
Chapter 13: Something Ventured, Someone Framed Part 1

In a class at Hexside; Gus in a president's crown is showing off wonders of the human realm with a cheese grater listed as nail clippers, an onion snack bag and a phone listed as a whoopee cushion, a broken umbrella hat filled with leaves as a food bowl, a rubik's cube listed as a possible weapon and a paperclip listed as a 'Pay-Per-Clorp'.

There were snickering from the humans and Camila looked to Gus with a smile as he looked uneasy and told him "well you got the last one, even if it's the wrong pronunciation."

"So this is the work of the so called HAS president? You wouldn't get away with junk like this at my old school." laughed Mattholomule as Gus glared at him.

"Mattholomule is our newest member at the club." Gus explained to Luz.

Gus picks up the paperclip and lists its uses calling it one of their most valued objects listing off things that it can do with his favourite being mimicking the sound of the ocean while springing it.

The other HAS members looked bored as Bo looked towards Skara, "I am sorry for asking you to come along for meetings since it looks like they will be dull in the next few meetings." Bo told Skara apologetically as Gus looked nervous.

"Well the actual human shows herself to be cool; I might give it a second thought." Skara said with a smile as Boscha forced herself to be silent.

Gus puts it on the board along with other documents for the Human Appreciation Society and asks for questions as sitting down are Mattholomule the only one awake along with Eileen, Bo and a unicorn Cyclops demon student. Mattholomule puts up his hand asking if this is what passes as human artefacts and says at his old school they had real treasures as he gets up and throws the stuff back which Gus catches.

Gus glared at Mattholomule who just shakes his head.

Mattholomule puts down an egg with a drawing of a skull and listing it as a human skull, sports footwear made of dirty and leaves and a cellular phone which is just a rock with a piece of paper with numbers on it.

The HAS members were about to be amazed but the humans bursted into laughter as Mattholomule looks aghast and shrinks into his seat, "Well Gus getting one right is better than getting nothing right!" Luz laughed as Mattholomule was now panicking as the other HAS members looked at him all judgemental.

The other HAS members are amazed and Eileen thinks they are cool and asks to touch them, Mattholomule says that in his club they didn't have rules and Gus has his rules up saying no touching, no role-playing as humans (to see the Human Fantasy Club) and to stop asking about human blood.

"You have a Human Fantasy Club?" Luz asked surprised so many questions rushing through her head as well as the other humans, the club's president proudly stood up and took a bow.

"You ask about human blood?" a student asked fearfully.

"Don't worry I added it in recently when Luz asked that I not ask about it..." Gus said before instantly regretting it to which Camila gave an accusatory glance at him.

Gus takes the stuff away and says that thankfully it's not his club, Mattholomule asks the members who thinks that he should be president with them for it but the unicorn student being an undecided voter. Gus says that they are fake shocking them but Mattholomule says that he can't prove it and he is just trying to distract them so that he doesn't get kicked out of office with the members unsure what to believe.

From the looks Mattholomule was getting they knew who to believe now.

Gus sees the pinned newspaper article of the human on the Boiling Isles with a photo of Luz on it.

"Gus, please don't do what I think you are going to do..." Willow muttered with a big groan and Gus looked sheepish thinking that he probably will.

"Augustus, I don't know whether I should ground you or not for what you are about to do considering that it's your future self who probably won't need to do it... I hate how confusing this is!" Perry Porter spoke out loud and Gus shrank into his seat.

Gus asks what if he brought in a real human as an expert shocking them and Mattholomule asks why he didn't bring him in, Gus says that she is busy with a job but he will bring her in the next day to prove he is right with Mattholomule unconvinced and Gus looks worried.

"Hopefully the school will be left standing." Bump said glaring at Gus who couldn't shrink into his seat anymore.

"Lay off him Principal Bump sir; it's not like I would go with Gus to the school since I would know that I am banned despite really wanting to go to your school; you can't exactly punish him for an idea that wouldn't be pulled off." Luz told him and he gave her a glance.

"What if Augustus will lie to you to get you to go along; you know like the one you did in telling him and Willow about Edalyn letting you have your Conjuring." Bump said and Gus was nervous knowing that is probably what he will do.

