
Chapter 25: Wing It Like Witches

Boscha is tying her hair as she is talking to her mirror with her trophies seen in the reflection of the mirror; calling herself talented and a star and she maybe hated as long as she is feared.

Boscha managed a smirk as there were moans from Amity, Willow and Gus. "This means one thing..." Amity mutters to Luz.

She gets up in her team captain jacket saying most important of all she is a winner as she tears off the page of her calendar seeing that she has 'GRUDGBY SEASON' written in big words all over the entire month.

"We will definitely have more rooms set up for your trophies Boscha dear!" Boscha's mother shouted out loud as Boscha was furious that she couldn't even prepare for her glory here without her mother embarrassing her. She was super thankful that she was banned from Hexside and all Grudgby games...

She bounces a Grudgby ball while walking through the market with the residents looking at her in awe, one older demon saying off she goes to win another championship for Hexside and another asks their young child why couldn't they be more like her who sniffs.

"Is she usually this unbearable?" Luz asks Amity as there were much coughing from certain students.

"No... This is her being humble..." Amity mutters to Luz glaring at the screen.

"Not like you were that much better when you were captain..." Boscha muttered to herself.

She goes to the entrance of Hexside as there is a giant banner saying 'Go get them, Banshees' while there are yellow and blues flags up.

The Hexside students cheer at this display along with Bump.

There were judging looks from the humans as Luz stands on her seat to face them as she shouted "come on, it's not like you are any better about our sports teams!" They muttered unable to refute what she said.

"What's wrong with you?" Amity asked Cornholio who conjured up a seat to read the Mask Omnibus by Dark Horse Comics.

"Not really a sports person; what I like is usually contact sports like MMA though mostly playing the games and of course professional wrestling which meant that I was a little disappointed when no one commented on me explaining that I blamed AEW and Chris Jericho about having to correct myself thrice when I wrote Inner Circle instead of Inner Willow." Cornholio explained with a sigh as they looked at him confused again.

She stops as she throws the ball behind her and there is Skara, Amelia and Cat who comes to stand with her as she tells them that they know the drill as captain goes first as she walks off.

"Yeah we are the ultimate Grudgby team!" Skara shouted standing up on her seat with a cheer.

"Wait, I thought you said that you hated the game earlier?" asked a human student as Skara remembered when that was brought up.

"Oh no; that's another sport... I am on a different team..." explained Skara.

She opens the door saying hello to Hexside with their star having arrived and grovelling starts there. She realises that there are no one there.

Boscha and the team members were staring at the screen in confusion.

She sees a hall where there are students laughing along with Willow was a bare plant with her, a demon student with his two eyes on top of eachother asked to do him next as Willow has the plant grow a fruit in the shape of the student's head who takes it welcoming it to the world.

There were sounds of awe as they were looking at Willow excitedly who laughs saying "of course I could do it if anyone asks..."

Boscha was glaring at this swearing that Willow will pay for stealing her thunder away from her.

He calls Willow the coolest to her embarrassment as Boscha passes saying how sad that she has to make friends with a plant with Willow looking down and Amity passes by saying 'oh please'.

Amity was glaring at Boscha's direction.

Amity to next to her saying that she used to be like her obsessed with status and challenging her competition but she grew up so when will her walking off while Boscha and her posse stops.

Amity's cheeks were red as Luz pulled her into a hug with a big smile and Willow was smiling at Amity's direction.

They look back at Willow laughing with the students there as Boscha angrily says that this is not going to fly.

There were gulps from Luz, Willow and Gus at this as Amity shakes her head and there were glares at Boscha who forced herself to be quiet.

The opening is shown.

There are fireworks at Hexside as Eda drops Luz off from her staff with Luz finding it exciting that it's her first Grudgby season; she says that she has more school spirit than the school spirits as a ghost sadly puts down his pom-poms asking why he even bother before floating away.

"You have an actual school spirit? Is he like a cheerleader since you have that griffon as a mascot." asked Hal and Bump nodded.

"He puts his most into his cheers." Bump explained.

Eda calls Grudgby season the best and she used to play in her gory days and Luz asks if she means 'glory days' and she says that too. Eda says that she was unstoppable on the field with the best moves and the best cheats; Luz says that cheating is nothing to brag about and how is she supposed to know that she is any good if she just cheats her way to victory.

