
The Overlord of the Omniverse

Ryu fought for a long time to reach his level of power, controlling the entire Omniverse. Now, after reaching the pinnacle of power, he wants to enjoy an adventure in other realities and fill the void left after reaching the maximum power. --------------------------------- This is fanfic, and the only character created by me is the protagonist

The_Hermit77 · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs


-Hokage Building, Office of the Hokage

"The other villages seem to be restless these days. I think in a few years we'll have another war" Hiruzen Sarutobi said with a sad countenance.

"It doesn't matter Sarutobi, our village is the most prepared for a possible war. If they want to go to war, they will lose" Danzo said without expression.

"What we can do now is prepare the village as much as possible, if it happens we need to be prepared, invest more in the ninja academy, and always watch the ninjas that are currently standing out" Homura Mitokado said sitting in his chair.

"I agree with Homura, and I also want to increase the number of ninjas to the root" Said Danzo with sharp eyes.

"I'll organize everything so we can start the preparation" Sarutobi said with a sigh.

-Konoha Hospital

Ryu arrived in front of a large hospital and looked up.

"Incredible this hospital, very big"

Upon entering, Ryu saw a secretary and went to talk to her.

"Hello, good morning, I came to take the test that Miss Tsunade proposed"

"Hello, good morning, the test is being carried out in the room across the street" said the secretary with a smile.

"OK, thank you"

Arriving near the Room, Ryu knocked on the door and waited a while. After a few seconds, the door was opened by Tsunade.

Tsunade opened the door and was surprised and watched the boy in the doorway. `It is Ryu. He's gotten prettier, that face and golden eyes go together. Very sad that his parents passed away'

"Ryu? How are you?"

"Hello, Tsunade, I'm fine"

"Good, my condolences for your parents" Tsunade said with a sad face

"I'm getting better as time goes by, but today I came to take the test to see if I can learn medical ninjutsu from you"

"You wanting to learn medical ninjutsu is a surprise, but I'm glad you decided to go for it. Even after those years, you didn't want to be a ninja and you were isolated in your house." Said Tsunade with a smile.

`Tsunade is very beautiful with that smile, even more at this time when she is young. Plus this backstory I created is really interesting ́ Ryu thought, chuckling inwardly.

"So, can we move on to the test? and no more people are wanting to take this test?"

"Come on, there weren't many people coming in for the test today. Medical ninjutsu isn't interesting to most ninjas" Tsunade said with a sad expression.

"The test will be to keep a fish that is out of the water alive. This exercise will test your chakra control. I will show you how to do it. After the demonstration, you will have to do it yourself. Depending on the result, I will accept you as a disciple or not"

"Okay, I learned how to use Chakra from my parents, but I don't know if it's enough" Ryu said

"Yes, that's enough. Now you'll have to learn to control it better so that the chakra sends out a sufficient amount of energy to accelerate the body's natural healing process. The technique is called [Mystical Palm]"

After explaining the technique to Ryu, Tsunade summoned a fish on top of the table and proceeded to demonstrate the technique to Ryu, who watched with golden eyes shining, then copied the technique, becoming an expert in one fell swoop.

After a few minutes of demonstration and explanation, Tsunade canceled the summon.

"So that's what I demonstrated. I hope you learned a little. It's not necessary to learn the technique completely but to demonstrate that you can at least keep the fish alive for a few seconds"

"Okay, if I manage to keep the fish alive for more than 5 minutes, how about a reward?" Said Ryu with a sly smile.

"Oh, you think your first time using the technique, you'll be able to maintain it for 5 minutes, but oh well, what kind of reward." Said Tsunade with a questioning face.

"What do you think of a kiss on the cheek" Said Ryu

Tsunade glared at Ryu angrily, "Boy, are you becoming perverted like Jiraiya?"

"Of course not, but if there's a chance of course I want to have a chance with you" Ryu said looking into Tsunade's eyes.

Tsunade was a little embarrassed by the direct way Ryu said it to her but thought 'He's handsome, but I need to get to know him more to give him a chance'

"So you're taking this test to get closer to me by being my disciple" Tsunade looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"I want to help others more, helping other people has always done me good, so it wouldn't be just to win you over but I always thought you were pretty and kind to other people, I observed that here at the Konoha hospital and the Senju residence. Then, of course, I would be interested in you." Ryu said some half-truths with a smile, looking into Tsunade's eyes.

"Okay kid, I'll give you that reward, but if you don't get it, I'll send you flying out of here" Tsunade said a little embarrassed and a little angrily clenching her fist in front of Ryu.

"Of course, I'll never let you down!" said Ryu with his eyes on Tsunade.

`What a baggy boy. I want to see if he will impress me. I thought he was a more shy boy, but he is different, he is much more confident.´ thought Tsunade.