
Chapter 7 - Meeting the Shrine Maiden of Nailia


"Allow me the honor to edify, in eternal despair…"

Eclipse and Neon had to brave through Miles to be able to turn the tables. Crexilius had chased them down all the way from the Ruined Chapel to the Deep Forests of the Nailia Outlands. Without a weapon, Eclipse couldn't fight back; He needed to reach a Hunter's camp. As luck will have it, the deep forest had one; but before they could get there, Neon was injured. Eclipse faced a challenging task protecting him amidst the threat of the Unrelenting Crexilius, but he was capable of it. Somehow they made it to camp, and Eclipse was now ready to return the favor.


Deep within the forest stood Eclipse MoonDark and Crexilius Ignisia, Eclipse readying to engage, Crexilius taking a defensive stance.

"Come at me… ECLIPSE!!!" Crexilius bravely taunted.

Immediately, Eclipse leaps forward, strengthens his grip on the scythe and swings on range trying to weave out Crexilius head at once. Crexilius stood his ground and parries the attack with his fists, then follows up with a heavy roundhouse kick, Eclipse dodges slightly, then back steps to keep a safe distance.

"Heh, is that all- "

Crexilius interrupted as Eclipse throws at him his Wailing Scythe which was lit up by the Moonlight, spinning like the wheel of a 350mph exotic car. Now this one Crexilius could not parry with fists, barely, he sidesteps dodging and in so doing lost sight of Eclipse as he could no longer find him in the initial position.

"Where!? Where is he?" Crexilius questions himself, the unease affecting him.

"Behind you!"

Eclipse appears and grabs his spinning scythe (Well, he has a mastery of his weapon) and in a position to back stab (or slash) Crexilius.

"Grrr, I got caught out!" Crexilius curses as he couldn't turn in time.

"Hmm, It's Over!" Eclipse assured Crexilius as his Scythe turns deep dark.

"RELEASE!!!" Crexilius Commanded

Then a Heated Rod Propelled like a bullet from his Spine (from the Rods pinned on his back along his spinal cord), Eclipse quick enough retracted his decision to slash and puts his Scythe in defense as the Rod Deflects off it, he was sent flying too by the force until he reaches for and grabs onto a tree branch, then spins up making his way on top of it.

"that was close. Hm!?" Eclipse remarked

Then he lifts his head and sees Crexilius slings 2 heated rods in quick succession towards him, he makes his way from branch to branch evading the incoming Rods that destroys the branches he leaves behind.

"Tsk! This could go on forever" Eclipse thought as he skips from tree to tree evading

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH, I WILL GET YOU EVENTUALLY! HAARGHH!!!" Crexilius getting carried away with mounting the pressure.

"…Dark Slip" Eclipse calmly activates the technique

Then as Crexilius lets out another 2 rods throw, Eclipse disappears, assisted by the dark weather he manifested upon his summoning of MoonDark. Crexilius lost sight of him once more.

"Wha!?" Crexilius shocked by his sudden disappearance.

Then he saw Eclipse closing in from the ground swiftly, you could hardly trace his steps.

"Gik!" Crexilius panicking and was throwing Rods at Eclipse relentlessly.

Eclipse deflects off some and dodges others as he approaches with untraceable speed. Crexilius eventually got cornered as Eclipse spins his Scythe and grabs it tight as the Wailing Souls intensifies on it and the Moon Light he summoned enhanced its sharpness.

"Death's Silhouette!" Eclipse activates this technique as the Scythe blade end turns blood Red.

"This is bad!" Crexilius was in danger as he tries to use his hands to shield himself.

Eclipse then seizes his opportunity and unleashes a quick 5 slash combo attack on Crexilius as he dances in the moonlight, then turns 360 spins his scythe and lets out a heavy slash opening Crexilius guard, then a specter's Slash follows up the exact same heavy slash as an echo, in the form of a dark silhouette (hence the technique name) dealing heavy damage on Crexilius. He was sent flying and wounded as he crashes within the forest, destroying many trees on impact.

"Stay down Crexilius, this is hardly a battle without your weapon" Eclipse coldly said.

He walks to Neon and stares at him. Neon was getting pale and his complexion was slowly fading.

"There's him too, the other reality is critically affecting him, I have to end this battle quickly" Eclipse thought.

