
Chapter 4 - Mark of a Hunter.


Since his resurrection into this new life, Neon has never experience a day as the current one. So much is happening so fast, first he's warned by Eclipse of being targeted by an unknown Hunter, he is to make do without his Mind Read ability for the day. He did attempt to use it on another strange girl that talked to him later on, but this girl's mind was shielded by a force he couldn't explain. This Girl also warned Neon of the upcoming Event in 3 days, the Merge Phenomena



-- Hall AMCE03-3F (The Course Hall on the 3 Floor of Com. Engineering Department Section)

Neon was taking the Course – New Techniques in Programming. He was in the Hall with about 30 others. It was a small class; it is a small department overall, given its track record of either producing graduates of ingenuity or dropouts, the dropouts taking a large proportion of that number. The professor Mr. Lorenzo was lecturing, the entire class attentive and following up, well almost the entire class; as Neon, found at the back, his chair situated besides the window of the hall wasn't. His book was open and he had a pen in hand, as if intending to take notes, but he was not part of the class as he keeps staring outside supporting his left jaw with his left arm. To the normal eye, it'll appear he was daydreaming

*It's already the 3rd period of 4 for the day, yet all I can think about, is what she said back then

-- Flash Back --

The elevator Tower (Left-Side) Moving up the floors steadily. The Girl with the ash grey eyes and Neon at the back, avoiding the gaze of the other students they shared the Elevator with. Some space is what they needed most right now to discuss on their supernatural matters.

"You've been speaking a cacophony of mysterious notes since the start; don't you feel a proper warning deserves a certain degree of clarity? "Neon inquisitively enquired

"I am not in the position to remedy that problem. If your Hunter within, feels it is not yet time to get you involved in the cryptic depths of the Other Reality, then I have to respect that decision; but only as a Neutral of course." She confidently replied.

"Neutral? … does that mean she's not the one with sights on me after all, or is this all just hoax?" Neon pondered.

"And why should I be bothered about your status concerning this affair? "Neon going tactical to deduce if she really is neutral or hostile

"They're mostly 2 reasons why a Hunter will go into hiding, one: To regain life Essence from the Other reality or two: To avoid being identified. Now, after giving it careful thought… the latter is more likely to be the reason why your Hunter has entered deep into Restriction mode. " she said.

"How'd you come by that conclusion?" Neon asked again.

"That is simply because there's the presence of a 3rd Hunter in this area. "

Neon was shocked by the revelation

"That statement has only made her more suspicious; how is it she can-"

"Before you ask, my Hunter also sleeps. As to how I can tell the presence of this third hunter, first I'll pose a question. "Neon's thought suddenly interrupted

"… Go ahead."

"Do you know about the Primary Abilities of a supernatural?" she enquired.

"…yes, this primary ability is birth forth by the strong desire accompanying your 'Call' upon Death; which can be used with or without the involvement of your Hunter." Neon correctly replied.

*Given mine was to never have my trust betrayed, Eclipse developed my ability to Mind Read, thus giving me a chance to tell firsthand if a person's love towards me is Genuine or just a façade, got to say it's worked for 8 years now.

"I see. You've been informed well on that part. This saves the trouble. Let's just say my Primary ability can let me sense abnormalities from afar."

The Girl then looks up the roof of the elevator.

"The Stalker still searches for us, with you being here, that'll take you off the suspect list. And with your Hunter hiding itself, I came to the conclusion, you're avoiding detection. So am I."

"So, for all we know, you could be the one he/she is after?" Neon asks.

"Yes. Now you know why I laid bare my status as a neutral in all this, so you'll be more at ease." She concluded.

"Well, not exactly no. You based your theory on the fact that you have the primary ability to trace out this hunter, but he/she lacks the primary ability to stalk other hunters as an assassin would?" Neon making a fair argument.

"…I suppose; we can never really be sure about everything now can we? "she was made aware of the loophole in her thesis, she wasn't exactly much pleased

The elevator reaches the 2nd Floor, some students walked out while others joined Neon and the Girl to go up another floor or two. The Elevator on the move once again.

"Was that good enough to answer your initial question?" she wondered.

"… partially." Neon said looking at the students that entered, trying to pick out any shady looking characters. He's on high alert.

"You have trouble trusting others it seems; questioning every phrase you hear. You'll hardly hit it off with the girls here bearing such an attitude. "she said showing no signs of jokey, a straight face on

"and Most boys won't go for a Girl too direct. "Neon counters accordingly

"oh… 'Most' boys you say? "she laid extra emphasis on most"

"Let's say you're not the presumed hostile Hunter, any ideas why we are being targeted?" Neon swiftly cast aside the friendly atmosphere that was building up.

"None so far, you're the only other supernatural I've come in contact with, and I've been prudent with every step I've taken to avoid finding myself in this scenario." She responded calmly, her cold meek voice telling true.