"Luz... You know what witch you are talking to right? The one who made you cheat against your duel?" Camila asked Luz as Luz moaned.

"You cheated in the games you played; I can't even attempt to lie and say that this is a shocker." Bump said shaking his head along with others including Amity and Lilith.

"I suspected as much but I was never able to catch you in the act to my utter disappointment sister." Lilith said as Eda spit out her tongue at her direction.

Eda looks annoyed asking what do humans know with their goody good attitude and asks if cheaters never prosper why was she the star player?

"Remember who was the captain sister." Lilith told Eda who stared at her.

"She was the team captain?" Luz asked interested as Amity tapped on her shoulder to face her.

"I coached the previous team captain at the school." Lilith said proudly as Amity coughed a little.

Luz says that she can't reason with crazy as she pulls out sleeping King from her hood saying bye to him while kissing him on the cheek putting him on the staff with his eyes opening; she leaves waving to them as King wakes up going into her hair and pulls out an onion snack bag asking what was the last time she cleaned up in there and then threw out a mouse with an eye on it saying to get his own scalp since this one's taken.

There were looks of disgust at this and King said "you don't know what you are missing with the stuff that Eda can keep in there!"

Eda says all the Grudgby talk made her feel nostalgiac and asks King why don't they take a trip down memory lane. King goes into the hair saying hard pass and Eda says that's the spirit with the ghost from before asking hopefully if she meant him. Eda flies off leaving the ghost sad.

"Poor ghost... I am going to ask if he needs help in spreading school spirit!" Luz said with a look.

"I wish again you had the same school spirit at our school Luz." Hal said with amusement.

In history class the history teacher was talking about how 50 years ago Emperor Belos appointed a head witch to each Coven; Luz tells Gus and Willow that she can't wait for Grudgby Season and she studied on all sorts of magical sports like this bringing out her DVD of Good Witch Azura II: Field of Deadly Fates a classic underdog tale.

"Wait... You have seen the movie?" Amity asked surprised as Luz and the humans all looked her way stunned.

"You have... How?" Luz asked with her eyes filled with wonder and joy.

"In theatres though I liked the first Good Witch Azura movie better." Amity told her as Luz had a big smile.

"Of course it's the best one; we should have a movie date watching it together!" Luz said putting her into a hug with chuckles from Willow, the Blight twins and Camila.

Willow reads the description as she looks inside the box and Gus is about to eat the disc thinking it was a shiny cookie as Luz takes it away from him saying that it's not food.

"What gave you the slightest idea that there would be a cookie inside the movie box?" asked Samantha incredulously with shaking of the heads from the humans.

"It's a DVD; basically disk that we use to view movies and TV shows." Luz explained to the Boiling Isles residents.

The teacher asks if anyone knows who built and paid for the Council headquarters and then asks Willow who asks if it's the Pixie Dust taxes as there is a cheering demon student from earlier cheering her on outside the door before the teacher magically closes the door.

"Go Willow!" said the student in question standing up on his seat.

"Pixie Dust Taxes?" Camila asked wondering how this place just keeps finding new ways to surprise her.

The teacher calls her impressive with the classmates talking as Luz asks what is going on since it seemed like Hexside has caught Willow fever; Willow explains that ever since she patched things up with Amity she had been feeling more confident.

Willow had a big smile on her face which was shared by her parents as Boscha glared at the screen.

She guesses it shows as her flower hair brooch flies up and taken by Boscha who awes at Willow thinking she is popular now as Skara is smirking next to her.

"We are just having some fun banter with you Willow..." Skara said looking towards Willow but saddens as she doesn't face her. Gus and Luz glares at the screen along with Amity and Camila and others.

Boscha calls it cute with Willow looking down and Luz glares at Boscha saying that she agrees that her friend is cute and tries to get the brooch back as Boscha calls it weird that Amity hangs out with her that she had gone soft ever since Grom.

"Anyone thinks that I gone soft?" Amity asked looking at the Hexside students standing up and they shook their heads as Amity smirks going back onto her seats.

"I am not looking forward to our first couples fight..." Luz whispered to giggles from Camila and red cheeks from Amity.

She puts the brooch on saying don't worry since she is still there to show her whose boss as Gus snatches the brooch from her hair who gives it back to Willow.

Luz got up to glare at Boscha who hated that she was being silent if she wanted to get out of this get up.