Eclipse looks ahead, at the area Crexilius crashed.

"The best way to do so will be intimidation. Even without Ignisia, Crexilius is famous for his resilience in battle. My Death's Silhouette won't be enough. Fighting will take long and Neon may not make it if he doesn't get to the shelter the Holy Cities provides soon." Eclipse thinking, calculating a possible fairytale scenario out of this mess.

Then Crexilius regains his strength and lifts himself out of the rubble. He walks slowly back to the field of battle; his chest was wounded but not very deeply because of his build. He stares at Eclipse.

"Crexilius… as much as I'll like to take you out to the picture in all of this, it'll be more appalling than commendable an achievement without your Ignisia. "

Eclipse said as he tightens his grip on MoonDark as the wailing souls gathered.

"But sure, I could grant you a quick trip to Mada; that is indeed one of the possibilities if you so desire" Eclipse concluded with an intimidating glare.

Crexilius remains silent, the Rods on his spine vibrating and he was letting out steam.

"…should I engage? will that be what Lord Seyhn wants?" Crexilius questions himself once more.

"Is he going to buy my bluff… if he realizes Neon's current predicament, he can use it as my only weakness in this current situation…. But he shouldn't, I know Crexilius, he's powerful but he will rather let his brawns do the talking." Eclipse weighing his options.

Then he again makes his intentions clear by standing on the ready to engage.

"Even his brawns shouldn't be good enough this time, surely you get that Crexilius, so Back off!" Eclipse scorns as he tries so hard to scare him away making his thoughts clear.

"My instincts tell me if I'm to make it out of here in one piece…this is the only open window. Should I engage it'll need a decider… heh, my host lord Seyhn won't find that in his favor" Crexilius deliberates.

Then he lowers his guard and starts walking towards Eclipse. The steam cooling off too.

"Very Well Eclipse, you win this time" Crexilius said.

Eclipse lowers his guard as well.

"This will be no fun without Ignisia, consider yourself fortunate. Oh, and take care of your Lord, he doesn't look so good" Crexilius mentioned to Eclipse's great surprise.

Crexilius walks past him and was heading out of the forest as Eclipse watched him leave.

"Crexilius Ignisia … of all the 7, he's the one I'll most prefer not to fight" Eclipse thought

Eclipse with great relief calls off MoonDark and was walking towards Neon.

"Maybe I really am fortunate" he murmured

Then he goes down and grabs hold of Neon's palm.

"He knew about Neon, yet he forfeited…what is he really after…no use thinking about that now. I have to get you to Nailia"

Eclipse stretches his left arm as a dark terrifying aura cloth was covering Neon.

"Rest Well Neon, we're safe…for now"

The cloth completely covers up Neon.

-- New Holy City of Nailia --

The Local Infirmary;

[-- The Area had ventilation, the faint light from the skies gives the room some lightning, it was clean and the indoor flower jars gives off this fresh and alluring relaxing fragrance. The Place was very clean and quiet, the perfect place to lay down and recover. --]

Neon awakens from the shock of the terrifying dark cloth that was about to cover him. He remembers the scene vividly.

His eye lids were shaking, trembling and he couldn't get a clear visual of his surroundings. His head was bandaged, and the area Eclipse chew on his arm as well.

"uhh… where… where I'm I…?" Neon confused and weak as he asked to seemingly no one.

There was a child, a girl though standing in front of his bed that kept staring at him, when Neon got a clear visual, she was shocked and shifts back, scared by Neon's stare.

"uh, uh" The girl could not speak clearly, that's about all she can utter senseless sounds.

[-- The girl was dressed in a green light gown, had a silver colored 4 leaf clover on her thick hair, and long ears. She looks elven and had tiny wings on her back, like that of a mini devil. Hair style was twin ponytail. She wore flower petal sandals and was a very cute and delicate little girl --]

"who…who are you…?" Neon reluctantly asked.

Then almost immediately, someone opened the door making her way into the room. She was the nurse looking after Neon. The child runs up and hid behind the nurse, clinging onto her leg like a hungry cat its dinner. She was mostly shy.

[-- The Nurse dressed like, well a nurse and had short brown hair, a very attractive young and matured lady. --]

The Nurse had a booklet with her as she walks to Neon, the child following up after her.