"So have I, these powers were clearly dangerous from the start, so I've been careful. Could it be related to this 'Merge Phenomena' you speak of? "

"… Maybe."

The Girl takes off her hoodie and stares at the Elevator display on the wall.

"For now, I'll like us to establish a Link via the Hunter's Mark. " she said as she stares at Neon's eyes.

"Hunter's Mark, isn't it dangerous? "

Neon remembered Eclipse's words, and now the Girl intends to mark him, Neon's suspicions of her just went back up

"No, a link is a friendly Use of the Mark of Hunters. With this mark I can tell where you are, if you're under threat, and I can also find you. An added advantage is, we can communicate telepathically within a certain distance. It's like sharing phone contacts specifically for Hunters, only this time, I don't need to call to determine your current situation. That is all, no hidden agenda involved, you have my word."

"… save your word, I'll take my chances. I'll prefer to steer clear of being Marked, be it a friendly one or no." Neon rebuffs her attempt.

"you'll also risk going it alone? Hunters can recognize Links, as such they will choose their battles wisely if their target has a strong backup. This Hunter after us, may think twice if he/she realizes we're each not alone. " she tried to sound convincing, laying the advantages of the Mark.

"…I can't be careless now. If this Merge phenomenon is as bad as my intuition tells me, then I've got to be wary of the side I take. Hers or the other Hunter, if there really is one. If she is the other Hunter, then getting this mark will put me in harm's way like Eclipse mentioned. If she isn't, it's clear she's suggesting a Link to serve her interests of receiving protection, nothing more, else she would've mentioned the disadvantages of it as well. Nothing is perfectly advantageous. I stand to gain in this link as well but I don't have adequate knowledge on it. It could be more than what she's let on" Neon weighing his options as he stares at the Elevator display.

"…I suppose he doesn't trust me enough yet…well, that's normal; I haven't exactly been an open book. Started a conversation without much of a greeting or my name; can't expect any favors from him at this rate" The Girl analyzing her stand as well.

"We're almost at the 3rd Floor, you've been staring at the Display for a while now, is that where you get off?" she asks.

"Yeah, 4mins before the 1st course. Professor Samantha is strict so I can't exactly bail out of this one."

"So…what is your decision…Link or no?" she asks once more, slightly nervous. It's not a good act for her.

"…my former stand remains." Neon coldly replies.

"I see… "she seemed slightly depressed even for her cold look she couldn't hide her disappointment

"strange…for some reason she seems wounded, what could she really be afraid of, what scares her so?"

Neon felt the need to console her as his suspicions of her dropped to almost zero.

*Given my past experience, I can tell whether emotions are fake or real regardless of my Mind Read ability; Milan's emotion back then claiming to care for Lloyd by helping him do his dishes after breakfast before driving him to school was fake… This one, I can't shake the feeling that this sadness she expresses is real... I could be wrong, but…

Neon walking gently towards the Elevator door, as the Girl slowly follows up.

*I guess everyone of us has a story, a past leading to this 'Call', and the appearance of Hunters… all related. I know my story, I wonder about hers, or the others out there…what led to their connection with Hunters…?

"Maybe Next time I'll be more interested in your story and why you want this link mark so badly, if you don't present yourself to a stranger as all kinds of enigma." Neon said with a faint smile.

The Girl was shocked for the first time since they started having a conversation

"ha ha, my story? why I want the link mark so badly? what exactly are you talking about?" she tries to hide her feelings.

"I Guess I hit the spot. She may seem hard to read, but I know how to go about it, I am not exactly an easy to read guy either" Neon thought.

"Why don't we start from the basis." He said.

Neon took his right arm off his pocket and gestures with an open arm, like starting a friendly conversation.

"Like our names for example. Neon Black, you can call me Neon. "

The Girl puts her right palm on her chest her own way of pointing to herself

"Phirae (pronounced as "Firail"), Phirae Nafika."

"Phirae Nafika, It's a good name." he smiled.

"So is Neon Black. "she smiles back

The Elevator finally reaches the 3rd Floor, few students were coming off, Neon, wanting not to delay the others was about to set out himself

"See you around then."

As Neon was almost out, he heard Nafika say something.

"Do not wander during the 7th hour, Neon."


Neon looks back to find the elevator door closed and moving up, leaving him behind.

"The 7th Hour? That girl just can't help being strange can she…No matter"

Neon making his way to the hall with a few others.

"I'll just ask Eclipse about it when I get back, there's so many questions I've got to ask that I actually feel sorry for him."

Neon reaches the door way.

"For now, it's time to switch to study mode, and avoid all the unnecessary attempts of friendship from the deceitful naturals. "

Neon gets inside.

-- End of Flashback –

Neon still staring at the lobby gardens from the 2 floor window where he sits.

"Still I can't get my mind off it…this day is turning out to be a complete waste of a school day, I can't wait to get back home, Eclipse got some explaining to do"