Boscha says the friends want to get in on this too as she magically gets her bag to float up and empty on them as there is laughter with the teacher saying that learning isn't supposed to be fun; Luz swears that they are having zero fun and says that Boscha is picking on them. Boscha apologises saying she was practicing her aim for Grudgby as she throws an eraser at Willow's head; he asks how could she throw things at them when she could throw things at him drawing a circle on himself with a chalk.

There were open mouths from the humans at this; "Are you in charge of a school or a circus there?" Hal asked as Bump sighed.

"I have hired from circuses before..." Bump replied knowing how bad this looked. The human student athletes thought that they never got special treatment like this before.

Boscha says that she has the perfect targets throwing gum at Willow's hair with Luz saying that it's not like she could follow them all day.

It cuts to them with messes around them while on the school steps and Luz says that she literally followed them around all day.

There were hateful glares at Boscha from Camila and Amity as Luz found herself being held closely by her mother. Camila muttered incomplete sentences and Eda would have commented that someone else managed to make her do it before Eda but she was busy glaring hatefully at the bully who dared to bully HER kid. She was making note of things to do to her and the Blight twins were not happy with her either as they whispered on prank ideas to play on Boscha.

Boscha got herself to smirk even as she saw her posse looking nervous at this. "Boscha! You have better use of your school time than juvenile antics like this!" thundered Boscha's mother as she shrank into her seat; her smirk gone.

Willow apologises for bring them both into this and they should have just kept a low profile since Boscha could get away with murder if she wanted to; Bump goes down the steps asking if Boscha got away with murder, he can't say that he approves but at least she is trying new things.

Now it was Bump's turn to get the hateful glares from Camila; "I am sure I was just kidding around... I would never allow my students to get away with murder... Well if it was outside or school to someone not at the school or if it was someone at Glandus, I might consider looking the other way but if it was a student against another student..." Bump said trying to explain himself as Hal shook his head.

Luz says that she will find a way out of this as Amity passes with Luz calling to her with her stopping to face them with her cheeks slightly red; Luz comes up to her as Amity embarrassedly says that she is here since obviously since this is school now and she goes there with her and then whispering that she had been talking for too long.

"You are really bad at hiding Amity; I feel like an idiot knowing this would pass me by..." Luz said shaking her head at this as there were amused giggles at this.

"You're not an idiot Luz and you had other things on your mind to think about." Amity assured her as Camila smiled at the two.

Luz asks for her help with Amity instantly agreeing before asking with what exactly; Luz explains about Boscha picking on Willow with Amity saying that around this time she is extra unbearable. Luz asks if she can help since she is friends with her and Amity explains that there is no reasoning with Boscha since she only speaks in Grudgby terms with Luz smiling saying that she is thinking what she is putting down.

"Luz; never doubt that I love you but I would appreciate if you would think your ideas through before going through with them..." Camila sighed as Luz knew what her other self was thinking.

"What? What could she have thought up?" Amity asked herself.

Amity says that she isn't putting anything down as Luz notices Willow at the side of the building covered in garbage asking what happened; Gus helps clean her as Willow explains that Boscha happened.

There is Boscha up at the window with a trash can saying that she thought that all trash should stay in one spot; Luz shouts at her saying that Willow challenges her to a Grudgby match shocking Boscha dropping the can with Willow asking she what as the can lands on Gus who asks what and then asking seriously what is going on there.

"Luz! I don't even know how to describe how stupid this idea is!" cried Amity as there were glares at Boscha at this including Willow's parents but Willow gasped at what Luz just said.

"Come on, how hard could this game be?" Luz asked as there were moans from her friends and loved ones.

"It really is a miracle that your student has managed to not get herself killed here Edalyn." Lilith said as Eda couldn't do anything to go against that as Luz looked aghast.

At the Owl House; Eda is in a Grudgby jacket showing King a scrapbook and a picture of her with a trophy Epiderm High in the semi-finals; she was the youngest in the team but she had what some called star power taking from her hair a box entitled Eda's Rad Cheatz.

"Wait... Are you saying that was a box of cheating tricks and not a lunchbox..." Luz asked nervously as she faced Eda who looked at her oddly.

"No of course it isn't a lunchbox; not like I had shown you it before Luz." Eda told her and Luz gulped making an innocent smile as she went to face the screen.

"Luz, something the matter?" Amity asked as Luz shook her head.