"Oh! It seems you're finally awake! That is good news, and at a good time too" The Nurse smiled, a smile good enough to alleviate even the most stressed out souls.

"That must be my Nurse" Neon thought as he calmed.

Then she stretches out her hand and lay it on Neon's forehead.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"… isn't it your job to tell me?" Neon responded.

"ha-ha funny lad, you have no idea what my job constitutes do you?" the nurse chuckles.

"uh uh" The little girl murmured as she was trying to look at Neon from the cover of the Nurse's legs.

Neon stares at her once more, then looks away from the worried expression of the child but mostly because he didn't want the Nurse to get any funny ideas he's some kind of pervert.

"Why she seems to like you, why avoid her gaze?" bewildered the nurse asked.

"She avoided me first remember?"

"True, but she's just shy. In fact, you should thank her." The Nurse responded.

"Thank her? Why?" Neon asked, confused

"She found you. If not for her Clairvoyant ability, you won't be alive right now, abandoned to be preyed on by the hounds of night" said the Nurse.

*The Hounds of Night are deadly saber-like beasts that goes after those foolish enough to leave the shelter of the cities at night and roam the outlands without adequate protection; killing mercilessly any who doesn't have the strength to survive*

Shocked by the revelation that Eclipse left him in such a precarious situation, Neon stared back at the little girl who blushes and tries to hide herself further, she really was shy. Neon then smiles at her. She was cute enough to be his kid sister

"Make no mistake though"

The nurse said as she was preparing a syringe for a shot.

"you're not the first she's rescued from said situations."

The Nurse then gently readies the syringe and took Neon's arm

"What is strange though is, she stood by your side all day, that's the first even for her" the nurse said.

"Did she now…" Neon meekly commented.

The Nurse then starts administering Neon the shot, Neon 's arm tries to move on its own due to the itching pain but the Nurse had a strong grip on it.

"What's the shot for?" Neon asked.

"Ori-letucea fluid V – 078. Let's just say something to keep you from losing much energy to the atmosphere, apart from that, you're already healthy enough to leave this place"

"Losing energy?" Neon asked.

"Yes, it's that strange disease we get from time to time, don't know how it's happening but this shot"

The Nurse completes the injection.

"seems to do the trick every time" The Nurse concluded.

Then she disposes of the useless equipment in a trash nearby, picks up her booklet and start writing reports.

"The energy loss must be due to my existence both in the present and other reality… if the Nurse's word is anything to go by, then that's the major thing that affects me here…means Eclipse took care of most of my injuries back then…" Neon thinking.

"I'll recommend you stay here for a day or two, for the drug to take good effect- "

"can't. urghh…" Neon struggling to steady himself as he tries to get off the bed.

"Easy, easy, you may have been treated but it needs time to work, like every other drug!"

The Nurse trying to convince Neon. She was panicking as she tries to ease Neon back to the bed.

"No… no… I must get to the…shrine… shrine maiden of …Nailia…urh!" Neon finding strength to speak.

"Huh!? Shrine maiden you say?" shocked the Nurse.

Then she looked at the child that was hiding behind her looking worried. Neon manages to get off the bed.

"Well, have it your way. But you'll have to pay first you know?"

Neon stopped in his tracks by the word pay, then he searches himself to realize his wallet is missing. Must have dropped in the pod when Seyhn teleported him back then from Tarline College.

"yeah…right…it has to turn out like this." Neon murmured

"huh? Wai-wait! Don't tell me!? Are you?" The Nurse couldn't believe what's going on.

"umm…yeah, I'm … broke" Neon embarrassingly uttered as he scratches his head.

"Wahhh! WHOAAAHHHHHH!!!!" screamed the Nurse with both her arms on her head.

The other attendants and patients stared at their room, wondering what's going on.

"umm…I feel I should remind you we're in a – "Neon attempting to speak.

"Do you know how much, that drug costs? How hard it is to get them?" The Nurse hollered at Neon.

"yeah… I don't really suppose I should – "

"FORTUNES!!! What runs through your veins right now can start wars, it can bring about mass destruction, it's worth more than your life- "Her voice getting louder with every word.

"Now, see that shouldn't be accurate, else it shouldn't be used to save lives instea-"

"You don't fully appreciate the situation you're in right now do you?" The nurse interrupted Neon yet again.

