
Chapter 8 - Choices.


"For every choice, there's regret…"

Upon being rescued by a little girl of Nailia, Ultimately by Eclipse, Neon pondered his current circumstances, he wondered if dying back then at the very start would've been the right choice, he questions himself. By some comfort from the Nurse attending to him, he found a little closure, if only temporary. But then, he was met with yet another decision to make, one that could just be the dead of him, for reals this time.

"So, Neon, I'm waiting for your answer…" The Nurse reiterates with a scorn.


"Can I read her mind…without Eclipse it is possible given it's my primary ability… hope it works…I should be able to pull it off unless she's one of those Nafika types…"

Neon takes a moment to think about Nafika, her cold voice as she requested for the link before; had he taken heed, maybe he would've been better off right now.

"I can't! now's not the time to question my choices, my life hangs on me making a right one this time." Neon closes his eyes and focus.

As he activated the ability, the little girl notices this effect, she stares at Neon, shaken by this.

"It'll be a shame if he's here to take advantage of our princess. I'll hate for him to lose his life here, like the other fools who were after our princess's tears" The Nurse thoughts reaches Neon.

Neon immediately calls off the technique and stares at the little girl in pity. The girl looking back at him, still surprised.

"I see now, she's not shy… she's scared of being hurt by these…others… must've been a bad experience for her." Neon feeling sorry for the girl.

Then he turns to the Nurse.

"and the nurse too." Neon concluded then he smiled and asks.

"What is your name, Nurse?"

"…Last chance – "wanting to threaten once more, she got interrupted.

"you can rest assured, I'm not here to take your princess's tears. I have no need of it, or any idea what it does for that matter" confidently, Neon said. The Nurse was stunned by this.

"I'm just here to pay a visit to the Shrine maiden, clear off a certain troublesome Hunter's mark and be on my way, that is all. You have my word on this" Neon concluded.

The nurse stares once more at Neon, she was dumbfounded by the turnout. Neon appears not to be fazed by dead's embrace. She laughs at this, then smiles gleefully.

"Neon Black…you're just full of surprises, aren't you?" The Nurse said as calm returns to the room once more.

"not really, I just try not to let situations get the best of me. A calm mind makes rational decisions is what I go by. But, painful to admit, it hasn't always been the case of recent"

Neon said as he walks back and sits on the bed, then starts taking off the bandages, still feeling some slight pains with every peel.

"You are in quite the hurry. Something about a hunter's mark? What kind of trouble are you really in?"

"A long story, so long I'm afraid it'll be noon of the next day before I'm half way done telling" Neon said on the fly.

"gross exaggeration"

The Nurse smiled then walks and pets the little girl on her hair, giving her some comfort.

"Everything's going to be alright princess, we can trust this one" The nurse whispered to her.

The little girl smiled widely. Clearly happy with how things played out.

"Well, if you really wish to see the shrine maiden, you'll need a guide. Most of the civilians of Nailia are in prayer home side. So, you won't find anybody to enquire…" The nurse said.

"This happens every night?"

"Yes, it is tradition?" the Nurse replied.

"Tradition to pray? To who exactly?"

"confidential" she replied again, slightly agitated

"I see, then what about you two? You don't do tradition?" Neon keeps piling the questions.

"You're starting to ask a lot of questions Neon Black, clearly not what my first impression told me"

The nurse replied as she held the girl's hand and take a few steps towards Neon.

"UH! Indeed, you're right. Unlike me" Neon regains his composure.

"I mostly am"

The nurse proudly said as she assisted Neon in taking off the bandages, skillfully Neon could hardly feel any pains this time

Neon was nervous as she was so close to him. Quickly, he reverts his gaze to the little girl.

"I must confess I am to ask yet another question, where then can I find a guide?"

"Oh, don't worry about that"

The Nurse said as she applied some liquid soaked in soft cloth on Neon's wounds, Neon feels slight pain.

Then she disposes of the bandages in the nearby trash and washes her hands, on a nearby sink, Neon quietly awaits her response. She turns around and offers her hand to Neon.

"Ashe Klonne, I shall be your guide, the very best out there might I add. Call me Ashe, Neon Black" said Ashe smiling.

"Well, you sure took you time with that"

"Haha, before I thought, eh, why tell someone who's about to die my name, I mean that'll just be useless wouldn't it, makes zero sense to me" she lets out an eerie expression with the statement.

Neon accepted her greeting in kind

"Thank you, Ashe, I'm counting on you."