"Nothing... As long as Eda never wants to use it again..." Luz whispered and both her sort of girlfriend and her mother had a feeling that she did something to the box.

She explains what's in there and she had never lost a game with it; Hooty opens the door saying that she had found a special friend in the forest having tied up a figure and drops Lilith into the living room.

Lilith was thinking to herself that her future self would be able to find the Owl House now but then there was Hooty happily looking her way asking if they can be best friends now. Lilith scoffed at the very idea of this but also not very happy of what Hooty is doing to her on screen.

Eda puts the box in her hair looking at Lilith angry; Eda tells Hooty to scram as he happily goes back to his spot and closes the door.

Lilith asks why is she in her old uniform and Eda folds her arms saying no reason and asks what is she doing there; Lilith magics up a scroll saying that she is hereby under arrest but then Eda magically has the scroll roll itself up hitting Lilith in the face before disappearing.

"Edalyn; you always insist on making this much more difficult than it needs to be." Lilith said as Eda scoffed.

"I am not making this more difficult than it needs to be; it's as simple as this: I am never slaving myself to your stupid Coven System and that's that!" Eda retorted as Lilith shook her head.

"Wait... I have seen how your staff treats your star players and you say Eda was a star player in Grudgby... You know; it's making much more sense to me why Eda hadn't gotten herself expelled at your school." Hal spoke up as Eda stood up to glare at his direction.

"Whatever you are implying why don't you come and say it to my face!" Eda warned as Hal gulped.

Lilith says that she has to bring her in and it's time for her to join the Coven; that the Emperor has big plans for the Isles and she wants Eda to be a part of it all as Eda ignores her looking at her scrapbook. Eda sarcastically asks what an incredible opportunity for her as Lilith takes the book wanting to know what she is looking at; she asks about the Grudgby pictures and closes it asking if she is feeling sentimental.

"Do you think that I feel sentimental?" Eda asked laughing.

"I would say so when we saw you overlooking your history of trouble making in your permanent record." Lilith replied as Eda thought that she got her there.

Eda says never as King shakes his head and that she was just telling King how good she was as she magically gets herself a ball; Lilith says that the curse is not only affecting her hair but her memory as well taking out the picture that Eda was showing King from before out of the book. She folds it out showing from the left side showing young Lilith smirking with a large golden trophy with a silver medal and medals around her neck.

Lilith smirked to herself as she got up and took a bow to the impressed claps and cheers from the crowd.

"Yeah, that's Coven Head Lilith!" Steve said clapping the hardest.

"Your hair looks different; did you dye it?" Luz asks Lilith who gives a slight nod.

Eda says that she will go peacefully with her to the Emperor if she can beat her in a Grudgby game; Luz is always challenging people to things so why not her.

"Like teacher like student it seems but are you so certain that you could beat me?" Lilith asked standing up as Eda laughed.

"With the tricks up my sleeve or up my hair you have no hope!" Eda smirked as Luz looked nervous.

"But what if you couldn't use your tricks in your not a lunchbox?" Luz asked nervously as Eda looked at her.

"Luz, I think this is acting weird even for you..." Eda muttered as Luz gulped as Camila and Luz shared a look wondering if they should ask if Luz did something to this box.

Lilith comes in closer smirking crushing the photo in the palm of her hand saying game on.

Back at the school Boscha is looking angry down at Luz as she turns and walks; Willow gets up and asks Luz what is she doing. Luz says that she is only following Amity's advice in that Boscha only speaks in Grudgby terms as she comes out twirling a ball on her finger; Luz says to trust her since she has a plan.

"Luz, you're track record of plans is okay but not really the best... You should go home in order to have my train you idiot kids." Eda said shaking her head.

Luz tells Boscha as she comes closer saying that they will settle it on the field; Willow suggests that they just talk about their issues. Luz says that if Willow's team wins then Boscha can't pick on her anymore and Boscha says fine as Cat, Skara and Amelia comes closer behind her saying that when they win Willow and her team will be the water gophers and she gets to use them as target practice kicking a ball through a tree.

There were loud gulps from Luz, Willow, Gus, Amity and Camila and a smirk from Boscha. "Seriously Mija; I appreciate what you are trying to do for your friend but you go overboard in your ideas..." Camila muttered hoping that her daughter will be okay.

Boscha says that she will see them after school leaving with her posse as the tree catches on fire with the cheering demon student from before cheering on Willow V Boscha.

