
The Other Worldly Architect

"You've built wonders after wonders, just as you're supposed to. And those wonders have built lives, but nothing is permanent. But when it's finally time those strong walls would crumble and only death will remain under the ruins. Will blood and tears build the foundation of your palace? Or will it become the burial ground of scattered hope and dreams, deep under the ruins. For now fate shall be your guide, but what will you do at the journeys end." Marcus was transmigrated into a fantasy world after a work place accident. Now he to forced to survive in this ruthless world with the Architect system provided to him. *This novel contains unique tropes which a fresh breather for those who are looking for something new, jump right into it.*

leafless_tree · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 10: Marcus vs Greater basillisk part 1

As Marcus stood there, observing the rampage of the greater basilisk, he noted its intelligence compared to its lesser counterparts. The basilisk, unable to sense Marcus's presence, began frantically attacking its surroundings, hoping to uncover any hidden threats. Marcus knew he had to act swiftly before the situation escalated any further.

No matter how many projectiles Marcus threw at the creature or how he tried to bind it with tendrils of cement, it was all for naught. The creature's scales and strength seemed to be on another level compared to the rest. The ambush he had used earlier with the stone was completely useless now; they seemed to break only upon colliding with its scales. Marcus realized he needed a new strategy if he wanted to defeat this formidable opponent.

This was just one small nest, and Marcus couldn't help but grimace at the thought of how many or even stronger creatures might be present in a larger nest. The realization of facing even greater challenges ahead weighed heavily on his mind as he contemplated his next move.

No matter what the enemy was hiding in his nest hence if his attacks covered the entire nest the intruder would be forced to come out. 

To Marcus' astonishment, the crystals on the basilisk's back started to glow brightly, as if they were charging up. After a few seconds, it released a continuous energy beam from its mouth, destroying all the walls in its surroundings. The sheer power of the blast left Marcus stunned and scrambling for cover as debris rained down around him

Marcus, too, was not left unscathed; the blast had almost destroyed the nest, leaving it on its last legs. The humongous attack had shaken the cave, causing Marcus to lose his focus and fall from his floating platform. As he tumbled to the ground, he felt the impact reverberate through his body, leaving him disoriented and vulnerable amidst the chaos. 

He groaned in pain, feeling bruises form on his body and limbs. But these injuries were nothing compared to the next thing he was about to face. The greater basilisk had fully locked onto Marcus and was now rushing in his direction with full force, its ferocious intent clear in its eyes. Marcus knew he had to act quickly to evade the oncoming threat..

Seeing the ever-worsening situation, Marcus frowned but didn't lose his calm. Weeks of living in the hellscape had forged his body and mind. He had already faced too many life-and-death situations to panic now. Instead, he focused on assessing his options and formulating a plan to escape or defeat the greater basilisk.

With a primal roar, Marcus and the greater basilisk faced off against each other. While Marcus stood there, half-kneeling and clutching his injuries, the monster opened its jaws wide, as if it would swallow Marcus whole, and lunged at him.

"Do you think it's so easy to kill me?" Marcus shouted defiantly, his voice filled with determination despite his battered state. He braced himself for the impending attack, ready to fight with all he had against the formidable opponent before him.

The blast from earlier had severely damaged the place and debris were falling everywhere.

Using his power, Marcus gathered a large amount of rocks and transformed them into a humanoid form. He had always been a big fan of mechs, and now he had his own, in the form of a rock golem. It should be called a rock golem, but semantics didn't matter now. Marcus had shown that he had enough cards in his arsenal to turn the tide of the battle against the greater basilisk.

With the emergence of the gigantic golem, the attention that once focused on Marcus now shifted to the formidable creature itself. Towering over the battlefield, the rock golem drew the gaze of the greater basilisk, diverting its attention away from Marcus for the moment. Marcus seized this opportunity to assess the situation and plan his next move.

Afterall in the world of beasts the size of one body did signify its status.

Marcus watched as the greater basilisk's attention shifted entirely to the giant golem, forgetting about his own presence in the chaos. With a ferocious determination, the basilisk lunged at the golem, its jaws closing down on its right shoulder with a crushing force. 

The once unbreakable rocks of the golem crumbled into dust under the powerful jaws of the greater basilisk. After all, these creatures' diet consisted of hard crystal, so powdering some rocks into dust with their jaws was not a big challenge for them. Marcus watched in dismay as the golem lost one of its hands in the devastating attack, its form weakening under the relentless assault. 

Before the greater basilisk could celebrate its victory, the remains of the golem left in its mouth exploded without any warning. The sudden detonation caught the basilisk off guard, engulfing it in a fiery blast and causing it to reel back in pain and surprise.

The explosion injured and numbed its jaws, causing the greater basilisk to take a step back, its eyes filled with pure hatred as it stared at the one-armed golem before it. Despite its injuries, the basilisk's resolve remained strong as it prepared to face its formidable opponent once again.

Even with its injuries, the greater basilisk didn't back off. Though its mouth hurt, it remained confident that wearing down such a big golem with its razor-sharp claws was just a matter of time. 

As the confrontation continued, Marcus used the opportunity to get back on a prepared stance and size up his enemy. Several possibilities and ideas ran through his mind as he assessed the situation, searching for a weakness to exploit and a strategy to emerge victorious against the formidable opponent before him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

leafless_treecreators' thoughts