"I am pretty sure you are, come then. I'll take you to her"

Ashe moves on ahead, Neon following up, then she points to his jacket at the hanger besides the door.

"Don't forget your Jacket, it can get pretty cold outside"

"Right, must've took it off to tend to my wounds. My gratitude" Neon said as he grabs his jacket.

"Now that I think about it, what of the other patients? Aren't you needed here?" Neon asks.

"You were the last on my list. My colleagues will see to the others, why you think I'm on a solo run here?" she chuckled

"heh, that'll be taking it to another level. But it's good to hear".

Neon fully puts on his jacket, zips it tight and makes his way to the door, bypassing Ashe.

"I was right again; you really are a darling inside" Ashe whispered.

"huh? You coming Ashe?"

"Sure" Ashe joins him as they leave the room.

Meanwhile – Gates of TCC {PR}

For such a grandeur structured college, the Gates wasn't any different. Even a fly couldn't get in if the security so desired, the steel rods, thoroughly treaded around the college entrance. It was open though, this was a college, not a secret military base, so it's just elegance, well wasted to most eyes. But the Tarline faithful are full of pride, they want to be first in everything, even things that don't matter.

It was Dusk 5:28pm

Most of the students were leaving, in similar groups they came, chatting, discussing the day's activities. Others were impatiently waiting on the Iron Rod pavements on the road for their friends, while manipulating their phones, to join them on the return trip. Among those waiting, were 3 young and attractive girls. The Parasol girl was one of them. They weren't manipulating their phones though.

"You sure he's gon' sho gurl?" said Sasha.

[-- Sasha had a strange accent, difficult for most people who haven't spend some time with her. Had a dark complexion, Brunette with light green eyes. Her dressing (in Red) exposes more skin than most men will find comfort in, seductively attractive; so much she makes other girls jealous. She won the Prom Queen award in High school and with age not done a dent on her beauty, it was clear for all to see why --]

"I…I dunno… maybe?" replied the parasol girl worriedly.

"ehhh, we 3 have spent most of our years together, all through high school and I've got to say, this is the 1st I've seen her this worried, isn't that right Sashie?" said Katty.

[-- Katty was a normal girl, smooth voice, silver hair, had a scarf on, and look like those sickly type of girls, which was attractive in its own way. There were some pimples on her left jaw, not too pronounced. She doesn't mind. She was dressed like a well-mannered girl too, in sky blue, with a thick furry coat and boots --]

"Surreal! If ya ask me, I'll say our doll here has feelings for this new boy Kat" Sasha teased with extra emphasis on feelings.

"Ah!? There exists no such thing?"

Kat and Sasha laughed their lungs out at her desperate attempt to defend herself; she only made things obvious. Ashamed, she held Neon's found wallet closed to her chest for comfort.

"My… ha ha oh my" Katty still couldn't contain herself as she fixes her scarf from falling.

"urghhh come on guys, no fair! We didn't crack jokes when all Sasha talked about was Dylan!" she protests.

"And he turn'out to be a big fat Jerk, looking back, would've done with some mockery" Sasha said.

"Ouch! You got me there… indeed Dylan was terrible" the parasol girl said with a slight smile.

After another short sequence of laughter, they cast their gaze on the gates in silence. Then,

"Alright Girls, I have to return now, you know how my mom gets when I stay away for too long" said Katty.

"my dear Kat, you're far too sheltered for y'un gud" Sasha shakes her head

"Excuse me for having caring parents"

"speaking of, Mrs. Rebecca, girl your mom knows her way round the kitchen. she is super gud at cookin' ya know ryde?" Sasha said at Kat, as she licks her lips.

"That's all you ever think about Sash" laughed Katty and the parasol girl. Sasha was taken aback by the statement.

"Oh please, you just don't fully appreciate a gud meal when ya… I'm gonna say taste one instead of-"

"yea yeah we hear ya"

Katty cut her short then asks Sasha; they usually go together.

"So wanna come with?"

"Nah, I'll stick with Tear for a-while" Sasha responded

"Gee thanks Sasha, I was starting to doubt the integrity of our friendship." Said Tear.

"uh! How could you say that luv!"

Sasha was slightly hurt by Tear's words, then walks up and puts her arm on her shoulder.

"Please Tear, don't be that way, you understand my family better than anyone, surely you realize I would wait with you If I could." Katty tries to defend her decision to leave, desperately.

Apparently, although Tear is the quieter of the three, she is like the center, her thoughts counts highest, as the other two girls will want nothing to make her sad.

