
The Other Side Of The Full Moon

What happens when a girl with no memories lands in a world of unknown? A world of werewolves and other mystical creatures. A girl who goes by the name Meg, lands in Arcadia: a powerful werewolf pack where she does not fit in as she's only a human, a stranger, a sheep in the lands of predators. As she learns to defend herself against others, sparks start flying between her and Eros, but when their passion gets interrupted by jealousy and the vicious plans of the jealous woman everything turns upside down. With everything falling out of Meg's grasp she starts getting visions of the life she had before. Where she didn't recognize herself. As everything keeps falling apart and Eros trying to kill her she needs to find help, to save herself and her lover from the grasp of the dangerous woman. But what happens when Meg gets killed in the process only to be awakened by her wolf? And not just a wolf, a pure white fur wolf with a moon crescent on its head. Most importantly, she gets her memories back and is ready for sweet revenge, only question is: After that is done what is she going to choose? Her mate or her home and her people?

Sammie98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 10

The walk to the town center was shorter than I expected. But you could see the lights from miles away. It looked magnificent and the closer you got the clearer everything was.

There were fairy lights hanging everywhere, connected to tree branches and houses alike, small lanterns littered the street lighting up your way to the town square.

People were dressed in their best outfits and everything fit the picture perfectly. Everyone was happy, chatter filling the air. The atmosphere was very whimsical and I loved every second of it. Once we got to the town square, I've all the beauty, kids running around dressed in old-fashioned party clothes, fairy lights, and lanterns everywhere once again. Flowers of all kinds loomed around us and there were small shops all around the big fountain that marks the center of the town.

The music band played folklore just on the side and people were slowly dancing around. I can't find the right words for the magnificence before me.

Though as soon as people noticed me I started hearing whispers thrown my way.

'Why is she here?'

'Who does she think she is?'


Though there were a few nice ones.

'Her dress is stunning.'

'I wish I had the guts to befriend an outsider and not be scared of what others thought...'

Together with Kathy we walked around a little bit and slowly people just started to ignore my presence no one cared in the end and I was glad for it. I could enjoy the night in peace.

'I never asked you who your parents are.' I suddenly asked Kathy. There was so much I didn't know about her.

'Oh, they actually passed away when I was twelve. my grandmother raised me.' She gave me a little smile.

'I'm so sorry.'

'It's okay. I love my gran, she's the best.' she poked a tongue out. ' They were great parents, warriors of the pack. I lost of them on one of the attacks for the territory. Previous Alpha wanted more territory and so half of what we have now used to belong to other packs, same as half the people.' She sighed. 'But Alpha Eros is doing good, his people respect him and it is all that matters, though the reputation Arcadia has is thanks to his father, that one was a cruel Alpha.

'Huh, I didn't know any of that.' I slowly nodded.

We came across a little stone bench and sat down to continue our conversation.

'It's because I didn't tell you most of it.' She laughed.' I just told you stuff about werewolves in general. I waited till you ask yourself, but couldn't help myself.

'I see.' I smiled. 'Well, we're here now so tell us the gossip.'

'What do you want to know?'

'Anything and everything.'

'We are the second biggest pack in the whole world.' She nodded with approval. 'And for right reasons too, though most of it came from Alpha Eros's father Sebastian. He's dead now, Alpha Eros had to kill him to claim the title, he was a horrible Alpha and an even worse father.' She shook her head and continued, 'Alpha Eros's mother found her true mate and lives with him now in the Queen's territory which is called Serenity. It's peaceful and quiet in there so the name is fitting.

'I feel sorry for Alpha Eros.' I sighed.

'I don't know the whole story but there is much more to it, I know it.'

Kathy looked at the crowd longingly and I smiled at her.

'You know you can go over to them, I will be fine on my own for a little bit.'

'Are you sure? I don't want to just leave you, it was me who dragged you here anyway.' She shook her head.

'Of course, besides I'm not the best in the crowds.' I nodded at her.

'Okay, just for a couple of minutes.' She leapt to her feet and smiled at me.

'I'll go for a short walk around, everything looks so lovely here, I might even buy a souvenir.' I pointed at the shop across the street.


Once she was out of sight I stood up and without a single thought started walking out of the main street, I can enjoy it from further away, without people giving me weird glances.

I walked further out, to the side of the town that had forest, and sat on a stone just before the forest line. The sky was clear and beautiful, full of stars that were shining down on me. I took a deep breath and looked at the town once more.

It was beautiful, but I wasn't sure I could call it my home. Sure the place itself was pulling me in, but its people were horrible.

A sudden snap of a twig made me look into the forest. I couldn't see anything, of course, it was only darkness as far as I could. I looked around, maybe I was just imagining things...

I turned my attention back to the town, but the anxiety didn't leave me. It felt as tho someone was watching me and I started to feel a little uncomfortable, maybe it wasn't the best idea to come out here on my own after all.

Another small sound came from the forest and I stood up, ready to dash out and head back the way I came from, but once I looked into the forest again I saw a silhouette, it looked like it belonged to a man, but couldn't make it out properly.

My heartbeat went crazy and I got ready to run, no way am I staying here with god knows who in the forest. I turned to run when a man stepped out into the moon's light.

He was good-looking, handsome even, but his face held an unknown emotion, it didn't look great at all.'Where are you going, gorgeous?' A deep voice asks. I hold in a breath and sprint away from him only to feel his hand and my wrist.

He pulled me back harshly and I barely managed to stay on foot.

'I wasn't done talking yet.' He glares at me.

Well, shit.