
The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed]

AU. Lily Potter Lives! On one ordinary day something extraordinary happens. A nearly ten years old Harry Potter wakes up with the power of the Gamer. He is chosen to be the first gamer of the multiverse. And he decides to become lvl 100 before he even begins Hogwarts. Ambitious much? At least now we can guess his Hogwarts house. Harry/multi. Incest! Grey but good MC.

Percypendragon3 · Videojogos
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66 Chs

The Carnage

Chapter 8. The Carnage

Henry woke up early the next day. Having his own room in Slytherin was definitely a promotion from his previous Gryffindor's boys dorms.

After freshening up, he decided to go to the common room. He was surprised to see that Tracey and Daphne were already there, both in a corner, on a satin green sofa. They were ready for the day in their school robes even though there was more than an hour remaining before breakfast would be served in the Great Hall.

The other early risers who were present in the common room had given the duo a wide berth, sitting far away from them. It seemed Daphne's brutal performance last night was still fresh in their minds. He could see the wariness on their faces.

"Good morning, Daphne. Good morning, Tracey." he greeted his new friends, taking a seat beside Daphne. Her sapphire blue eyes glowed with joy as she saw him.

"You are an early riser too. I am on the cusp of declaring you as a perfection created by Magic itself." Daphne smiled, leaning over and trying to muss his hair. Henry instinctively slapped her hand away.

"Don't mess with my hair, Daphne. It took me three minutes of intense combing to style it properly." Henry complained with a scowl, ignoring her exaggerated praise. It was a difficult task to tame his wild hair in the morning and he wouldn't have her waste his effort.

Instead of heeding his warning, Daphne's eyes gleamed with mischief. Her hand creeped towards his head. She wiggled her fingers comically while grinning at him.

"Don't." Henry shot her an unamused look.

Undeterred by his threat, her grin grew wider. Henry internally sighed knowing what was going to happen next. Who was the kid between the two again?

Just as her hand shot forward to touch his hair, Henry grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards him. She yelped, falling face down in his lap. She was caught off guard by his immense strength. Taking advantage of her vulnerable position, Henry removed the band which kept her long blonde hair in a high ponytail. Instantly her hair spilled all around her head.

Daphne placed her hands on his hips and pushed up unsteadily. Her face was hidden in the curtain of blonde mane. She swept it aside and glared at him with narrowed eyes.

"That's how you do it, amateur." Henry smirked triumphantly, taunting her, stretching her green band between his thumb and forefinger.

"You little brat. You will regret waging war against-"

"Children, mama is here. Stop fighting now or get ready to be punished. Henry, give back the band to your sister. Daphne, don't talk to your little brother like that." Tracey stated mockingly, her eyes shining with mirth.


There was a moment of silence, both Henry and Daphne staring at her.

"Okay, mama. But she was the one who started it." Henry chose to play along, tossing the green band to Daphne whose lips were twitching in amusement at their act.

"Yes, I saw that. Daphne, apologise to him. Now!" Tracey ordered sternly. Daphne, who was busy tidying back her hair, just stuck her tongue out, but relented under her steady glare.

"Fine! Momma. I will apologise. Sorry, Henry, I was just messing with your hair. I mean, I was just messing with you. It was all innocent fun." she pouted cutely, patting the bun as she finished doing her hair. Henry initially kept the thought of her high ponytail looking better than the current bun to himself. But he then decided to do something about it.

"There, there. I forgive you." Henry grinned, extending his arm, patting her head and intentionally disheveling her bun. Her hair again fell down all around her face. Hopefully, she would tie her hair in a high ponytail.

"Momma, Henry is bullying me." she whined, shoving him away.

"Henry!" Tracey's admonishment was lost on him as he laughed merrily. Daphne hid a pleased smile at hearing his warm laughter while her fingers again worked on her hair.

She wished he would laugh like that more. It was a sweet and heartwarming sound. Henry grabbed her hand as she began quickly pulling her hair in a bun.

"Ponytail." That was the only thing he said. Daphne arched her brow amusedly, but acceded to his request, deciding to do her hair in a high ponytail. It took a little more time and effort to do it than a bun would have required, but she wasn't complaining seeing Henry's wide pleased smile.


"How are you faring in Slytherin, Henry? Did the snakes give you any trouble?" Harry asked his younger doppelganger.

