
Chapter 3 - It was the First Time.


Neon Lived in the Main City of the Infar Region – Tarline. A Modern City that Develops in a second's pace. Making a life for yourself was said to be an opportunity that comes so often, but then it was so rare as everyone seems to make a residence here. Such, was the popularity of this great City. Neon wasn't amused by this city though, as he believed in Reality, it was one covered with deception. It was no sooner he met a young lady, that basks in the benefits of this environment on his way to College.


Road to Tarline City College – TCC

It was in the midst of many others, that Neon shared this path to school. A wide concrete road, smoothen, leading to the grand college of Tarline. Random chatter between partners, gossiping, shopping plans for the weekend, it was only the first week Neon started attending; already he's tired of the noise his classmates and others around him makes.

*You know, it really is sad, for everyone that claims a friend, he/she has ill intentions for his/her opposite number; yet they put on this face, this mask of friendship, blinding themselves from the truth. The true Nature of a person, is revealed when come face adversities, I wonder how many of them will turn tail and run, abandoning the one they claim to adore when such a scenario comes to pass

Then suddenly, Eclipse accesses Neon's mind once again. They engage in telepathic conversation as Neon makes his way up the road to campus.

"You know; you really should think positive for a change. What's the fun in being a pessimist?" Eclipse asks

"I'm just being Realistic, every natural is a traitor deep down. But that is not the reason we've started this conversation is it?" Neon replied.

"No… I can feel the presence of another Hunter, more like the aura you could say, I think we're being targeted"

"Targeted huh…what are the chances this hunter will engage?" he asks.

"Every Hunter avoids to influence this Reality, so the chances are low, but once you're marked by one, there's no escaping…" Eclipse warns Neon, as he was disturbed by the thought of being marked.

"Can you trace this Hunter, is he/she among the crowd?" Neon asks, slightly worried.

"Can't say for certain. Nevertheless, you should tread carefully, and avoid revealing your identify as a Supernatural, we don't know who or what this Hunter is after, so it'll be best to avoid being marked"

"So I've got to keep the Mind reading ability to a minimum?"

"Yes. Surely you can make do without for one day." Eclipse replies with a chuckle.

"I suppose, although without this ability, my life will steadily shift back to the reality once left behind. We've got to trace down this Hunter, and annihilate if need be; I will not allow anyone to interfere with this new life I've gotten." Neon responded with strong conviction.

"…Can one's past truly twist his emotions so… then again, his past was hell, he's hardly to blame for this turn of events." Eclipse thought.

"I will return to restriction mode, remember-"

"Keep a low profile, got it"

Eclipse Enters Restriction Mode

They're almost at the College Main Gate.

*For 8 years, Eclipse's been hiding from me, could it be because of this moment…is something big about to happen? All he's ever said was the Other Reality is where things unseen by this Present Reality occurs; just like my Mind Reading Ability, the thoughts of a person in this Present Reality, is what he/she actually says in the Other Reality. But, the Other Reality can hear what is said in the Present Reality, this makes the Present Reality a Subset of the Other Reality. So, because as a supernatural I can exist in the Other Reality, I hear these thoughts when I want to. I guess I'll be foolish to think that's all there is to it; perhaps one of the other reasons is why we're being targeted.

They reached the Main Gates of TCC.

*I guess I shouldn't overthink things for now and focus on my studies, with good grades I can get better employment opportunities. The earlier I'm out of Miss Milan's household the better

-- Tarline City College – Main Lobby --

TCC Main Lobby was vast, just as big as the entire town of Merilis was; various facilities, and courts for sporting activities in this area, many fresh gardens and trees. Sheds equally partitioned for student outdoor studies and relaxation. There was a central tower elevator that can lead to the various floors of the College, taking you to the different departments each side. There was about 20 departments in this college, so this makes 10 floors. The college was a skyscraper, a giant one.

As if that wasn't enough, the entire college was hugely populated, there was barely space to get through, and its known to get worse during break time, then worst case scenario, College Events. This place is where everybody wants to lay the foundations for their future.

*Every time I get here; I can't help but remember the very first time I was this much impressed. That was 5 years ago when Eclipse awakened my powers. TCC structure, is second only to that.

Neon walking to the Central Elevator Tower along with many others, a few quarter of the population manning the sheds beneath the trees providing shelter, while some were admiring the gardens; spring is performing a miracle of divine beauty in this particular Lobby.