"Well as we saw I probably told them the truth off screen and I am sure that Gus wouldn't lie to me like that." Luz said assure of what she was saying.

The opening is shown.

At the Owl House Luz is helping to sort out the human junk to sell with Luz telling Gus that she would love to go to school with him but she doesn't know how she can with her being banned by Principal Bump and even points to the banned poster.

"See? No harm, no foul!" Luz said with a satisfied look on her face and Bump gave her a humourless laugh.

"I would say that it's too early to be so confident Luz." Camila told her.

Eda says that Bump did her a favour with there being nothing for her at the dweebus factory with no offence to Gus who she calls a dweebus; Gus says that it's okay since he comes from a long line of dweebuses.

"It's true; it goes all the way back to my great grandfather!" Perry said speaking as if it's something to be admired.

Luz angrily puts down a box saying that she would love to go someday and better than unpacking boxes in the Eda Coven; Eda asks if she thinks she is clever and King is encouraging them to fight.

"I will give you this Eda; it's not like you're the only bad role model in the Owl House for my daughter." Camila told Eda as King glared at her.

Eda tells King to can it and says that first all it's the Bad Girl Coven and second of all she guesses that Luz doesn't want in on the T-shirt order with a drawing of a purple shirt with the logo of Bad Girl Coven and a drawing of Eda standing on her staff with sunglasses and a purple and yellow backwards hat.

There was laughter at that and Lilith looked at Eda incredulously and said "you seriously drew that Edalyn?"

"So you don't want in on the shirt order Lilith? It would break up all the lack of color in your choice of clothing." Eda asked with a smirk and Lilith glared at her.

Luz tells Eda that she doesn't care about t-shirts and she wants to learn magic which they teach at Hexside; Eda can't come up with a retort and leaves saying that she doesn't want to hear another word about Hexside unless it's Hexside is on fire and let's grab front row seats.

Luz looked away sighing as Eda looked incredulously, "Come on kid, it's for your own good... You are making me feel guilty now!" she told her as Luz shakes her head. "Who are you looking at?" Eda asked at the judgemental glances coming her way as she didn't sound so sure of herself in her voice.

King says to look at what she did and goes to rub it in, Luz sits down on the couch and Gus lies to her saying that he used his presidential authority to pull some strings and got her pardoned from her ban.

"Okay... Forget that I said anything..." Luz muttered as Gus looked at her apologetically and Willow looked at Gus judgementally.

"I am so sorry Luz... I promise that I will make up for any trouble that I cause you in this episode!" Gus pleaded with her and Luz was just scared about what is going to happen.

"I can't believe you would believe that; presidential authority of a school club? Do you think that this is some kind of Disney kids cartoon where student presidents have authority over what goes on in the school..." asked a human girl shaking her head as Cornholio snapped his fingers and for a second the screen showed the title screen and Cornholio had an arrow pointing to the Disney logo. "Point taken..." the girl muttered.

Luz thanks her all excited jumping on the couch about getting to see the school and save the president and Gus tells her that he will see her tomorrow as he leaves and jumps excited as well and begins to dance.

"Yes, celebrate that you lied to our best friend and things are going to end in disaster." Willow said with her arms folded.

"Willow dear, I am not sure you have the moral high ground to judge your friend since you allowed her to be sneaked into school to cheat on your abomination assignment." Gilbert spoke up and Willow knew that he had a point.

"To be fair that was mostly my idea." Luz told him in Willow's defence.

Hooty tells him sweet moves and Gus freaked out says that he always forgets that he is there and Hooty says that he forgets that he is there too.

"It's true I just remembered were I am just now!" Hooty said happily with most people jumping in fright at being reminded that Hooty was there.

Gus says that this is going to work out after all and it cuts to Willow at Hexside telling Gus that this isn't going to work out at all and Gus says that he took care of any potential problem.

"Doubtful as I have about seventeen potential problems that I have already come up with in my head." Hal said with a sigh as most people already figured out that this will end badly.

Willow points out that lying to their best friend about getting her ban lifted seems like a potential problem to her and Gus claims that he had no choice and the members were being bloodthirsty.