Both were sitting face to face in plush chairs in the room of wonder.

After breakfast and getting pampered by Daphne, Henry had been cornered by Harry behind a statue before being taken to the Room of Requirement.

Harry had smiled smugly seeing the bamboozled expression on Henry's face. It was hard to get any childish reaction out of him. The surprised gasp as the younger boy entered the hidden room was music to Harry's ears.

Now they sat, addressing the main point of their conversation.

"An older boy did try. But I got lucky and made some friends who stopped him before he could anger me. You don't need to worry, brother. I can take care of myself. Believe it or not, the only one who is more powerful than me here at Hogwarts is Dumbledore. I can handle everyone else." he half-joked.

Harry just stared at him before nodding slowly. He couldn't refute that. He had been a witness to his powers when Henry killed all the Death Eaters while calmly hovering midair in the chamber of death.

"Fine. Just take care. I can't talk to you in public since it will endanger you in your house. I reckon your housemates won't be elated with us spending time together. It is fine anyway. The less people think you are connected to me, the less you will face fire from the snakes. Though if you are in trouble, you just need to ask, I will come for you, no matter what." Harry promised him with a determined smile.

"Bold of you to assume that I will need your help. Still, thank you." Henry smiled back genuinely. Harry just rolled his eyes at the younger boy.

They were too different even when their names matched. Where he was humble and shy, Henry was arrogant and brash. Even their faces had only a few similarities. And he definitely remembered he wasn't so tall or cute when he himself was 11 years old. It was a little annoying. The differences between them. The different lives they led. He constantly had to suppress his envy at the thought of Henry having a family while he didn't.

Although that didn't weaken the strange bond between them. Nothing could. In a way, Henry was Harry's only blood family other than his aunt, even if he was from another world. That way, he could be considered his little brother. And while Harry hadn't missed the sarcasm when Henry called him brother, it still made his heart flutter in joy.

Family was all that he ever wanted. And now he had one. Harry would cherish Henry for the short time he was here.

A wayward Harry Potter jumping into his world from a parallel world and getting sorted into Slytherin. Miracles did happen. He was thankful for that. It was needed in these tense times. And he wasn't arrogant enough to think he and his friends could have escaped the Ministry without the help of Henry's sudden appearance. He knew in his heart that Henry had saved him from losing people, he had saved him from mourning someone's death. Harry would forever be grateful for that.

Now only if another miracle happened and Voldemort could go off himself. Harry's life would become a lot easier and manageable. It would be too convenient and anticlimactic but he wouldn't complain. He longed for a year at Hogwarts where he wasn't put in fatal situations. He longed to be free from the clutches of fate.


Henry was with Daphne and Tracey as they strolled through the corridors in the evening. Their classes had ended and it was still an hour and half before the dinner. Instead of sitting in the unfriendly atmosphere of their common room, the three had elected to roam in the castle.

Only if it was a carefree, aimless stroll. He wouldn't have minded just walking besides his pretty friends. It would have been enjoyable if nothing else. Alas, it was not.

"Any reason why we are walking through an isolated section of the castle?" Henry asked warily. Daphne and Tracey were on his right side, whispering amongst themselves.

"Yes. I am giving a convenient opportunity to Draxin's friends to ambush us. This way we will be ready and meet them at our own convenience. I know they will try for revenge after last night. I have sent their friend to the infirmary for weeks after all. They are easy to predict like that. It's better they do that now instead of sometime later when we can be caught with our knickers down." Daphne smirked confidently. Henry shot her a dirty look. He was surprised that Tracey didn't scold her for the crude edited phrase.

"What if they come in large numbers? Will you two be able to handle them?" Henry queried in an askance manner. His mood was worsening. Daphne just chuckled at his question. Usually, he would find her laugh melodic and pleasing but right now it only got on his nerves.

"Don't underestimate us, Mr. Green. Tracey and I together can take care of half a dozen brats without breaking a sweat."

"What if they number a dozen or more? What will you do then?" He scrunched his face in annoyance. He chanced a look at Tracey who was pale and shaking. She smiled at him nervously when she felt his gaze on her. This was crazy. This was stupid.