Said student did the same.

Luz takes the can off Gus as Amity tells Luz that it isn't a good idea with Willow asking how could she beat Boscha since she had never played Grudgby before. Luz says that Willow is the better witch bringing out her DVD saying that she doesn't know about sports but she does know about sports movies and they too are a ragtag group of lovable misfits to join together to defeat a powerful enemy; she beleives that with a little team spirit and a training montage they can win.

"Mija... I hate that you keep having to learn the difference between fiction and reality there..." Camila muttered shaking her head.

"I keep making it through with whatever the Isles throws at me Mum." Luz said trying to lift the spirits of her mother.

There were sighs from Cornholio who said "just like I am not really that big into sports nor am I really that into sports movies... I have seen both Space Jam movies and I do like Dodgeball: a True Underdog story though this is more of an underdog story than this one.."

Willow and Gus were scared about what will happen in this game.

Willow says that she is in if she thinks that it will work; Gus says that his flags have in seasons passed waved for Grudgby greats and now they will wave for the greatest... Him! Luz asks about Amity who embarrassedly asks her on a team with her running around in cute uniforms sweating.

There were laughs as Amity began muttering that can she please get a break, Luz took her hand with red in her face and a smile and Amity returned.

"Luz; at the wedding will you or Mittens be adopting the other surname? We want to know before we start practicing on the wedding invitations!" shouted out Emira as Amity shot her a thunderous glare and Luz was further embarrassed.

She gets more nervous with each word and now her face is red then runs saying that she has got to go. Luz guesses that she is out and says to get training.

At the school Grudgby field Luz asks how exactly do they play the game as Gus gets a miniature illusion to explain that you score points by getting the ball through the other team's hoop; Luz thinks that it sounds easy as Willow magics up a leaves that she blows to the field which lands on the ground before being attached by the various magic on it.

"Please... Tell me that you don't plan on seriously joining the team after this..." Camila pleaded with Luz who quickly shook her head reassuring her.

"Seriously; do social services or child saftey laws just not exist there?" Hal asked as the human students looked terrified.

Luz says that she should have predicted this with the Boiling Isles as she plays music on her phone which she places next to the DVD and gets a headband on and then blows a whistle.

Luz says that every great sports story has a training montage which Gus asks what it is.

Suddenly the room is filled with the loud sound of Eye of the Tiger by Survivor which didn't sound like it was coming from the episode. They looked to Cornholio who asks "What? Would you prefer Gonna Fly Now, You're the Best Around or I could try the Montage song from South Park?" Cornholio then sighs from the looks as he makes the song stop muttering "Well excuse me for trying to make this more exciting..."

There is a montage of Luz using a blackboard to explain about Montage, using a TV to show an American football player and then having a tea party in animal pyjamas.

There were laughs at this to the embarrassment of the three in question; "Just... Why would you do this?" cried Eda with tears of disappoint in her eyes.

Gus says that he gets it now but then asks if they just had a tea party in animal jammies with Luz saying that what happened in the montage stays in the montage.

There were more laughs at this, "I have seen better montages..." commented one of the human students.

Luz blows the whistle throwing them a ball saying to hit the field; Willow was about to kick the ball but they run from a tentacle going up as Willow catches the ball and then a zombie hand picks Gus up and the student from before is in the stands cheering on Willow saying that she will get them next time.

"Seriously, are you just crushing on Willow at this point?" Luz asked sarcastically finding the student in the crowd.

"...Would it matter if I was?" the student replied as Willow looked embarrassed.

Willow asks for water as Luz says for their big finale; she puts down a glyph for a Thorn Vault as a giant thorn throws them as Willow magics up a flower for them to land on but Gus falls down as she goes to check on him along with a worried Luz.

Perry shouted worried for Gus as Amity looked to Luz and said "you thought about trying that trick from the movie?" Luz shook her head nervously as Amity sighed thinking about the memories that this brought.

"Amity, Wasn't this like..."Amelia asked as Amity quickly motioned for her to be silent.

Gus then notices his broken flags which he starts to cry over as Willow notices her broken brooch; she tells Gus that she has some floral tape in the greenhouse and she will fix them.

Willow takes Gus telling Luz not now as she suggests to try the Thorn Vault one more time; Luz says they are underdogs who have to stay upbeat and keep trying with Willow saying that not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a dope music soundtrack. Willow says that they are going to lose and nothing will help against that, she says the game is off as she turns and leaves with Luz asking her to wait but then she looks down and notices the brooch which she picks up.