"We are not bloodthirsty!" the HAS members shouted at once.

Willow asks about all the wanted posters around school and Gus gets out one from his bag which has others in it and takes out a student cowl to keep her undercover.

Bump glared at Gus and spoke up "quite interesting if you managed to find them all since I know for certain that there are some posters in areas off limits to students such as the staff area and the kitchen!"

"Come on now Principal Bump; you can't exactly punish me for stuff I haven't done yet and probably won't..." Gus said nervously.

"You have a point Augustus so I will focus on punishing you for stuff that you have done because don't think that I haven't forgotten about the tunnel that is apparently being dug underneath my school!" Bump replied as Gus shrinked into his seat.

Luz asks undercover from what as she comes over and Gus quickly puts the cowl over her head on the wrong way round before Gus fixes it.

Luz says that on the Boiling Isles old things smell old and Gus tells her to put it on to hide her ears so that they could keep her under wraps before the big reveal.

"Nothing about this you found suspicious?" Amity asked Luz and she sighed.

"I think I would be too excited about going to be back in Hexside to think about it." Luz told her.

Willow gives a judgemental look as Luz comments on him being a showman and puts it on saying that she gets it; he brings the razzle while she brings the dazzle as she has confetti. Willow asks if she always has confetti on her.

"Yes!" said all the humans sans Luz and Camila at once and Luz laughed awkwardly.

Gus' screaming demon alarm watch on his wrist goes off with Gus taking Luz by the hand and telling Willow that they will see her after school. Willow says that she hopes Gus knows what he is doing.

"He probably doesn't..." muttered a few students.

"Doesn't a watch like that hurt?" Camila asked and a few students just shrugged.

Eda is crouched down outside the door at the Owl House saying that she is trying to protect Luz, Hexside chews out anything unique and spits out bland mush.

"Wow, not so sure about yourself Eda?" smirked Lilith and Eda just blew a raspberry at her.

Hooty says that he chews insects and turns them into mush as there are flies flying around him.

"Yummy!" Hooty said looking at the flies on the screen.

Eda points out that it's her beef and does Luz need to draw her own conclusions?

Camila looked at Eda in surprised and Eda sighed about this as Luz looked at her hopeful.

Hooty says that his beef is insects and they are what he eat; Eda amusedly asks Hooty if he is just going to be unhelpful.

"You are the one who decided to use him to voice your problems towards." Amity told her shaking her head, "As if that bird tube thing could help anyone with their problems..." Amity said giving a humourless laugh at the idea.

Hooty says that all that he knows is that she just taught him and he turned out just fine, he sticks his tongue out to try and reach a fly that landed on the door near his face.

Eda looked like she just had a realisation while most of the audience laughed, "I now kind of fear more the idea of Luz being stuck with you to guide her." Camila admitted and was stunned when Eda didn't even respond.

Eda with a face says that she has got to get that girl into school.

"Wow Edalyn... I don't know what to say..." Lilith said stunned as Luz looked excited and was shouting thanks to Eda.

"Please remember Edalyn, what I said earlier for me to consider bringing Luz into Hexside and lifting her ban." Bump warned Eda and she had a look of panic on her face and Lilith looked confused. "That's right Lilith, during an earlier episode I brought up that I could allow Luz to be enrolled at Hexside provided that your sister cleans up every mess that she made while she was here!" Bump explained to her and Lilith looked like she was about to break out in laughter to Eda's annoyance.

A demon student's backpack in the halls at Hexside is lifted up in the air by two laughing bullies using magic; a farmer's hook grabs one of them as a Hexside guard smells him saying trouble, another catches the other bully using a hook with the bully yelling about detention and the other bully saying that the only thing that he is guilty of is being too real.

"A new addition to the school staff to make sure that we don't get a repeat of Luz's last visit." Bump said as the Hexside students shivered when they first saw them and the humans looked scared.

Luz comments about this being new and Gus explains that they showed up after her last visit and they literally smell trouble. One of them says trouble as Gus takes Luz nervously saying that it's time to run for no particular reason.