"Did you even ask if Tracey wanted to be a part of this? You can't just drag her here dammit! What if something happens to her? Will you be able to live with yourself after that?" Henry stifled an urge to scream. He could take care of himself. He could even take care of his new friends, but Daphne's action reminded him uncomfortably of the night where he led his sister to her death. He had been supremely confident in his supremacy then, just like Daphne was now.

"Calm down, Henry. You are making a big deal out of this. There will hardly be 3-4 boys. Draxin doesn't have many friends. And yes, I asked Tracey, she came by her own choice. Don't you understand, we care about you. If we don't do anything now, something will happen to you. I can't let that come to pass. We have to scare them thoroughly so they don't try anything. We have fuck them before they fuck us." Daphne hissed angrily.

Henry's face softened slightly. Daphne too was nervous. He could see that now. She wasn't doing this for fun. She wanted to protect him. How could he reveal that he didn't need any protection? How could he tell her that he was never in danger? At least not from these school kids? Instead of thinking more about his dilemma, he grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Why? Why are you trying so hard to protect me? I don't want to be rude but we only know each other for what? A single day? We only met yesterday on the train. It doesn't make any sense." His voice was full of confusion as he stared at her. The trio had stopped in the middle of the corridor. Daphne worked her mouth, looking at him, thinking of what to say. Tracey was quiet, looking around them, keeping an eye out for trouble.

"You remind me of someone who needed help. Fortunately, that person had a good friend who aided her in the bleak times. I want to be that friend to you. I want to help you in your time of need since you are all alone here at Hogwarts. Is this feeling that strange or hard to understand? I like you, Henry. I like you very much. Isn't that enough reason to keep you safe and happy? You don't need years to become someone's friend. It's just a connection that you need, not time, to create a bond. Like it or not, I am your friend now. We already have a deep bond." She expounded thoughtfully, a mystic smile playing on her lips. He didn't miss the small smile on Tracey's face.

"Fine! But I reserve the right to say 'told you so' if this goes tits up." Henry pouted and looked away, not wanting them to see the blush on his cheeks or the dampness in his eyes. Tracey smacked him lightly on the head for using 'tits up' while Daphne giggled proudly for corrupting him.

He understood the meaning of her words, he realised how much she cared for him. It was gratifying if a little odd. So gratifying. It also wasn't rocket science to conclude that she had talked about herself and Tracey in this story. He guessed why there was a strong bond between the two girls. Their connection had survived grief and tragedy, making it far stronger than before. They not only loved one another, but were totally dependent on each other in their time of weakness. They were each other's immovable rock. A constant in a tumbling waterfall.

"I am hearing footsteps from both sides of the hallway." Tracey warned suddenly, breaking him out of his reverie. He stiffened and prepared himself.

Their eyes widened when they were quickly surrounded by twenty students, ten on either side. There was no space to escape. All the members of the group wore white masks and black cloaks.

Henry let out a long sigh. It seems his time of respite was over. His time for joy was gone. He looked at the terrified faces of the two girls. His friends had bitten off more than they could chew, all because they wanted to protect him.

"Why are there so many?" Daphne murmured unbelievingly, her fingers tightly curled around her wand though she didn't point it at anyone. It was hard choosing a single target among so many.

"I told you so." Henry chuckled mirthlessly.

"Not the right time, Henry. Yes! Turn into a cat and escape. Ask the Professors for help. Go away, save yourself." Daphne whispered helplessly. Henry blandly looked at her. She was absolutely wrong in the head if she believed he would do that, if he would abandon her after her sweet confession. Before he could retort, a single boy stepped forward from the left side. Tracey remained alert, facing the right side while Henry and Daphne turned around to face the boy.

"Hand the boy over, Miss Greengrass. We are going to take him to our Lord. He will decide if the boy has any worth or not. And we aren't in the mood to play your games like last night. Either give him to us or die by his side. I don't think it will be nice for your parents to see their remaining daughter die." His muffled voice rang through the corridor.

Henry frowned at the realisation. Where was Astoria in this world? He hadn't seen or heard of her since he came into this world. He dearly hoped that she wasn't dead or something. Even though he didn't know the Astoria of this world, the thought of her being dead made him all queasy and anxious.

"I don't understand, Nott. Yes, Nott. I can identify you. You smell like shite even from afar and under a robe and mask. Why are you so set on taking him away though? If you have this much following, why don't you just kidnap Harry Potter instead of him?... Ah, I see.

