Elias Corvinus-Mikaelson bit two unsuspecting teens changing their lives forever. Elias is forced to defend his pack as enemies move in on his turf.
Allison leaned against her mother's car as she looked down at her phone with a bit of worry on her face. She had texted Scott to meet her but he hadn't arrived yet.
"Allison," Scott's voice drew her attention as she looked up with a smile on her face. Walking forwards she walked into his arms as they began to kiss passionately she remembered the feeling. How it was before Peter Hale had bit Lydia, although all of that was over they were still on high alert. It was hard to relax when you didn't know when the next horrible thing would happen.
"I've missed this," Allison said as the kiss ended.
"Me too," Scott responded.
"Well done Allison," Allison froze when she heard his voice looking past Scott she saw him, Gerard. "You must be Scott Mccall?" Gerard asked with a knowing look.
"Yeah, who are you?" Scott was even more confused than Allison.
"I'm her grandfather and you my boy have walked right into my trap," Gerard reached behind his back pulling out a handgun.
"No, you asked me to use him for information, why are you doing this?" Allison stepped out in front of Scott as she yelled at Gerard.
"There are other ways to get information my dear," Gerard smiled as he heard the sound of a weapon going off.
Turning around Allison saw the tranq dart sticking from Scott's neck, turning to look behind him she frowned. "Mom, what are you doing?"
"What it takes to protect this family, we can't have another one of us end up like Kate."
"Scott!" Allison kneeled on the grass as she looked at Scott's unconscious body.
"Wait so we believe that matt is the friend or master of the Kanima, right?" Bonnie asked from the backseat as she leaned into the front side of the car looking at Stiles.
"Yes, only we don't know who the Kanima is," Stiles said, keeping his eyes on the road.
"But doesn't the book say the Kanima is a shapeshifter, isn't that what you guys are? How did you guys become werewolves?"
"The Bite," Elias and Stiles found themselves saying at the same time.
"If the Kanima is the product of the bite of an alpha that means it can only be two people, Jackson and-"
"Lydia," Stiles said, interrupting Elias.
Derek looked out the window of his loft, he had dived back into the bestiary and realized the origins of the Kanima.
"What are we gonna do?" Isaac asked looking to his alpha. Off to the side stood Erica with a smirk on her face, ever since the bite she had become more confident. Sometimes even to a fault.
"Isn't it obvious, that one of them is the Kanima which means one of them needs to die?"
Boyd stood off to the side, he was glad to be a part of something rather than the invisible bystander. He frowned while looking at Erica, sure he understood what becoming a werewolf meant but wasn't it too soon for Erica to be talking about killing someone.
"We don't know which one it is," Isaac said once again turning his attention to Derek looking for his response.
"Erica's right one of them is the Kanima, but so are you, Isaac." Turning around Derek looked at his Betas. "We need to test them but we don't know enough about the Kanima to be jumping to conclusions."
"We aren't jumping to conclusions, they were bitten, I say we grab them both and watch to see who changes."
"They won't change in front of us," Boyd said with a deadpan look.
"Then we make them change," Erica said as she flicked her wrist showing her claws, the grin on her face showed how sadistic she was.
Derek took a second to think about it before finally nodding. It was a risk but there were ways to stop the transformation before it happened. He didn't know much about the Kanima but it was a shapeshifter. That was something he knew plenty about.
Stiles pulled the jeep to a stop just outside Lydia's house, hopping out of the jeep he ran to the front door knocking. Soon Lydia's mother opened the door with a smile on her face.
"I was wondering when you would stop by again, Stiles."
"Hi, Mrs.Martin I was wondering, is Lydia home?"
"No, in fact, she left with a few friends a few minutes ago. I don't know about those kids, I didn't think they were Lydia's type of crowd."
"Sorry Mrs.Martin I have to go," Stiles turned to look at the car before he came to a realization. Turning back around he spoke, "you said they didn't look like Lydia's type of crowd? What exactly did they look like?"
"Oh, you should have seen them. One of them just looked so broody, tall dark, and handsome, with obvious emotional baggage. I truly hope Lydia doesn't end up liking him. I think you're a much better choice Stiles."
"You do?" Stiles asked surprised as a smile appeared on her face.
"Of course I do, you may not be as handsome as he was but I'm sure in a year or two you'll grow into your own. Not to mention we both know how smart Lydia truly is, I fear she'll end up with some 2-bit thug with half a brain."
Stiles' smile dropped from his face not knowing how to take the backward compliment before shaking his head. "What did the rest of them look like?"
"There was another Broody one that stood in the back, African American looked like he could play football. But here in Beacon hills, I guess he could only play Lacrosse. Then there was another one he seemed nervous, oh and there was a cute blonde, with a leather jacket."
"Derek," Stiles said under his breath as a frown appeared on his face.
"What's wrong Stiles? Is Lydia in trouble or something?" Mrs.Martin asked, seeing his expression.
"No, Mrs.Martin. Derek's a friend, thanks for your help." Turning around, Stiles jogged back to his jeep.
"Bye Stiles," Mrs.Martin watched from the door with a look of pity. "If only he wasn't so quirky."
"What'd she say?" Bonnie asked leaning in from the backseat as Stiles entered the jeep.
"She's gone," Stiles said as he started up the jeep.
'It seems we weren't the only ones who figured out that the Kanima is a failed shapeshifter." Elias commented from the passenger seat. He could practically hear the thoughts coming from Stiles' head.
"Derek has her," Stiles tightened the grip on the steering wheel as every possible thought filtered through his head. He was worried and rightfully so, Derek had killed his own uncle killing Lydia would be a cakewalk.
"Isn't Derek a part of your pack Elias?" Bonnie asked with a frown on her face.
"Yeah, only I told him he was in charge. Right now he's doing what he thinks is right, the good thing is finding Derek shouldn't be too difficult. Do you think he'd take the Kanima to his own home?" Elias asked turning to Stiles immediately, seeing realization strike his face.
"Not the Loft but his old home, definitely."