*Come to think of it, this is also the first time we're being targeted since Eclipse possessed me, I wonder, what really is about to happen in 3 days' time…

The central elevator tower had 2 entrances/exits, one for the elevator going up (the left) and another coming down (the right). Neon joining the others at the left door. The elevator guide passing out information.

"Remember everyone, the elevator can support maximum of 40 people. Now I know most of you want to reach your halls as soon as possible, but no need to rush, you'll get there in no time. "said with the common voice of an announcer that you just can't seem to ignore

*This means has always been slow to me, but I guess it can't be helped. TCC is a very big place, not like you can walk the extra miles every day before getting to the halls, you'll be exhausted way before you learn anything.

Neon joins the ever growing line of two (the right queue) for the left elevator. Then he heard a familiar voice a few standing legs behind. It was the Girl from before as he confirmed by looking back, the Girl was standing with 2 others and they seem to be having a good conversation going, all smiles and chuckles.

"So, she was a student after all…" Neon then smiles faintly and looks ahead.

As they were getting closer to the elevator, the last but one group of 30 to Neon's. Neon was directly addressed a question in a cold but meek voice, it was in a low tune and sounded feminine.

"Why do you hide your presence, Hunter?" the strange girl asks.

struck with shock, Neon quickly cast his gaze to his left, and saw her

-- A young girl that was almost his height, and seems to be in her mid 16s. she had a chocolate complexion, well brushed back long hair, with some extra strands suspending in front of her forehead. Ash grey eyes, and a single mark on her right temple. She wore a dark magenta hoodie fur jacket with same material as Neon's, she had taken the hood off as it leans on her shoulder and back, had short matching jeans on, wore dark polished designer laced sandals (a type of sandals that has the height of boots, but it's wrapped a long way up her leg downwards to her feet by interwoven material). She appears cold but she was really just as beautiful as moonlight on dying snow --

She stuffed her hands in the jacket's pocket, as she tilts her head staring at Neon

Neon then regains his composure as he saw the girl's eyes, they looked like they had died, ash grey in color, similar to ghosts'. He keeps staring at them. The Girl staring back at his dark eyes as well.

"I suppose it'll be foolish to pretend I'm not a hunter now wouldn't it." Neon said calmly as he closed his eyes.

"Yes, that will certainly be a nonsensical move on your part. It will also be out of character for the one who inhabits your soul as well." she said as he stops staring at Neon and puts on her Hoodie walking to the elevator as well, with the other group done using.

"out of character? Can she tell…Eclipse is with me?" Neon thought and push forward to keep the line moving.

"What does she mean by that? Maybe if I can just…"

Neon tries to read her mind but he got nothing, it was empty, or more like his ability was blocked.

"What's this!?" Neon was heavily shocked by his inability to read her mind.

"Why you're trying to read my mind, I can't say. But I'll appreciate if you won't stoop to such methods when in doubt." She said, without making eye contact.

"I've never been unable to read minds before…yet she could tell I was attempting an intrusion… this girl; could she be the one after me? … I have to be extremely careful "The girl is slowly becoming a disturbing enigma to Neon.

"… what did you mean by out of character?" he finally asks.

"It'll be hard to explain right now. It just troubles me you'll go into hiding with a mere 3 days left. I can't grasp the logic in that move." She replied.

"What exactly happens in 3 days? "Neon getting fed up with the suspense

"…Odd…so you are unaware of the Merge Phenomena" this surprised her as well.

"Merge Phenomena? "he reiterates in confusion

"Come on, we're keeping the others. "she ignores the question and moves ahead.

They picked up the pace and got to the elevator, Neon won't stop wondering.

*Come to think of it, this day's been all kinds of strange, first the girl I met on the way here, the aura Eclipse mentioned, this mind blocking girl and now talk about a Merge phenomenon or something…In all the 8 years since Eclipse appeared, this is the first I've been served a day so abnormal…could it be, I'm about to finally witness what the world at the other side is like.

Neon smiles faintly as he closes his eyes and stuffed his hands in this Jean's pocket when they made it to the elevator. The girl noticed his sudden intrigue and was slightly shocked.

"What's gotten into him all of a sudden…" she thought

*Well, this will be interesting