"You are bloody cowards. You are choosing the easier target, you are scums who want to be proud, who want to gloat for leading an 11 year old kid to his death. Pathetic. And you call yourself a member of an ancient family. Listen carefully, Nott, this attack will have consequences. I will burn away your family's name from history if you proceed forwards." Daphne said calmly, twirling her wand, keeping her face emotionless while her eyes shone with hatred.

Tracey behind them wasn't able to stop her trembling or keep her calm, but she at least was brave enough to not run away. He would give her that.

"You are choosing death then." Nott announced, ignoring her taunts and threats. "I will again give you a chance to rethink it. If you don't change your decision, I won't be able to stop my friends from giving you a slow humiliating death. You know what will happen to you, don't you? You will wither away as a plaything before you get the comfort of death. Same will happen to your mother and your best friend Tracey. Why are you so eager for that? Just step away, it is that easy. Just give us the boy and remain safe and untouched."


Henry was tiredly leaning against the wall, knowing what he had to do. The earlier quest alert had seen to that.


– Kill all the 20 junior Death Eaters in front of you.


– 5000 XP

– Two connected Bracelets

Bonus Objective:

– Turn them into Undeads

Bonus Reward:

– Skill [Army of the Dead]

Instead of indifference for thinking of killing them, he felt a little guilt for what he was going to do. He knew death now. He knew how ugly and tragic it could be. He knew that standing around him were mere children who hadn't yet matured into adults. They must have family at home who would weep for them, who would be broken without them. They may have mothers and siblings who would mourn for them. Maybe some of them were just misguided by Voldemort and could still be redeemed. Maybe few of them haven't done anything evil yet to warrant this severe punishment. Maybe some of them didn't even have the dark mark.

Would it matter? No.

His cold heart wasn't sympathetic enough to ignore this quest for the sake of these easily influenced teenagers.

'Better them than me. I won't die. And I definitely won't let them hurt Daphne and Tracey. I will kill them. I will kill them all. Better them than me.' Justifying his action to himself with a determined nod, he stood straight.

As he heard the boy threaten Daphne, he felt his blood boil in rage. How dare he speak to her like that!

"Daphne, step back." he said, pulling her to his side.

Without further ado, [Ray of Darkness] shot towards the leader who showed his agility and lay flat on the ground. But his ray didn't get wasted. It struck a boy behind him who slumped down on the floor without a sound. Henry swiftly pushed Daphne and Tracey against the wall and kept them pressed between his back and the wall, shielding them.

[Skeleton Horde]

"Come forth! Kill them all, my soldiers. Don't let a single one escape. Show them our might. Sink them into misery." Henry yelled at the top of his lungs. His enemies who were ready to bombard him and the two girls with spells, stopped in confusion at his scream.

An instant later, chaos reigned in the wide hallway.

Hundred skeleton fighters abruptly emerged from the stony ground and their bone rattling roar spooked everyone. They surrounded the junior Death Eaters from both sides. While his skeletons weren't very powerful, their strength lay in their speed and numbers.

The first one to fall was a shorter boy. A rusty sword cleaved him from his shoulder to his opposite hip as the skeleton jumped into the left group. The boy fell down with a thud and a groan, his life flowing out of him in red.

It only got worse after that.

It was a carnage. His fleshless skeletons jumped and cackled madly as they thrust their swords through the panicking teenagers. Screams and sobs echoed in the hallway as they were surrounded by the horde. The alive were massively outnumbered by the dead. Their despair and fear hung heavy in the air, they saw blood pooling around the lifeless bodies of their colleagues.

It was just too much.

Daphne and Tracey were frozen in their place, both clinging on Henry's back, witnessing the horrific slaughter. Their attention was on two skeletons who had grabbed onto each leg of a masked girl. She whimpered and pleaded for mercy, but the skeletons just laughed evilly.

Daphne's eyes widened as she saw the two skeletons pulling her legs in opposite directions. She morbidly watched even though knowing what was going to happen. First, the girl's robe ripped up to her waist, baring her entire legs, then her blood curdling scream resonated in the corridor, momentarily stopping the reckless fight everywhere. A loud snap and squishy sound rang in the air before the girl's body tore apart from between her legs to her shoulders. Blood and gore exploded from the two twitching parts of one body.

