
Chapter 8: Hooty’s Moving Hassle Part 1

Eda and Owlbert are eying eachother at a table set up for their Hexas Hold Em card game with the eyes on the cards moving, Eda tells Luz to watch closely as it's the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles.

"Playing with the Owl Lady is the worst, I almost lost two month's paycheck to her once!" moaned Steve with mutters of agreement from newcomers of the watching group from the Boiling Isles.

"Wait, you play cards and gamble with a wanted fugitive? Aren't you apart of the Emperor's Coven?" Amity asked as Steve just looked nervous.

Luz calls cards the paper rectangles that old people think are fun.

There were laughs from the humans and even Camila couldn't stop chuckling.

"Laugh while you can because it's an actual witches game of skill." Eda remarked.

Eda puts one down and the cards come to life and start attacking eachother while sprouting mouths and fangs. Eda said that when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that is when you bring out the wild card and then draws one causing Owlbert's cards to disintegrate.

The humans decided that they were a little used to weird stuff like this, "So how exactly do you play a game like this?" asked one of the human students as Eda smirked.

"Your feeble human brains couldn't handle it all the rules." Eda replied.

Owlbert bows with a glare after flames in the air spells out that Eda is the winner.

Eda is excited and gloats to Owlbert but thinks the feeling of victory feels fluffy, Luz nervously warns her that it's happening again and King tells her that the curse is returning with the feathers appearing on her arms taking her by surprise.

"Oh great, I hate when I take too long to take my elixir..." Eda muttered as the humans were scared at the reminder of what happened in that episode.

The opening is shown.

Eda checks in her chest and sees that she is out of elixir, Luz reminds her about what happened last time and shows the picture of owl beast Eda on her phone.

"I know I should be repulse but that look is fierce." Eda said in satisfaction with most thinking that it was fierce but not as a compliment.

Eda says that she knows that she should be repulsed but the look is fierce, Luz tells Eda off and Eda says that she is right and they should go to the market.

"That was weird, I guess great minds think alike..." Eda muttered after saying the same thing her future self said and wondered if that was going to be a thing.

Luz is excited and King says that he is going to steal everything that is not nailed down.

"I bet you would steal anything that is nailed down along with the nail." Luz remarked and there was laughter from most people there, even Amity cracked a small smile at that. Luz didn't want to admit that she stole the joke from Daffy Duck in a lego superhero game calling himself the Green Loontern.

Eda asks if they are up for another game of Hexas Hold Em before they go but realises that her cards are missing, Luz has them and gave them to Owlbert saying to take them so that Eda will have to come with them.

"You sneaky conniving... I have truly taught you well..." Eda remarked with pride in her eyes.

"Should have burnt them Luz, we once almost lost the Owl House to that monster that lives nearby in the water in a game." King said as most eyes were on Eda for details.

"He cheated!" was all that Eda said on the matter.

Eda angrily chases after Owlbert and calls him a sore loser.

"Wouldn't be the first time..." Eda muttered underneath her breath.

At the elixir store Eda in a cloak tells Morton to open up and he says just a minute behind the closed up blinders of his store.

"That idiot takes so long..." Eda continued to mutter.

Luz on a bench asks if there is anything better than people watching in the demon realm, at a stop people are waiting as a giant comes by and opens up with a giant bird in it who flies away so that they could go in and rolls off as Tiny Nose runs up telling them to wait and is disappointed about being late.

Most of the humans looked like they were going to be sick from the sight of public transportation in Bonesborough. "The curse of tiny legs..." Luz muttered at Tiny Nose's plight.

"I know the pain..." King agreed.

Luz remarks about the curse of tiny legs and King says that he knows the pain.

Eyes wide were on the two in question as there were giggles. "This is scary, I don't know what to say..." Luz muttered.

"You have no idea how hard it is for me to keep quiet when I heard you say that knowing what is about to happen." laughed Cornholio.

A demon hunter with a sword comes by with some dragging a giant demon strapped to a plank on wheels.

Luz was about to remark about it being an ominous parade but Cornholio put out a hand her way to motion for her to be quiet, the Boiling Isles residents were fearful at the sight of the demon hunters.

Luz remarks about it being an ominous parade and Eda explains that demon hunters are dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beasts as the hunters in question restrain their captured beast.

"I have a character like that in my game!" said one of the human nerds thinking of his fantasy video game.