"Luz; I know you started this trying to defend Willow's honour but that stunt at a moment's notice and trying to keep pushing them is not going to do any good." Camila chided softly looking disappointed as Luz sighs.

"I got too into it... I am real sorry guys!" Luz said apologetically looking towards Willow and Gus.

"...It will be alright; maybe Boscha will go easy on us." Willow said with a fake smile with Luz giving her a look along with her parents. Luz was about to say something when Willow said "please let me live in denial for the moment Luz!"

Outside the Owl House there is a makeshift Grudgby field set up Hooty is the referee with a hat and whistle as Eda holding the ball and Lilith face off; Hooty says no magic allowed as King is dressed as a cheerleader next to the scoreboard saying he will strike fear into his enemies with his armor of intimidation.

There were laughs at this as King moaned about the indignity at this all.

Eda snickers about his intimidation armor and says that she will try and go easy on Lilith since pushing paper all day would make her all rusty throwing Lilith the ball, Lilith bounces the ball around her and spins it on her finger saying that Eda may have been the star player but she was team captain for a reason as she throws Eda the ball.

Lilith and Eda shared a competitive look on their faces.

Hooty blows the whistle as it cuts to Luz using a band aid to try and fix the brooch as Amity comes up asking if it was tough practice; Luz explains that she pushed Willow and Gus too hard since she hates seeing Willow get picked on and she is one of the best friends that she had ever had.

"Aw Luz... Consider it all forgiven!" Willow said smiling as Luz looked guilty.

Luz says that winning the game is the only way that she knows how to help and Amity asks if she knows that before Boscha she was the team captain surprising Luz; Amity says that since leaving the team she decided it was a part of her life that she would rather forget.

Luz was thinking about backstory reveal as Lilith stood up saying "I personally coached her after she told me that she was trying out for the school team!"

It cuts to a flashback with Amity explaining that they were playing Glandus High for the championships and at the last time she decided that she wanted to try something a little flashier, changing the game plan to the Thorn Vault with Luz saying the title of the Good Witch Azura II.

"So copying something you saw in a movie; you and Luz do have things in common!" Hal commented as Amity sighed with a smile on her face.

Amity is surprised that she had watched it too; Amity says that it went disastrously as flashback Amity notices that her teammates got hurt all because she had an idea on how things should be.

"Even back then, you still hated seeing your friends hurt..." Luz said pulling Amity into a hug which she returned as the teammates in question remembered about that game.

Amity said that she pushed them too far and she never played again after that day as Luz gives her a look causing Amity to fall down with her helping her up saying sorry as she really loves backstories as Amity has a red face.

Luz and Amity laughed together.

They look down from the stands noticing Boscha and her team as Luz says that she knows what she needs to do to make this up to Willow thanking her; Amity sees that Luz had put the bandaged up brooch in her hands as she notices Luz going to face Boscha and her team.

"Luz... What are you going to do..." Eda asked hesitatingly.

Boscha asks where is the leader of Luz's loser brigade with Luz saying that she is there on her behalf saying that they forfeit with Amity being shocked along with Boscha's team.

There were shocked gasps especially from Camila and Eda shouted "Luz! I know that I said that quitting was trying but much easier but with these stakes this is definitely not the time nor the place for it!" Willow was open mouthed at Luz's direction along with Gus as well as Amelia, Cat and Skara.

Luz says that she is there to tell her that she will take Willow's place as whatever she needs with Boscha calling her a real good friend and uses a spell to put the ball on fire saying that she is a perfect target shocking Luz.

Boscha felt the thunderous rage being directed to her by Camila and Amity.

She throws the ball at Luz telling her to think fast but Luz dodges with it hitting a three sending it down. Boscha's team are stunned as Boscha had several flying balls turning to fire sending her way as Luz runs from them as Amity leaves.

"Not really cool Boscha..." Skara said shaking her head as Boscha was red in the face from the anger that she was keeping check.

In the greenhouse Willow tapes Gus' flags up who calls them flags of surrender; Amity enters explaining that Luz needs her help. She goes up to them saying that she knows that she pushed them and she always gets in over her head, she can be so stupid which she loves but then corrects herself saying that she meant hate. In any case Luz needs her which she founds sweet but corrects herself saying that it's dumb.