The unfortunate girl's flesh and organs were lying in the river of her own blood. She heard Tracey retching beside her. She could understand that, her own gorge was rising. Henry grimaced and loosened his hold on the girls seeing that they were safe.

The two skeletons cheered loudly before grabbing the nearby boy and doing the same with him.

"Keep them in one piece, boys! Don't get carried away." Henry instructed, not amused by their antics. The skeletons nodded before continuing their job.

This incident made the others give up their fight and they all decided to run for their lives. But it was for naught. The skeletons were far superior in speed. They just chased them before piercing their backs with their iron swords.

After what felt like days but was just five minutes, the entire fight was over. The skeletons were banging their bloodied swords on their shields, celebrating their victory while twenty dead bodies of 5th, 6th and 7th year students laid all around them.

Henry, who was simply standing in the middle of the corridor, raised his hand. Immediately all the noise stopped, the skeletons dropped on their knees, reverently staring at their master.

"You did good. Now go back." Henry said, vanishing them away.

Three students in green robes stood amidst tens of bodies. Daphne and Tracey were pressed against the wall, still trembling and staring while Henry was in the centre of the corridor, in the centre of the carnage. Opting to give his friends more time to adjust, he walked around and used [Repair] on the dead bodies. The bodies healed and regained their earlier perfect shapes. Even the two bodies of the girl and the boy whose bodies were ripped in two, healed completely. Sound of gasps made him look up at his friends who were relatively calm now.

"What was that?" Daphne's voice quivered as she walked to him on unsteady legs, followed by Tracey.

"That, my dear, is me saving your pretty arses and revealing what I wasn't supposed to reveal. That was me saying goodbye to a quiet peaceful stay at Hogwarts. Now, before anyone can come here, run away. Go now! You don't want to get tangled into this mess." Henry ordered, observing their befuddled faces. He froze as he heard the distant footsteps.

"What? You are going away? It's my fault, isn't it? You never needed saving. It was my arrogance that dropped us in this situation. I will take full responsibility. You don't need to go. I will take the punishment for you." Daphne's fear vanished as she looked at him imploringly and desperately, knowing they were only a few minutes away from getting discovered, knowing that Henry might not be able to come back to her.

"It's not your fault, Daphne. But we don't have time for that discussion. Just go to your room and I will be there. Go! Tracey, take her away!"

Daphne allowed herself to be led away by her girlfriend. The reluctance in her steps was present even when she crossed the entrance of the Slytherin common room.


When he was alone with the bodies, he did the final thing needed to finish the quest.


In an instant, 20 Undeads stood up straight and waited for further orders. Henry couldn't stop the grim smile spreading on his lips. There was a certain power in commanding the dead bodies of your enemies. And it was deeply satisfying. As the footsteps got louder, he stored his new Undeads in his inventory.


– Kill all the 20 junior Death Eaters in front of you.


REWARD: Gained

– 5000 XP

– Two connected Bracelets

Bonus Objective:

– Turn them into Undeads


Bonus Reward: Gained

– Skill [Army of the Dead]

There were no longer corpses laid on the stony floor. He stood all alone in the gloomy corridor.

But there was blood. A lot of it around him.

When Harry Potter and his friends rounded the hallway and ran towards him, they stopped abruptly when they realised that he was standing in the stream of thick blood.

Their help was unneeded.


Harry felt his body suddenly stiffen. A deep sense of foreboding washed over him.

Currently, Harry was sitting in the Gryffindor common room. He was silent as his friends joked amongst themselves. His desire to admire Ginny's warm laughter or her pretty lips as Hermione whispered in her ear was soured by the dread that was quickly spreading through him.

Something bad was going to happen.

"Mate? You alright?" Ron bumped his shoulder with his. Harry nodded shakily.

"I am fine, Ron."

"You sure?"

"No. I just had a bad feeling. I don't know what to do about it." Harry mumbled, looking at him.

"Is it about Henry?" Ron asked slowly. At his name, Harry's eyes widened as he rummaged through his bag, he took out of the Marauder's Map, spreading it in their laps and activated it with his wand.

Ron quickly understood what he was doing and started searching for the first year boy's name. Not that it was hard finding it since his name was surrounded by 22 names in an isolated part of the castle.

