
The Beginning

The second fight starts with horses neighing and swords clanging.The guards who are opposed to King Marcellus' atrocities are guarded against. a struggle between good and evil.

"Further, you!" One of Aragon's most powerful warriors, Commander Flavio, says as he kills the skeletons that were aiming at him while holding onto a child that he had spared in a little room cottage. He then runs inside the grand hall of the castle as the walls collapse under the Golems' onslaught, saying as he does so.

Aragonese soldier Commander Flavio yells hastily, "General Caecilus!" at the top of his lungs.

"General Caecilius!"

"General Caecilus' right-hand man of the king, General Caecilus, who is obedient to the people and the kingdom, hears Commander Flavio's shout and turns to face him.

General Caecilus turns to face the distraught Flavio who is racing towards him carrying a child and an injured arm after hearing his name yelled out, saying, "General Caecilus, we need to evacuate." Where is Cassyus? Commander Flavio asks with heavy breathing.

"He ought to be here!" Questions from General Caecilus made him upset. "He went to consult the sky god for advice." Commander Flavio responds hastily, "General Caecilus, the people are dying. They are being consumed by those beasts. We have no time for this." Commander Flavio begs in terror.

"Don't think I'm aware, I have witnessed thousands of my soldiers perish, kid," the general yells fiercely.

" I understand what is going on." General Caecilus maintains his agitated demeanor while taking a deep breath to center himself.

General Caecilus issues his directives.

"Aemilius to the northern guards to seek for survivors in the castle's northernmost area" He speaks urgently while pointing at Aemilius and the Northern soldiers who are moving in the direction of Horace

"Horace, to the west, with your guards"

"Julius and I will travel to the south."

"Flix and Commander Flavio look for Cassyus and his boys." As he removes the infant from Commander Flavio and hands him to a woman to care over, General Caecilus chatters while grabbing Commander Flavio by the arm.

I know an underground chamber for an exit, so we'll meet there. I'll repeat: "Anyone who comes in contact with King Marcellus, do not engage." General Caecilus issues tough directives.

"Do not engage, I reiterate. I understand that you're ambitious, but for the time being, we need to survive" General Caecilus commands sternly, turning to face Commander Flavio.

"Understood?" General Caecilus replies anxiously.

"He's done enough damage. We can't let him finish us all off, got it?" Commander Flavio responds reassuringly.

"Okay," says General Caecilus after glancing affectionately at his soldiers. The soldiers answer in unison and disperse in various directions.

Both Commander Flavio and his younger brother Flix set out in pursuit of Cassyus and his sons at high speed while a monster named Cerberus follows them from behind. As fast runners for the Kingdom, Commander Flavio takes the lead while Flix follows.

After hearing a scream from the opposite direction, Flix runs in that direction and sees a woman fleeing with a child from three demons who are trying to capture her in her small cottage. As he kills the first one, he causes the other two to growl out loud, lifts him to the walls, grunts at the impact of the demons' hideous feet, which causes unsettling trembling on the walls, and the other demon picks him up

"Flix!!" When Commander Flavio notices the demons are coming to consume him, he yells and sprints while holding his sword in his hands. He distracts the demons from devouring Flix by slashing them back quickly.

Flix groans gently and gets to his feet, taking up his sword as they both assault the demons. Although the demons were larger and stronger than them, they fought back, using all of their resources to ultimately take the demons down. After doing so, Flix immediately goes to the pregnant woman

Do you feel okay? He softly probes her, listening for any signs of wounds despite her

"I'm fine sir" She response.

"Let's head out of here, it's not safe," Commander Flavio retorted as flix lifted her off the ground stopping abruptly as The Cerberus caught up to the woman and Flix as they were making their way to the exit they moved backwards in slow motion as it approached them while growling angrily.

Flix tells the woman to get behind him and softly shoves her.

Knowing that the Cerberus was a product of evil magic and that there was no way to escape, both Commander Flavio and Flix realized they had no chance against it.

We can't kill anything with these knives, Flavio. But we can at least hurt this jerk, Flix agitatedly tells his brother. Commander Flavio yells as he attacks, slicing off the Cerberus' head to enrage it, which then slammed him against the wall.

Flix didn't waste any time as he expertly counterattacked and dealt it another blow; Commander Flavio stands by his brother holding his sword; neither of them gave their prey any time as they both attacked, slicing the Cerberus nonstop and hurling them both away harshly as they both winced from the impact of the cracking sound from their spines.

"Fuck!" cried Commander Flavio.

"So this is how we're going to die, brother?" Flix exclaims beneath his breath as the Cerberus approaches them.

"It was fantastic battling beside you" Commander Flavio, he begins to speak but is interrupted by a powerful magical attack from their eastern side. As they both turn to face the youngest son of Cassyus Livio

Say nothing to the effect that you two believed you could kill that thing" , Livio chuckles as he helps them off the ground.

"Well, we did realize we couldn't stand a chance" Flix says as he gets to his feet and rushes to the woman next to him.

"but we did put up some great fight," Commander Flavio says as they all stifle a tiny giggle.

Livio tells them to hurry up because the magic wouldn't last much longer as they sprint into battle.

Commander Flavio asks as they flee, "Where are your father and brother?" "I don't know honestly, I and other warlocks searched in the eastern wing but no sight of them," Livio replies anxiously as they all go into the Castle's northern region after spotting Aemilius.