"I am really bad at hiding this..." Amity muttered as Luz got her hand again and she smiled in return. Camila was smiling at the display as well.

Gus says that she lost him as Amity hands Willow the bandaged brooch making Willow smile.

Willow smiled at Luz's direction.

Gus says no to whether they could resist the call to action and thus the flags must be waved once more as they leave.

Gus smirked at the screen as well.

Eda throws the ball at a goal which Hooty blocks causing Eda to ask what side is he on; Hooty calls himself an unbiased participant as Lilith catches the ball.

"An unbiased participant and he is supposed to be the referee... Is that allowed?" Hal asked.

"Anything can really go in this game." Bump replied.

Hooty has his face in the ground opening up to show his large mouth but Lilith jumps and scores a goal with King scoring it off so it is 5-5.

The audience were becoming tense as if this was a real game.

They are both tired as Hooty with the ball says that there is time for one more play and Eda says that one more trick and the game will be her's as she gets out her box but there is a note from Luz saying that she noticed her lunch box was getting dirty so she cleaned it along with an anime drawing of her along with a heart.

"LUZ!" Eda shouted getting up from her seat as the audience were filled with laughs as Luz looked frightened.

"I am so sorry Eda! I found the box having fallen out of your hair while you were sleeping the night before the Covention and I thought I would do this favour for you!" Luz explained terrified of her wrath.

"How could you have possibly thought it was a lunchbox with what I had in there?" Eda asked in disbelief as Lilith was laughing the loudest.

Eda closes the box saying dang it to Luz saying that her nonsense has gotten into her head, Eda says that she will have to do it the old fashioned way after putting it back in her hair. Lilith asks if she is nervous since she is taking her time and Eda says not today as Hooty blows the whistle throwing the ball into the air as the two sisters jump for it. Eda gets it and runs as Hooty comes up from the ground but Eda jumps from his head as Lilith lands on his face saying no as Eda throws the ball scoring the final point.

Eda got up to do a mocking victory dance as Lilith glared at her as Steve gave her a shoulder pat saying that he is sure that she had played a good game.

Eda gloats about still having the skills to pay the bills as Lilith moans saying that she can't go back to the Emperor empty handed. Eda sighs as she gets off her ring giving her it saying to tell him that she put up the heck of a struggle. Lilith takes it saying that she will be back for her and next time she won't be alone as she leaves.

Lilith sighed as she did give a face of gratitude to Eda who nodded back to her as everyone else looked at this display by the two sisters.

Eda says that she will be waiting as Lilith looks behind her and leaves. Hooty goes up to near Eda's face saying that she will be waiting too giving a few hoots.

"Dang it Hooty; can you please not ruin a moment like this?" Eda asked as Hooty gave an apologetic hoot in response.

Luz runs from the balls as she hits a dead end with Boscha asking if she is having fun yet since she is just getting warmed up as she throws a ball at Luz; a tree pops up sending it back to her with Willow there saying that her issue is with her and not Luz.

"Go Willow!" cheered the student from before as Willow glared at Boscha.

Luz goes up to her apologising for getting her into the mess and Willow was right that she got her head stuck into the movie bits; Willow says that it's okay and she knows that she was only trying to help in her Luz way. Willow says to finish it her way.

Willow and Luz shared a smile.

Willow says the game is back on and Boscha points out that they need 3 players and Willow and Luz looks to Gus in the stand, Amity says right there as they spot her.

Boscha grunted as Amity smiled to Luz and then to Willow who returned the smile.

Boscha tells her that she just destroyed her social life as Amity joins them and Amity corrects her saying that she thinks that she made it better.

"You bet that I did!" Amity shouted out loud not caring as to who was listening.

They are in their uniforms as music plays as Gus cheers on Willow, Willow says Boscha that there is something on her shoe and Boscha asks like she would fall for that as a ball comes out. Boscha finds her shoe caught by vines as she tries to jump making her fall down as Willow gets the ball and gets a plant to cover her as Cat and Amelia comes but then the plant goes down. Willow appears at the goal to throw it over.

"I thought that you weren't supposed to use magic?" asked Samantha remembering what Hooty said.

"I have played with King before with Hooty refereeing and he preferred no magic to give King at least a speck of a chance." Eda explained thinking about how it was one of the bets that she had utterly humiliated King at before.