"Fuck!" Harry cursed, knowing that his younger doppelganger was trapped and in danger. He ignored Hermione's affronted look and ran out of the Gryffindor common room, pocketing the Map and gripping his wand. He heard before he saw that Ron, Hermione and Ginny were fast on his heels. Ron filled in the details to the girls while Harry dashed to where he knew his help was needed.

'I hope I am not too late.' he prayed in his mind.


He was too late. It was a dour realisation as he peered at the boy who outwardly seemed relaxed. Which he shouldn't be while standing in the sea of blood.

"What happened, Henry?" He was the only one able to speak.

Ginny and Hermione were pale and looking at the kid as if he was the devil incarnate. Even Ron looked uncomfortable and didn't meet the eyes of the kid. They were scared. His friends were scared of an eleven years old boy. Ah, he remembered now that they weren't there when Henry killed all the Death Eaters in the Chamber. It was one thing to know that this cute little kid was a murderer and another to see him standing in a pool of blood. Their fright and reaction was understandable.

"I was ambushed by 20 people in this hallway. They were wearing dark cloaks and white masks and wanted to bring me to Voldemort. I, of course, disagreed. They didn't take well to my disagreement and attacked me. As you can see, I killed all of them." Henry explained blankly.

"Where are they then?" Harry asked when he wanted to scream 'where are the bodies?'

"I vanished their corpses like I did with Death Eaters in the Death Chamber at the ministry. I don't like seeing the glassy looks of the dead." Henry lied smoothly. Harry grimaced and stifled a helpless scream.

"You do know what this means." Harry asked tersely, feeling his heart wrench in pain.

"Yes. I remember Dumbledore ordering me to not hurt anyone at Hogwarts even if they were marked. So, I guess I should pack my bags and disappear from Hogwarts then. He won't let me stay here any longer." Henry said with a sad smile.

"Go now, Henry. Go to Grimmauld Place. Sirius will help you. I will go and report to Dumbledore about this incident. You have ten minutes of head start before Dumbledore comes to inspect here. He will be mad and won't support you. You should be gone by then." Harry shook his head morosely and turned away without another glance. His friends shot Henry wary looks before following their friend.

Henry was once again alone in the corridor. His lips thinned as anger coursed through him. He wanted to scream.

He calmed his mind and teleported to his room.

He quickly gathered his things and dumped them into the new trunk which he recently bought. Then he placed the trunk into his inventory. His room was bare now with no sign that it had been a student's room. Only his cat, Aura, was slumbering on the bed.

His lips curled downwards. It seemed he was cursed never to enjoy Hogwarts.

Wherever he was going, death and blood was following him. For the first time, he blamed the game for his misfortune. All the killings, all the murders he had done were for the quests, at the behest of the game. Would it be really bad if he didn't have this power? It wasn't his fault, right? All the problems and sorrow were due to the game.

Really, Henry. Now you are blaming me? You well know that the quests or anything regarding the game is optional. There is no penalty if you just ignore it all and live your life as normal. So, please don't blame me for the many deaths you have caused. My word is not law for you. You are free to ignore me.

Henry winced at the annoyed sound of Isis.

'I am sorry, Isis. I know it is not your fault. I know I am just trying to blame all my woes on others. I am sorry. But it really is frustrating. For the first time after the death of Iris, I thought I would enjoy Hogwarts with Daphne and Tracey. It was so much fun being doted on by Daphne. I wanted it to last. But I have to see the truth. I have to face it. I am not here in this world for a vacation. I am not here to make friends. I am not here to enjoy myself. I am here to power up. And that's what I shall do.' Henry mentally conveyed to her.

It's your life, Henry. You can enjoy it or you can brood. I won't complain either way. Do whatever you want. Oh yes, on the positive note, I see it's the perfect opportunity to reveal this to you. SYSTEM UPDATE! A new function is added to the game. I can grant you class specific skills from now on. Even though you still have your [Skill Create] perk, you will be viable to get Skills as rewards for quests. It's great news for you.

Skill - [Army of the Dead]

Grants the user the ability to summon an army of 30,000 undead foot soldiers. Can be used only once a day. Takes 15,000 MPs to cast.

Do you want to add it to your skillset? (Y/N)

Henry pressed on the yes button.

