
No Detour

Mission: Return home

-No detour

They totally took a detour, inside an abandoned store, Helios rummage through the hanger rack as Soren was on stand by.

"Dude, now it's not the time for weekly shopping spree, let's go!"

"Hang on Soren, I'm just checking," He brought out a puffy pink dress and white tootoo dress, "Which one do you think would fit Madison more?"

"Are you serious right now?" Soren groaned, "Why are shopping for that little girl's dress?"

"Well some of the clothes got tore off so we gotta get some more. Plus I'm little Madi's Godfather."

"You're every child's Godfather." Soren pointed to the pink dress, "And get that dress, what's she going to do with a tootoo dress?"

Helios shrugged, "She could learn to ballet."

"In the apocalypse?"

He just nodded, "I believe anyone can be anything."

"Child notion." Soren waved it off. He carefully inspected his surroundings,

Shelves and racks stood in disarray, some overturned, others still clinging to their last remnants of clothing and accessories. The dust of years lay thick on every surface, disturbed only by their recent intrusion.

Light filtered in through the broken windows, casting shadows across the abandoned store. The silence was heavy, broken only by the occasional sound of Helios rummaging through the hangers and Soren's restless movements.

As Helios debated over dresses, Soren wandered towards the back of the store, where the seasonal displays used to entice shoppers. He found himself in what used to be the summer section. The theme was a beach holiday, complete with faded posters of sunny skies and sandy beaches. A thin layer of actual sand, perhaps part of an old display, covered the floor, crunching softly under his boots. It was surreal to see this artificial slice of summertime amidst the decay.

But it was the floor that caught his attention next. Cracks had formed over time, some small and hairline, others wide enough to reveal the dark void beneath. These fractures in the floor were a stark reminder of the precariousness of everything in this post-apocalyptic world. Buildings, just like societies, were only as strong as their foundations, and both had been shaken to their core.

Soren's gaze lingered on these cracks, a frown on his face. Helios's voice brought him back to the present, holding up the chosen pink dress with a triumphant smile. Soren shook his head slightly, "Finally decided on a dress?"

"Yup, and a few dozen ones." He said, lifting the shopping bags filled with clothes.

Soren sighed as he brought the small bag, it evolve into the digital screen, empty only for a few artifacts and weapons, "Put in my inventory, yours are probably filled."

Helios nodded and brought the bags inside the screen, "Oh I almost forgot," He walked towards the counter, he brought out his wallet and brought one dollar and placed inside the cashier with a few mistakes and wrong button pressing later.

"Alright, let's go." Helios turned back to Soren, who stared at him for a while.

"You know," He started, "You don't have to do that, it's not like anyone's going to care, apocalypse and everything."

"I know," Helios answered, "but you never know, plus it's not like I'm wasting money or anything."

Soren pondered before eventually decided there was no harm to it, ever since apocalypse, income and currency has changed. Dollars were practically worthless and now people trade their possessions in exchange of items and valuable.

As Soren and Helios made their way towards the exit, they found their path unexpectedly blocked. Mounds of sand, which seemed to have spilled over from the summer display, now barricaded the door. Confused, they turned to find alternate routes, only to discover that all other exits were similarly obstructed by heaps of sand.

The building shuddered ominously, sending a cascade of dust from the ceiling. The duo exchanged worried glances, their instincts alert.

Suddenly, from the mounds of sand blocking the main exit, a figure began to emerge. At first, it seemed like an illusion, a trick of the light and shadow. But as more of the figure took shape, it became clear this was no mirage.

Standing before them was a creature made entirely of sand. It resembled a snowman in structure, albeit a sandman, with two round sections forming its body and head. But it was the details that were truly bizarre – it wore sunglasses and a beach hat, adorned with other summer accessories and clothing fit for a beach holiday.

Helios and Soren stood frozen for a moment, "Interesting welcoming committee," Helios remarked, he kept his hand near his weapon, more so put habit than out of fear.

"Hey there," Cautiously, Soren spoke first, "You the one in charge of beach day here?"

The sandman shifted slightly, the sand grains making a soft rustling sound. It didn't seem aggressive, but you can never be sure.

"Hey my dudes!" The sandman exclaimed in a voice that sounded like the rustling of sand dunes. It adjusted its sunglasses with a sandy arm with a grin.

"Uh…" Helios tried to smile, "What's up man?"

"Oh nothing much, but look it's nothing personal but like, you gotta pay up for the clothes you got, it's only fair, right?" His voice was cheerful but also expectant.

Helios pulled out his wallet and stared at its content, five dollar bill and coins. He looked up at Sandman who shook his head.

Soren rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath. "Can't we just... you know," he made a subtle gesture towards his weapon.

Helios shook his head, stepping forward. "Hold on, let's not get hasty. Hey, Mr. Sandman," he said with a diplomatic smile, "we're a bit short on cash, but maybe we can offer you something else? We're all about fair trade."

The sandman seemed to ponder for a moment, its sandy form shifting and swirling. "I'm always open to bargaining, my dudes. Let's make it fun, though!" Suddenly, the sand around them moved, forming a tight but gentle whirlwind that lifted Soren and Helios, transporting them to another part of the store.

They landed softly near a makeshift net, strung up between two clothing racks. The net was made of various pieces of clothing, knotted together with surprising skill. The sandman reformed on the other side of the net, now sporting a pair of makeshift sunglasses and holding a beach ball.

"If you can beat me in a game of volleyball, you're free to go," the sandman declared, tossing the ball up and down in its sandy hand. "But if I win, you stay and party with me in my sandy kingdom. Forever."

"Well," Helios glanced at Soren, "it's not the weirdest thing we've done.

Up for a game?"

Soren sighed, "It's either this or become permanent residents of Sandman's beach store."

They positioned themselves, ready for a game of volleyball unlike any other. Helios served first, sending the ball arching over the net towards the sandman. The game had begun, and with it, their chance to earn their passage out of this bizarre yet oddly amusing detour.