"Well, if you'll let me finish…huh?" Neon saw the little girl holding onto the Nurse hand and murmuring.

"uh, u-huh huh-uh" the little girl said.

As the girl talked to the Nurse, she calmed down and sighs.

"Okay…okay… I suppose…I can let him off the hook this time. If it's for you princess" The Nurse said.

"Princess!?" Neon said as he stared at the child once more, this time more intrigued.

Then he saw the Nurse smiling at the girl, the girl smiled back.

"Wait! Did you understand what she said just now?" Neon asked perplexed with what's going on.

"Yeah. Who doesn't? … wait… you … you don't?"

"…no…" Neon responded reluctantly, he realizes he is the odd one out here.

"…what are you really? You're looking for the shrine maiden, you don't understand our princess' words, you're broke, your behavior is rude, you're aloof, who do you really think you a- "

"Alright my apologies, you've gotten you point across brilliantly thank you." Neon acted fast as he tries to rescue himself from further abuse.

"Good, that was indeed my intention." The Nurse taking a little joy from her harsh judgment.

"But it's amazing how much you deduce from someone you just met, based on how he answers your questions" Neon said as he stared out the window of the room.

The Nurse walking to a nearby flower jar and along with a water kettle and starts watering the flowers.

"Please, don't deny most of them is true, but our princess seems to likes you, so, maybe not all is true."

"uh huh, huh "The princess murmured as she blushes and then stares at Neon smiling.

"unlike one nurse I know, She's a good judge of character." Neon said with a smirk.

"!? How dare you? I could feed you to the hounds and think nothing of it." The nurse jokes. Neon smiles then he puts on a serious face.

"huh? What's the problem?"

The nurse enquired, she couldn't understand his quick change of expressions.

"nothing…just thought of what you said about me being fed to some hounds I don't know, then I remembered something someone told me a long time ago. For every choice, there's regret…" Neon coldly stated.

Then he stands up and walks to the window, staring through to the holy city.

"Tell me…how true is that statement, is there really no way of making the right choice?"

"… of course there's a way to make the right choice. The problem is, what is right, is determined from one's own perspective. Like a good thief will think stealing is the right thing to do. To him his choice is simple enough, just steal your way through life." The nurse faint smiles.

Neon stares at her tending to the flowers, listening to her go on.

"And you know the best thing about it. He'll eventually die, knowing he died doing what is right. If you ask me, I bet he'll have no regrets"

The nurse stopped tending to the flowers and returned the Kettle to its former position on the desk.

"But then again, that is my own perspective. Some would argue the thief will have some kind of regret, for example, he may think, why are there others out there not stealing, if stealing is right, everyone has to do it. The regret comes in now, when he starts getting deep in thought, if what he's done his whole life, is really the right thing. He regrets not finding out that answer" The Nurse concluded.

Neon thought about it, then looks out the window once more.

"You have a point. Perspectives do matter, but that is not all" Neon remarked.

The nurse smiled then walks to the door.

"I'll be in the other room. Our princess will stay here to look after you."

"Wait…I really do need to meet with the shrine maiden right now, it's important" Neon pleaded this time.

"Yes, it's important I get back to the Present Reality" he thought to himself.

The Nurse stopped in her tracks, then stared at the little girl, she had a worried expression on.

"…what is your name?" the nurse asked.

"… Neon Black"

The Nurse then starts walking towards Neon. He turns around to face her.

"Neon. The question, I'm about to ask; how you answer, will determine your fate" The Nurse said

Her expression turned cold. She's dead serious. Neon understood that this is not a decision he can take lightly.

"Why do you wish to meet with our Shrine Maiden?" The Nurse asked as she was within close enough distance.

Neon no sooner realize the cold blooded look of the Nurse, if he fails to answer correctly, she could rip his heart out in a second as he could see her hand strengthening, becoming hard, the veins were thick and her presence was truly intimidating. He also remembers Eclipse saying that hunters can't make it into holy cities. His life was hanging on the balance and Eclipse can't bail him out. He looks at the little girl; she was worried but she couldn't move. Then he stares back at the nurse.

"So? I'm waiting, Neon?"

Neon closes his eyes and gives it some thought, then he found his answer.