"Trust me, they are nothing like your stupid games." Warned Eda as the nerd looked offended.

The lead one gives Luz an eye and Eda then remarks that she is about to become if Morton doesn't open up as she starts banging on the store again. Morton apologises as he opens up the blinder and explains that he was up all night potion testing and for some reason he doesn't feel great.

"Okay, I don't think that I want to do his job if it involves that..." muttered one of the humans.

"Part of the job of selling potions." Bump explained with some of the potions track students nodding after having learned about the details.

"Wait... The 2nd episode Luz was sent to help sell potions... Luz have you had to test any of them?" Camila asked at once, ready to tear Eda a new one if that was the case.

"Of course not Mum, King suggested it but Eda shot it down... Something about my feeble human organs not being able survive the kinds of potions that she sells." Luz said at once and Eda was happy to be spared another glare from Luz's mother, though King wasn't spared this time as Camila gave him a look.

Eda gives Morton her empty elixir vial as Luz spots Willow and Gus looking sad with their heads down.

"Oh no, what has you guys down... Wait, this is the future so whatever has upset you both might not have happened yet..." Luz said thinking about how confusing this may get now that they are seeing events yet to come.

"I can probably tell judging by what Amity has recently posted on her Penstagram." Willow remarked as Amity thought about it probably being there and her posse was squealing about the planned Conjuring.

"Wait, you have social media in the Boiling Isles?" asked one of the human students.

"Kind of but they don't really have phones and I am not sure I completely understand yet; I have just gotten the hang of them using crystal balls as TV." Luz said as the humans were amazed at that detail.

Luz excitedly walks up to them but sees them down and asks who hurt them. Willow points to Amity, Skara, Boscha and Cat talking and Willow explains that Amity is having a Moonlight Conjuring with everyone invited but her.

Amity's posse were muttering about it with other students looking envious as Willow looked down, "You do this to your former friend and go back after we have that understanding last episode, guess it would be foolish to expect you to change so soon..." Luz muttered thinking about the talk that they had during the break.

Amity sighed thinking that the disappointed tone that Luz was using upset her more than if she was angry. It's not like she took any joy in this, how could she invite Willow to her house and risk her parents seeing her...

"Former friend, they used to be friends?" questioned one of the human students as they looked confused. Luz blinked at the direction but then had a realisation.

"That's right, you only got here before the last episode and you had your own viewing and missed Amity's brother bringing it up!" Luz remembered as Amity looked sadly at Willow's direction.

Gus says that they keep posting about it on their Penstagram and conjures it up with a photo of them on it. Luz reads that no dorks allowed and calls Amity a jerk with her arms folded and then asks what a Moonlight Conjuring is.

"Kind of deserve that..." Amity thought in her head as her posse was laughing at Willow's direction.

"After all the cool stuff we saw you do in this, I bet Amity would love to invite you!" Skara spoke up to a shocked angry glance from Boscha and just a stunned reaction from Amity.

"Come on, you have to admit that it would be eventful..." Skara tried to defend herself as Amity thought that it would be too eventful, Luz meeting her parents would never be anything less than a disaster.

"Not sure after you treat my friends like this." Luz replied shaking her head with Skara looking disappointed.

Willow explains that you spend a night at someone's house playing games and telling stories with Luz excitedly saying that it's like a slumber party and they have those.

"Not that I have ever been on one..." Luz whispered and hoped no one caught it but Amity and Camila did and looked back at the human students questioningly.

Willow brings up a book and says then they bring something to life with moon magic, Luz says like a weird slumber party.

"You are better off without those stupid baby get togethers." Eda told Willow in what she thought was an assuring tone.

Willow said that the both of them have been to one and you need at least 3 people and Luz says that she is 3 people, actually they are 3 people and they are way better than them.

Willow and Gus looked excited at the idea and Luz grinned at the sight of them, "Prepare to be disappointed if you expect me to authorise use of the Owl House for a stupid get together like this." Eda warned them which caused them to deflate.

Amity and her group walk by and Boscha says sarcastically Willow sorry that she didn't get an invite to the Conjuring and only really witches are allowed, Amity says to leave her alone and it's not her fault that she was born without talent.

There were students laughing at Willow as she glared.

Willow's anger accidentally brings up some vines and Luz tells her not to waste any time getting thorny with them, because they are going to have their own Moonlight Conjuring.