Aemilius yells, "Commander Flavio Sir," and rushes to greet him.

How many people made it out alive? Commander Flavio wonders as he scans the area and observes the doctors tending to the injured.

"Sir, we uninjured four men, five women, and six children. We manage to save out 10 injured, but we are unable to say how many because of the evil magic on those beasts," Aemilius explains as he pauses. Aemilius exhales deeply as he completes. We must flee,

"Sir. At this pace, we will all perish,"

Commander Flavio sighs as he hunches down on the stairs as Aemilius declares in fear.

"Yes, we will, but first we must look for Cassyus and Lovis, his oldest son." Flix retorted, reminding Commander Flavio of General Caecilus' orders.

"We can't stay here, if we do, we'll all perish." The walls tremble as a result of the impact of the gargoyles, and Aemilius screams out indignantly.

Calm down. "Speak quietly before you kill us," Commander Flavio commands him. "When last did you see your father and brother?" Commander Flavio asks Livio after finishing his glare at him. asking inquiries while looking intently at Livio for responses.

"Well...." As Commander Flavio climbs the stairs, Livio begins by sitting down next to him.

Since the start of the war, I haven't seen my beloved brother Lovis.Will not be shocked that he is even aware of what is occurring. After stopping briefly, Livio exclaims, wildly waving his hands.

With a long breath,

"That whoremonger can't stay off a woman's bosom after drinking his balls off" He remarks, eyes rolling,

But my father. "I haven't set my eyes on him since he went to the temple," says Livio as he peers in at a blank wall. Livio softly adds, "I hope he's alive." Commander Flavio gives a hushed "Okay" as Livio murmurs. We'll move south," Commander Flavio begins, clapping softly. Standing up,

"Sir, there is the pit of Orcus. We would perish before entering the gateway." Fearfully, Aemilius says, As the crowd gasps in terror.

"I'm aware, but we can't go through the front gate, that's where death lies." Gently, Commander Flavio says

"Commander Flavio is correct, We have Golems, the dead, more of those Cerberus, and a lot more" Flix remarks, "We're outnumbered, so it's best we get out of the castle and leave Aragon," as he surveys the crowd.

"I understand that you're worried, says Flix. But you don't need to since you have the Aragon soldiers with you, and we'll always protect you" Commander Flavio says after taking a long breath.

"I can guarantee you that even if the sky god has given up on us, we won't." Commander Flavio puts his hands on his aketon and comforts the populace.

The populace begins to pack things and get ready to go as they cling to what little hope the Commander had given.

Due to the loss of some of their brethren in the battlefield, Horace and fifteen of the western guards barely made it through the gates of the western castle. Holding onto the wounded as they flee for their lives after being caught off guard by the necromancer's magical blast. He laughs maniacally, sending fifteen Aragon soldiers flying. Horace's eyesight entirely dimmed as a result of the collision, and he had taken in much of the power himself. He tried blinking twice to clear his vision as he saw some of his companions lying unconscious

As it appeared he had lost his hearing, he held onto his ear.He glances about in an effort to find something or someone to help him get up off the ground, and he really found both—a pair of softly-staring brown eyes that said,

"Horace." "Are you okay?!" a kind voice asks.

"We don't have much time to wait, so hurry up and run" the voice commands, clutching onto him to keep him stable. The voice clutches his hands while running as a shadow demon follows them at full speed from behind after getting no reaction from Horace.

The voice enters the western castle, hurriedly unlocking the doors, followed by a Horace and ten Argon soldiers, of which five perished in the impact.

Let's go! Just do it!" The shouting voice orders the civilians and soldiers to rush the walls, shutting it off. Horace's eyes met his savior as he saw the face of the woman he loves, the beautiful Princess Domitia, the niece of King Marcellus, as her brown eyes stared at him in worry as he gasped for air and tried to breathe. He fell to his knees and put his arms on the ground as he vomited, clenching his teeth and trying with all his might to get up, but his feet had other ideas, giving him away and causing him to stumble

To prevent him from falling again, Domitia rushes over and grabs hold of his arms.

"Sit. You're hurt." Princess Domitia and assists him in sitting down.

In a sweet voice, Horace mutters "My princess"

"Shush, wait here," Princess Domitia commands as she notices a warlock healer.

"He's been hit, come take a look," she yells out to the warlock healer as Horace tries to mutter through clenched teeth that were breaking in pain. He sits down next to Horace and detects black magic that he is unaware of.

"My Princess, these are signs of dark magic not of this world," he says. When speaking to Princess Domitia, the warlock Healer

Since we lack the ability to heal him, I'm afraid there is nothing we can do. He finishes as Horace groans in agony, blood oozing from the corners of his eyes and mouth as the power inside of him grew stronger and the pain pushed him to his breaking point. "I can't," Horace moans, "I can't hold it back." He finally cries out in agony,

"Submit to me!You can't defeat me, so stop trying." says a voice in his thoughts.

"It's attempting to take over," Horace says as they are caught off surprise

"What's trying to take over?!" Princess Domitia questions

"Horace what's trying to take over?" exclaims a surprised Princess Domitia. Getting nothing in return She inquires once more, lovingly caressing him while holding his face in her hands.