
Prelude to the Final Exam

"Ms. Bilton, give your report."

"Yes, sir."

Corrine stood up and respectfully relayed the recent developments of the conservative and progressive faction students. Marc and Corrine had skillfully risen in the ranks of the conservative students. They used their new ranks to more easily gather information. Corrine had taken over many of Marc's old tasks while Marc had taken on new ones.

The situation among the conservative students had stabilized. However, many of the more talented students were slowly moving away from the group. They despised being grouped together with their airheaded, trouble making peers. Meanwhile, the progressive students were getting more riled up. Their constant harping about meritocracy was getting on the nerves of conservatives and neutrals alike. Especially the more talented wizards in training. The progressives were heavily trying to woo them.

"Good. I've written down some points here for you to take note of. Focus on building your foundation among the conservatives and keeping Vanessa Landrienne in check. We don't want to replace her just yet. You are dismissed."

Professor Foryl slide the paper across the desk. Corrine carefully read it then tossed it into the fire when she was done. The young lady curtsied then exited the room. The door locked behind her.

"How is your recruitment going, Mr. Lupton?"

"Steadily, sir. I've made contact with everyone on the list that you gave me. The spies in Forest Waypoint completed their mission. There was a sudden issue that cut it short, but hundreds of our artifacts managed to get on campus. The rumors appear to be spreading properly. Some sleeper agents already contacted those places in Forest Waypoint. The rest and others interested in our doctrines should get in contact soon. Many potential targets were marked on campus."

For the first time in days, Professor Foryl smiled. Headmaster Marin was trying to find those artifacts, but all that he could openly do was issue a notice about scammers selling artifacts in Forest Waypoint. He couldn't exactly tell the students who was really behind the 'scammers'. Since the extra spells were too well hidden and the artifacts were cheap, the students wouldn't really care. Very few had been turned in.

After a few days, those artifacts would be turned on and they would have eyes and ears throughout the entire campus. He leaned back in his chair. It was finally starting. Euphoria spread throughout his body. They would soon step into the light after a long period of darkness.

Marc cautiously observed Professor Foryl's good mood. He gritted his teeth and decided to take a chance.

"Oh, and one agent managed to talk with that Aayla Glowery. Couldn't get much of a read on her other than she's highly cautious, leans neutral and keeps her true beliefs to herself. Unfortunately, due to those fools she was injured. She'll probably miss the finals this time. My plan to test her will likely fall through."

Professor Foryl nodded and closed his eyes. The military would create a report on that incident that would be sent to the university. He could just get a copy of that instead.

"Fine. There's nothing that we can do about that. I'll just add on to the list of what that research group owes us. One more thing before your dismissed. No more skulking around in the dark."


"We are waiting in ambush like a predator, not hiding in fear like prey. It's about time that we revealed a bit of our pride. I'm lifting the ban on private mentions of the name of our faction, the True Order."


Ultimately, Aayla passed her magic theory finals before they even started. Negotiations between the military and the university ended within a day. As part of the exchange, the military would affirm Aayla's actions during her last mission so she could use that as her final exam.

Aayla's professors were excited. There was nothing that professors loved more than their students making waves. Well, aside from competing with other professors. Professor Hartaris bragged the entire last week of classes.

"Haha! One of my students helped on a dangerous mission for the military. She almost died! Hmph. And you all accused me of favoritism. I can't tell you who that wonderful student is, but she did so well that she can directly pass my final exams! Bwahaha!"

He exaggerated, of course. The professors got sick of it. The students got sick of it. Aayla got sick of it. If she could have avoided class, she would have. The stares of awe and envy constantly washed over her like waves on the beach.

Her classmates already heard about her from the students that saw her working in the city and arriving back on campus in tatters. They basically knew that she was the student. Several weirdos had already tried to approach her. Thank goodness that Aayla still had several excuses up her sleeve to avoid them.

Ramona dragged her to a private awards ceremony from the head faculty and staff. She spent an entire evening smiling and nodding in front of university and Forest Waypoint bigwigs. Her cheeks ached with pain all night. At least she got some money out of it to fill her moth ridden coin purse. Aayla got some funds every month due to the maze incident, but her savings were still pitiful.

Aayla's days of peace returned. She would study and bake on the side. The gremlins caused chaos. Dormi would put them in time out. Their pranks were cute compared to the destruction an actual magical beast could cause.

Like Ramona had said, Aayla's skill with mana had advanced by leaps and bounds. Practicing on incidents with the police and that life-or-death situation really helped Aayla out in the long run. That was worth much more than the money and award. She would never do that again willingly.

As the exams approached, the residents got more and more tense. Conservatives and progressives kept challenging each other to duels. The most common was betting on their scores and academic rank for the semester. Other than duels, conversations about the True Order kept popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

The day before the final exams, Aayla received a surprise guest. President Bennett had accompanied Disciplinary Chair Ahroyor for an official visit.

The back office was quiet while Renee served some tea then left the room. She closed the door behind her then stood in front to guard it. President Bennett happily sipped away her cup of tea while Aayla warily sat in her chair.

"It's been a while, Council Chair Glowery. I'm relieved to see that you're in good health."

"I suppose it has. Thank you for your concern. How may I help you today?"

"There's nothing that I really needed help with. I just wanted to see how things were going in person."

Aayla called bull s*** right then and there in her mind. Since when do the big bosses like to randomly stop by? She could only hope that the bad news wasn't too bad.

"Do you know the progress of the maze exploration?"

Aayla put her hand on her chin. "As far as I'm aware, they should finish verifying the danger level over the break. Da- ehem. Mr. Forolan has been working much more on that project than I have."

"You've both been very busy bees this semester."

"Security took over our mana resistant creature cases on campus, so that's been a relief."

"How are the students doing?"

"They are looking forward to not having two deputy headmasters stopping by every other day and professors staking out the rear courtyard."

Junius nodded his head in agreement. Having professors and deputy headmasters around all of the time was exhausting. President Bennett chuckled.

"Has anything else been going on lately? What about their stress levels? Final exams are tomorrow."

"The gremlins have been keeping quiet the past few days. Dormi's temper has been stretched into a taught wire recently so they don't dare to be reckless. The students have been a bit stressed out, but a normal kind of stressed. There's been more duels and placement ranking bets than usual. Disciplinary Chair Ahroyor should be more familiar with the duels though.

"Other than that, I have an after party planned for the last day of finals. The students have been really looking forward to relaxing when they're finished."

"So, the students haven't been acting strange? You haven't heard anything directly or indirectly? No weird rumors or anything?"

"I have been getting a lot of questions and stares due to what happened in Forest Waypoint, but that's really the only thing out of the ordinary. Wait, the students have been talking about the True Order a lot lately. Like who they are, what they want and why are they killing people."

President Bennett stayed for several more minutes. Aayla got a funny feeling that the president was fishing for something. Junius rarely spoke. Their conversation always seemed to end up about anyone new hanging around or talking about the True Order.

When she finally left, the president seemed preoccupied with something.

Chapter 2/5 for today.

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