"You know what happens if they catch you Gus?" Amity asked Gus and he sighed, "I don't think you do, do you realise that Eda is now trying to get her into Hexside and now your little scheme could jeopardise her chances?" Amity asked as Luz and Gus froze at that being pointed out.

Gus runs into Mattholomule at the water fountain causing Gus to drop his wanted posters and he nervously takes the ones around him except for three, Mattholomule says that he should be watching where he is going and the HAS president' shouldn't be hurt on his last day in office as he picks up the crown and shakes the dust off it.

"Just don't touch my crown!" Gus said shaking off his frozen reaction.

Mattholomule looks at Luz musing that she must be his human but looks like another witchling to him and Gus whispers to her about dazzle while holding onto his ear. Luz makes a kazoo sound as she takes off her hood and Mattholomule is shocked to see that she is a human.

Gus calls her an expert human and she has been doing this for years as they look smug, Gus says that she is here to authenticate his treasures as he takes back his crown.

Gus now looked smug about this to the annoyance of other students.

Gus says that they will see him at the meeting as they pass him and Mattholomule is shocked he kneels down saying that they can't know that he lied or else he won't become president but then notices one of the banned posters with him saying that he has Gus now.

"Oh no..." Gus muttered as Mattholomule and Luz groaned; so much for her chances at going to Hexside now...

Eda goes inside Hexside saying that she had this nightmare before.

"Seriously Edalyn, all the trouble you caused... Was that your way of trying to get expelled? Do you know what it must have been like for mother to have to be called into school practically every day?" Lilith asked incredulously.

"She never seemed to mind and doesn't seem to bother her; talking to me as if I was the most perfect girl who was victimised with a condition needing to be cured in her annual visits!" Eda muttered with her arms folded taking Lilith aback.

"Wait... Mum visit you regularly?" Lilith asked as the audience were widening their eyes at this family drama.

Gus tells Luz that as president of the HAS he should feel bad for dunking on one of their own members but as a Gus he feels like doing this as he dances.

The audience were chuckling at this.

Luz looks at the trophy case asking about who got the trophy for the most bones as a Hexside guard is nearby, Gus takes her by the arm running off saying that they don't have time.

"Wait but who does?" Luz asked as a student proudly put up their hand.

"How do you even judge that... Never mind, please don't tell me..." Camila muttered.

Luz says that next time he has to give her a full tour and Gus laughs about next time, they notice the abomination teacher being picked up by his abomination reading Magic 101, Luz says that she should introduce herself and apologise and talks to him asking if he remembers her as she plays at being an abomination to which the teacher rolls his eye.

"That training he went to recognise her and fake abominations was clearly not enough..." Bump muttered to some subdued chuckling.

Gus says that they suddenly have room for a full tour of Hexside as he shoves her away.

In Bump's office; Eda puts a pencil on her nose saying that it has been quite a while since she sat in there before putting her feet on his desk.

"Glad to see you will be taking this so seriously Edalyn." Lilith said sarcastically shaking off her mother issues.

Eda admits that its weird being there without Bump yelling at her for picking fights and stealing and Bump says that he can easily change that as he magically shoves her to the ground asking what is she doing there.

Eda picks herself up and explains that she wants to enrol Luz at Hexside and before he gets all judgey; Bump says that it's not a bad idea. Eda starts to yell at him before realising that what he said asking really, Bump goes to the cabinet saying that he thinks the student body could learn a lot from such an exchange student.

"So how should I go about sending you the transfer papers?" Hal asked half jokingly and Luz gave an appreciative smile to Bump.

Eda smiles putting her feel back on the desk to which Bump without even looking magically turned her upside down and dropping her, while saying that before he can consider it there is a lot to be answered for.

Eda groaned in her seat while people were laughing at what Bump did without looking.

Bump brings to the desk a stack of binders, Eda gets up saying that she heard about the abomination incident and Bump says that he isn't talking about Luz:

He is talking about the necromatic experiments, the graffiti, the scams, the cheating, Ms Jenkinmyer's teeth and all the trouble she caused while she was at Hexside as he drops the binders down on the table while Eda sinks into her seat. Eda looks and see that it's her permanent record and says that she thought that there would be more.

"You think that I can have a look please..." Luz asked and Amity was scared to even think about what was in there.