"I understand completely Kat. Say hi to Mrs. Rebecca for me." Tear smiled.

"uh! Sure, sure thing. Later girls"

Katty waves them goodbye, as she notices Tear's mood had changed for the better, then set off.

"You sure you don't want to … I know you guys usually go together…" Tear reluctantly said, quietly wanting Sasha to stay.

"Hmm!? It's alright Tear. I know how boring it can be standin' out hier on ye own"

Sasha said then stretches her arm around Tear's neck to the next shoulder.

"Sides' I don't want no 2-faced double crosser back stabbing freak trying to hit on a cutie like you standing lone lookin' all kinds er desperate" Sasha jokes.

"Hah I'm not desperate" Tear sassed.

"Sure, you ain't doll, I'm sure you ain't" chuckled Sasha.

Then she walks back and leans on the gate rods supports herself on it as she stretches herself without a care in the world. Some male passers-by couldn't help but stare at her angelic form, blushing as they departed.

"Sooo, spill the beans Tear; how'd you 2 first meet. This new found crush of yours" Sasha asks.

"haha it's not as climatic as you'll think."

"Oh gurl, I've heard worse stories believe me."

"huhh, alright, here's a quick summary of it" Tear exhales and starts telling Sasha how she met Neon, adding details to be extra sure it appears magical.

Back at the {OR} – The Holy City Nailia.

-- Stairway to Holy Shrine –-

[-- The Stairs was made of clean stone, with some silver flower petals on top. The entrance way was beautified with fresh flower gardens and medium trees. Gives off the same fresh alluring fragrance of the flower jars in the infirmary. The flowers were picked here after all--]

Ashe, the little girl and Neon walking up the stairs to the shrine.

"We're almost there, just a few more steps to ascend" Ashe assured Neon.

"Good, I don't know how much time I've lost being here."

"Time lost? I don't follow. Come to think of, why are you marked by a Hunter anyways?"

Ashe was curious as she tilts her head to the side staring at the Mark Neon's shoulder.

"Let's just say I made some questionable choices, this" Neon pointed at Seyhn's mark.

"Is Causality" Neon coldly concluded.

"uh…." The little girl murmured.

There was silence for a short while, then Ashe spoke coldly.

"…Neon, how, disgruntled are you by your past life… is it the reason you are so prudent with the choices you make?"

"What makes you think I am?"

"Please, you spent approx. 10 minutes to answer my life-threatening question back at the infirmary. Most people on death's door will panic and say crap. But you, you didn't lose face." Ashe admitted.

Neon was surprised she paid much attention to his expressions. Maybe what she wanted was his composure, not his answer back then. The answer was the bonus.

"Granted you were scared at first which is normal, but afterwards, shortly afterwards, you were calm, and you gave the right answer. You chose logic over emotions." Ashe concluded.

"I see, well with that I guess you've justified your initial statement of my prudent nature." Neon said with a slight smile.

Then they ascended the final few steps and reached the shrine yard. Neon notices he was the only one moving forward, then he turns around and finds Ashe standing behind him, staring at the skies.

"I won't try to console you Neon, I know not your past, but I want to say a few things. "Ashe coldly said. Neon stares at her attentively.

"The nature of a choice, lies in its consequence. If you feel the enemies you've made is an unfortunate consequence, think of the friends you've made as the fortunate one"

"The consequences…" Neon ponders.

"You asked me before, is there any choice without regret, I'll change my answer." Ashe said.

"…and? What is your answer this time?" Neon eager to know.

Ashe smiles and then casts her gaze on Neon.

"There's none why? Because we all have emotions that comes into consideration. However, when you weigh the consequences of your choice, if it remains in the balance of both favorable and unfavorable, then you should, yes should, have no regrets" Ashe emphasized on should.

"Emotions…Balance huh… thought you'll say something along the lines of it being more favorable." Neon argued.

"No, it's the balance" Ashe joins Neon ahead.

"Keep in mind, that's all that matters… well to me at least" she concluded with a smile.

"I see… Thank you." Neon appreciates her suggestion.

"Y'know…I could make the cut for a counselor position."

"You don't say. So, what now?" Neon asks.

Then he looks around the shrine yard, shocked he couldn't find the little girl.

"Huh!? Where's the girl?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Our princess IS the shrine maiden" Ashe casually mentioned.

Neon was shocked beyond words.

