
1: The Pain Of Realization.

Loneliness is an epidemic, it's effect everyone. The feeling of being left out by others, the feeling of not being able to socialize with others and the pain of knowing that you are *LONELY*.

You may be feeling that no one will love and truly understands who you are... heck im still feeling the same thing even now. As a teenager we're bound to socialize in this society, but there's are some who cannot to the same things and that leads to feeling negative emotions such as depression and anxiety, now let me share you my story.

My name is Yian (Not Real Name) i was born on October 1st, i was a second child of the three siblings i have two sisters, but we never get along that well in the beginning, we used to hate each others. Well not going to dwell on that too long, let's skip to my first day of school. I used to remember how i afraid to meet people with my age but i hid it away try to be friendly, but it was the opposite of what i expected. The first year of my school become the start of my leading anxiety, i was pretty smart for my age with 2+2 math questions and scoring top on arts, the teachers really likes me and the boy in the class ain't having it, there would be a time where some of my girl classmates hang out with me a lot because i can help them with homework and stuff, but as always the boys not very happy with and at the time of recess they dragged my to boys toilet and beat me up and the girls that i hang out with saw what just had happened, and laugh hysterically, said i was an idiot nerds and stuff like that and so i realized that I'm truly not accepted here.

several years had passed and I'm still alone with no friends, it's not like they don't wanted to be friends but i just outright refuse to. I'm still a top scorer in my school for language, Arts and sport, people called me inhuman because I've never interact with people they thought i was some sort of machine. But it's not like that. I'm just a normal human being.

I played a lot of video games when I'm at home, and my parents they don't really cared because of my scores at school, that's the only way i coped with being alone, games become my reality, i used to sleep late just to play games and my father would mad at me. Honestly i don't really care about my family that much. This went on for years and years nothings changed I'm still empty inside even all of that, i don't feel happy i just feels like no one really liked me for who i am.