'Thank you, Isis. While it is not usable right now, I sure can see the benefits of having an organised army in future.' Henry thought gratefully.

You are welcome.

Henry opened his character stats to see his new levels.

Character Sheet

Name: Henry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Lvl: 75(0%)

HP: 3750 (10 per second)

MP: 7500 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)


[Skeleton Horde]

[Undead Archer]


[Create Undead]

[Ray of Darkness]

[Mana Manipulation]

[Army of the Dead]

He nodded in satisfaction. His levels were rising quickly. He had been here just for a couple of months and was already at level 75. Hopefully, he would reach level 300 soon so he could go back home and revive his sister. Then he could finally enjoy his life.


Daphne and Tracey were locked in their rooms. Both had been silent, not uttering a single word since they came into her room, both waiting for Henry's arrival.

They jumped at the knock on their door.

"Daphne, it's me. Open the door." Henry's voice came muffled through the door.

Daphne hurried towards the door and opened it. She pulled him inside and again shut the door, locking it.

She sighed in relief as she checked him up and down. She leaned forward and pulled him in a tight, needy hug. Tracey too moved towards them and patted his head, combing his hair. This time Henry allowed them to mess his hair.

"You alright?" Daphne asked, breaking off the hug and grabbing him by his shoulders.

"Yes, I am fine, Daphne. I came here to say goodbye. I am leaving the castle. As you might have guessed, I am not a helpless young kid. I am a Necromancer. And I don't think Dumbledore would forgive me after what I did and protect me from the parents whose children I just killed. I have to run away, but I wanted to see you one last time. I couldn't leave without saying farewell." Henry explained hurriedly with a joyless smile.

Daphne and Tracey shared a hopeless look.

"Do you have to go? You can hide in your cat form and remain in my room. Please don't go." Daphne pleaded, cupping his cheeks and staring into his swirling silver eyes. Henry tenderly took her hand in his and moved it away from his face. He looked at her wet gentle blue eyes and gave her hand a squeeze.

"I have to go, Daphne. The request you are making is undoable. I have other things to do outside the castle. Hiding in Hogwarts as a cat is just too inconvenient." He declined her offer and kissed her on the cheek before stepping back.

"But before that, I have a gift for you. Take this and wear it always." He said softly, putting a silver bracelet in her hand. It was one of the two which he gained as a reward for finishing the quest.

Two Connected Bracelets:

– Silver and gold bracelets signifying deep bonds between two people. The golden bracelet will vibrate if the wearer of the silver one is in danger.

Daphne marvelled at the beautiful jewellery and quickly slipped her hand through it. It fit perfectly on her wrist.

"This will keep me informed of your health. If you are ever in danger, I will come for you. I have made a promise to keep you both safe after all and I intend to stand by my promise." Henry said with a gentle smile, caressing her face.

"Henry." she whispered with tears dripping from her eyes. She again wrapped him in a tight hug, pushing his face on her bosom, cradling his head, wanting to bundle him in blankets and hide him from the world. He chuckled in nostalgia as she freed himself from the prison of her breasts.

"Your hugs remind me of mum's. I guess that's one of many reasons why I like you so much. See you later, Daphne. Goodbye, Tracey, keep Daphne out of trouble." Saying that and pressing a last kiss on Daphne's face, he teleported away.

Daphne whirled around and clung to Tracey, burying her face in her neck and hiding her tears.

Why did it happen? Why? Why couldn't she be happy? First Astoria and now Henry? Who was next - Tracey?

She stifled a sob, clutching her girlfriend in a crushing hug. Tracey, for her part, ran her hand up and down Daphne's back soothingly, whispering gentle reassurances.


A.N. Hey guys, I need your help. As I have mentioned earlier, there is someone copying this story directly from my fanfiction account and posting it here without my permission. On top of that, he is charging for 'early access' chapters on Patreon as if they aren't already available for free on other sites. He is also breaking down the original chapters into smaller ones to increase the chapter count. Funnily enough, we have surpassed him content wise in just 8 chapters where he needed some 30+ chapters to reach this point. We are officially ahead of him. I need you to go to his story and comment and review revealing this. Tell the readers there that we are already ahead of him plotwise. I would do it myself if the bitch hadn't blocked me.

The fic's name is HP: The Magical Gamer by Kitamari.