Eda shook her head as Willow and Gus looked at her pleadingly causing them to deflate.

Gus brings out his list and says it's on his bucket list next to owning a real human bucket.

"Wait a minute... Augustus, what tunnel under Hexside is that?" Bump demanded looking closely on the list entry saying to finish the tunnel underneath Hexside, as Gus was sweating.

"Nothing that you should be worried about Principal Bump sir..." Gus muttered up looking terrified at Bump despite sitting at opposite ends as him.

"Sounds like something that I should be worried about, as soon as we are out you will be showing me this tunnel! Depending on what I find, you could find yourself in detention for so long that your descendants will be born in detention for generations to come!" Bump warned as the human students sans Luz were extremely glad that they were not at Hexside, judging by how the Boiling Isles was like so far, they didn't even want to contemplate what detention was like there.

Luz calls it a very weird thing to want but she appreciates his enthusiasm and goes to tell Eda. Morton nervously tells Eda that she has good news and bad news; bad news is that he is all out until the next week but the good news is that feathers are a good look for her.

"Not that he's not wrong, anything is a good look for me!" Eda said striking a pose.

Eda is angry but Morton asks why she wait until now and Eda says that she has been very busy. King remarks about her being busy playing Hexas Hold Em and is obsessed with it which she denies. King points out that she is playing it right now on the counter of the store and Eda asks if she is winning.

There were much blinking, "How... I don't want to know..." Camila muttered.

"Was that such a safe place to play? What if one of the cards got to the potions that he sold!" pointed out one of the students.

"Happened once actually... Lost a fortune's worth of snails paying him back..." Eda muttered unhappy about the memory and the audience in agreement that the less that they knew the better.

Morton says that she wouldn't points this out to just anyone but she can try her luck at the Night Market with a guy with a stand and if anyone has what she needs then it's him. Luz asks if they can have their Moonlight Conjuring but Eda says not tonight as she is going out and she needs her to watch the house.

Luz looked down and then one of Willow's dads spoke up saying "You know if Eda didn't make you house sit, you could have had it at our house, Gilbert and I would have been happy for Willow to have a new friend over." Willow blinked seeing her dads there.

"Hi Willow, sorry we didn't want to embarrass you by letting you know that we were here after Cornholio brought us here. We want to have words that you are fraternising with the Owl Lady and what happened with your last day on Abomination class, but we glad you are making a new friend!" Gilbert said as they waved to her.

"Even if we are disappointed by the actions by your old one." muttered Willow's other dad as Amity sighed. Gus looked behind him and saw his own dad Perry waving to him.

King says like him when she mentions her precious objects in the house but Eda picks her up saying that she is coming with her to look out for pickpockets and in case she wants to pickpocket which they find excited.

"We will be having words Ms Clawthorne if thanks to you we find our daughter on a wanted poster!" warned Gilbert to Eda who spat out her tongue.

Luz asks if they can come to the house and Eda says no and says Conjurings are dumb and it's magic for babies as she walks off.

Willow and Gus looked disappointed and Boscha was snickering and Luz was going to try and reassure them but then...

"Luz is going to do it anyway!" shouted out Hal, Bump and Camila with a knowing tone at once which freaked them out.

"What? You really think that my own apprentice would disobey me like that? Don't you think that I taught her better than that?" Eda asked rolling her eyes as Luz was looking nervous knowing what her future self was going to do.

"With you as a role model, I know that she is going to disobey you." Bump said as Eda blew a raspberry at him.

Willow asks what Eda said and Gus points to the Moon which is rising in place with it only happening once a year, Willow thanks Luz and asks if Eda said it would be okay. Luz then lies and she said yes as long as they don't touch anything or let anyone know they did it.

Eda had her mouth wide open and then glared at a nervous looking Luz as King was rolling with laughter in his seat with Bump giving a gloating smirk to Eda's direction. "You really taught her well Eda!" laughed King.

"Do you want to be sold to those demon hunters?" Eda asked and then faced Luz, "as for you missy, I know that I can't myself punish you for something you haven't done yet but make no mistake I bet my future self is going to really let you have it when she finds out because fat chance if you can keep this from me!" warned Eda as she folded her arms.

"Sorry about going to lie to you both..." Luz told Willow and Gus apologetically.