Luz and Amity have the ball but then an axe comes up and so Amity summons a giant abomination hand to hold it allowing Luz to go through. Gus illusions up several versions of himself.

The Illusion Track members looked impressed at this display.

Amelia is seen dodging obstacles to score as Luz doesn't dodge it and compliments Amelia and Amelia says thanks as they share a high five making Boscha grumble with her arms folded and so Amelia does the same. Boscha throws a fire ball at Luz who summons an ice block to block the goal.

"They could do it... This can't happen!" Boscha screamed in her head.

Luz catches the ball and finds a glyph on it and puts a piece of paper over it causing it to catch fire. Luz is excited about the fire magic as she throws it with Boscha's team getting out of the way and calls for Amity who summons an abomination fist which pushes the ball to score a goal.

Luz shouted excited at this as her friends thought that they could actually do this.

The teams face eachother at 9-9 as they discuss the time for one more play, Luz shows her glyphs as to what she has to offer. Willow picks out the Thorn Vault glyph and Willow says that she is ready that time. Gus has his illusions cheer on with their flags.

This looked cool as Amity and Willow shared a look with Amity hoping that she knows what she is doing.

Luz catches the ball and Amity tells her to watch out as she pushes Luz out of the way as Boscha tackles her, Luz is then chased by Cat and Amelia as Luz readies the glyph and Willow catches it and jumps from the Thorn while running through it as Willow scores and lands on a bush that she conjures up.

There were cheers and claps at this as Boscha hoped that this was a joke.

Luz hugs her but then the score goes to 999 as Boscha smirks shows off the Rusty Smidge as Willow explains that she caught it with Boscha saying that she caught it and it means they automatically win with all magic sports are like this.

Boscha had a gloating smirk on her face as Luz bellowed out the same rant as her other self did but louder.

"I am not a sports person but I am with Luz on this; what kind of stupid rule is this?" Camila asked as there were bewildered looks from the other humans.

"The sports council have debated removing the rule altogether for generations..." Lilith said.

"Still looks like a good game Willow and co!" Skara shouted out loud along with Amelia and Cat making Boscha glare at them.

Luz rants about the stupid rule as Boscha gloats but then her other plays goes up to Willow and Luz and then there is Skara who smiles at them; Skara says good game and Amelia says that she had so much fun playing against them.

"No... I won't even be allowed to enjoy my victory..." Boscha screamed in her head along with a face of fury.

Cat offers Willow a spot on their team as Boscha looks on and Willow turns them down saying thanks for the offer but she thinks that she is done for Grudgby for now, she asks where Amity is and they spot her on her knees.

"Amity!" shouted out Camila, Lilith, Luz and her friends along with Boscha's teammates and the Blight twins in unison; even the twins in concern and worry had used Amity's name instead of Mittens.

"I will be fine and it's not like I am hurt right now..." Amity said to reassure them.

Willow and Luz goes up to her in worry and Amity says that she thinks that she hurt her leg, Amity says that she thinks that she will be okay as Luz asks if she is sure. Luz offers to carry her if it really hurts as Amity pulls it off that she is fine as Luz then scoops her up bridal style as Gus asks if they could have another montage.

Amity and Luz were red in the face as there were giggles at this, "I call dibs on maid of honour!" Willow screamed out with Emira shouting about how unfair this was.

"I thought that you said that you had weak nerd arms Mija." giggled Camila amused as Luz moaned about her mother embarrassing her.

Luz activates montage as they are shown going up on flowers to throw the balls through the hoop. They look at the score as Gus illusions up their score to show 1000.

There were laughs at this.

Then the three with the ball goes to meet Eda, Hooty and King at the door and Hooty goes up to them and they walk all over him literally as King asks if they are not going to show this to anyone as Luz is on her knees giggling with her phone directed to them and Eda says off course not and tells him to keep cheering.

There were laughs and King was crying about the embarrassment, Luz was stroking Hooty apologetically at this.

Amity goes through the door with her leg in a cast and holding a clutch to wave to them as Hooty then pushes to land on the couch between Luz and Willow. She smiles as she joins in on the tea party.

"What no animal jammies?" joked Gus as there were more laughs at this.

"Two more episodes to go everyone and the season is done and I must warn you all... This is one of the big revelation episodes so get ready on your seat!" Cornholio said suddenly standing in front of the screen leaving them stunned as to what could this mean.