"She's inside the temple getting ready. You know, putting on the ceremonial gown, preparing the Holy water, all that stuff. She will be done soon" Ashe starts walking ahead towards the Shrine temple.

"why don't we go meet her"

She said smiling as she turns around facing Neon, walking backwards. Her arms behind her back.

"The little girl huh. Should've known."

Neon thought, then closes his eyes and smiles faintly as he follows up after Ashe.

-- Inside the Shrine -–

[-- The Shrine Temple was traditional. Hierarchical rooftops, sparkly cleaned wooden floors and some sigils and statues beautifying the inner walls. There was a small altar, and 2 floor mats made of bamboo sticks and canes sewed together. One for the Shrine maiden and one for the attendant. --]

"You can sit over there"

Ashe points to the floor mat, then starts making her way outside.

"See you next time, Neon Black."

"Returning to the infirmary?" Neon asks.

"Yeah, couldn't wait outside, given you'll probably want to return immediately after the cleansing. You know, back to what you're in a hurry for."

"…mmhmm. Sorry, was starting to enjoy your company." Neon for the first time depressed to leave.

"oh no, no need to be so down, I mean you're not going to die out there…or are you?" Ashe questions with slight jokey as she slides the door open.

"heh, not a chance." Neon said.

"Thought as much, alright then." Ashe gently waves goodbye and leaves the temple.

"Ashe Klonne… there's a lot we could learn from each other…when I finally understand this world, I'll meet her again" Neon thought, then he faces forward.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching gently, then on the slider door, someone opens up. The person was glowing with a blinding silver light.

"UH! You! You are!!! "Neon was shocked by what's in front of him.

-- Meanwhile in the {PR} – Gates of Tarline. –

It's almost 6:28pm and almost everyone has left campus and the gates as well. Just a handful left. Sasha and Tear making that number. Sasha though was now restless. Then she walks behind Tear and held her shoulders.

"Tear…I know you believe in fate, I do too doll; but, maybe it's time we… y'know, skedaddle." Sasha suggested.

Tear stood silent, looking at the ground. Then finally exhales and looks at Neon's found wallet.

"I guess you're right…I mean I have his wallet…I-I'll just return it tomorrow right? "Tear sounded unconvincing. Sasha was worried.

"Poor Tear…this guy must've really gotten to ya" Sasha was depressed as she thought.

"It's just…its nice to …make that good first impression you know…and this…was a very good opportunity…" Tear pulls out a fake smile.

"Well at least that is what 'The Firm Relationship 3rd Edition by Hema Weisley, Chapter 2 says…"

"You gotta stop reading that book, its messin' ya head" Sasha chuckles.

"yeah, haha, but you've got to admit it's a good book, many successful relationships based their foundations on it" Tear said.

"Can't argue with that one…" Sasha then turns Tear around to face her.

"Look, we'll get you another chance for your first impression. Katty and I will think of something okay?" Sasha assured Tear; she nods her head in compliance.

"What would I do without you two" Tear said with a wide charming smile.

Then she stared at the wallet.

"I'll give it to him tomorrow, and maybe invite him to the cinemas this weekend-"

"Hold that thought doll"

Sasha interrupts then turns Tear around, she looks ahead and spots Neon, he was calmly leaving the gates, alone.

"That him?" Sasha whispered; Tear was shocked.

"Yes, yes!!" She quietly responded with excitement.

"heheh, well I've got to say, he looks super kul in person, sticking around was the downright right choice, now's your chance to get that first impression you craved for" Sasha motivates her friend.

"yeah, I have to, before he gets far." Tear said.

"Sure doll, lemme not get in the way. I'll run on ahead, give you 2 some space to, make up hehe. Good luck Tear!"

Sasha smiles and runs ahead, waving Tear goodbye. She waves back.

Neon was just a few meters away from Tear when Sasha was a fair way out. She puts her hand closed to her chest, held the wallet tight, takes a deep breathe, and shakes her head a few times, puff her jaws up and garners confidence.

"Alright Tear, you've got this"

She thought to herself, internal motivation. Then she puts on her brave face and fast walks towards Neon. He was in deep thought himself, before he heard his name being called out from behind,

"Ne-Neon… Neon!!!" Tear calls out incessantly.

Quickly he turns around and couldn't believe his eyes, the surprises are not letting up today for Neon. The girl meets Neon, then nervously she spoke.

"My…my…my na-name is, Niki Tear and…umm, and I wanted to …to t-ta-talk to you…" she said to Neon, who couldn't help but be surprised.