Willow and Gus are excited about the conjuring as Luz looks up at the moon. At the Owl House, Eda gets her cloak on and tells Luz that she is in charge and to make sure that Hooty doesn't get into any trouble, Hooty opens the door and says that he doesn't need a babysitter and he's a big boy house.

"Wait, isn't the title of this episode called Hooty's Moving Hassle?" questioned one of the Hexside students.

"Thank you for reminding us but I fail to see... Oh no..." Eda said as she caught on to what was being suggested. "I swear Luz, whatever happens..." Eda told a nervous looking Luz who was being shielded by her mother who was glaring at Eda once more.

Luz tells her that she can count on her and she would never betray her hard earned trust, Eda points out that she is acting suspicious and is doing that thing where she hides in her hoodie which she denies despite doing so.

There were laughs and Luz was doing it right now, "the cat hoodie doesn't look bad on you..." Amity muttered to Luz who smiled back to her as she took down her hood.

Luz changes the subject and asks where King is and Eda reveals that he is asleep strapped to her inside her cloak and starts to rock him.

Most of the audience were awing at King who just looked embarrassed.

Luz is in awe at his dangly legs and Eda leaves the door and warns Luz that if she messes up the house then she will never trust her again, no pressure as she leaves on her staff.

Luz sank in her seat, "For what it's worth, I think I will be impressed by the moxie and be lenient on your punishment." Eda finally said to reassure Luz.

Luz wants to know if she should really be doing this but tells herself that Willow is counting on her. Willow and Gus comes out of the bushes with Willow saying that she is a sneaky sneakster and Gus says that he has leaves in his pants and he likes it.

"Thank you for that lovely mental image August..." groaned Bump and was joined by a majority of the audience.

Luz invites them in as Hooty is excited about company and for someone to listen to his stories.

"Perhaps we should be nicer to him." Luz remarked thinking that Hooty was setting himself up for disappointment.

The door is closed as Hooty starts a story about a sparrow flying into his mouth and then notices they closed the door on him, the sparrow then flies out of his mouth.

They were kind of grossed out by the image.

Luz welcomes them to the living room which is technically living and the walls are breathing. Willow finds the breathing walls enchanting as Gus is looking through the human treasures and an actual human skull.

"I swear if that kid broke something, you will be paying for it literally!" warned Eda to Luz's direction who hid in the hoodie. Eda having forgotten her vow to be much softer to Luz about this.

"Normally I wouldn't condone Luz disobeying an authority figure but considering who said authority figure is and how you encouraged her to cheat and help you as you break the law here." Camila told Eda with a glare.

"So is anyone not going to question why she has an actual human skull?" asked one of the human kids as they were looking fearfully at Eda.

"Don't look at me like that! It was already a skeleton when I found it, with a note saying that the guy should have paid back some bozo called Big Sam or something!" Eda retorted as the humans gasped as they remembered the publicised trial where the crime lord known as Big Sam was put away for life.

Luz says that they have eye snacks and weird music.

"I am begging you Mija, please tell me that you haven't been eating actual eyes..." moaned Camila as Luz looked nervous.

"Eda explained to me that it's not much different from humans eating meat and they eyes are from beasts..." Luz muttered as Eda put up a thumbs up with a smirk.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you people were cannibals..." muttered the girl from Luz's Romeo and Juliet audition as the Boiling Isles residents looked her way with shock.

"What kind of monsters do you take us for?" asked several students at once as they looked kind of offended at the accusation.

"Wait, did you call my music weird Luz?" Eda shouted when it dawned at her.

Gus is excited about them having a bucket which he has on his head.

There were muttering about this and Gus thought that it was cool.

Willow is excited about having actual friends to do the Conjuring with, Luz asks how does the Conjuring work, Willow explains that they find something to animate and with it being their first time it should be something meaningful.

"Well, Hooty is meaningful to me..." Eda muttered knowing what is probably to come by the episode title.

Willow looks at a plant but Gus suggests a Beefy Bob action figure and Luz calls him perfect and Willow says that it's not exactly what she meant. Gus has tears in his eyes and Willow concedes.

"You had to choose something lame..." Boscha laughed to much angry mutterings from the human students.

"Speak for yourself, Beefy Bob is awesome!" shouted one of the human students.

The moon is rising as they are in a circle on their knees next to a candle with the figure in the middle.

"This will not end well..." Eda muttered as they watched in anticipation.