm afraid I am needed elsewhere" I say mockingly, his lips pressed in a hard line, his eyes dark. I turn and make my way to the champagne.

I hear mike changing the conversation, "Why don't we take some pictures for the paper?"

Throughout the night my eyes catches him talking and networking with people, our eyes meeting briefly a few times. After the charity ended, I help mike close up the gallery.

"Today was a success!" he says all happy

"Really? how many have we sold?" I ask

"Well, all of them. The first two of yours was bought by the town hall and the other three was bought by Mr Beaumont" he smiles at me

"You're shitting me right?"