
The Origin (MultiVerse Fanfic)

1st time writing so be prepared for Bad Grammar. Wish-fulfillment with large number of girls. If it's not your thing don't read~ ************** I don't own anything except for my Mc and characters I might add. I also don't own the cover photo. Please inform me if you want it removed(to the owner of the Pic.) ************** MC wakes up at a room he doesn't recognize. When he tries to check where he was he heard a voice inside his head. ************** World/empire building Massive Harem Easy going mc OP mc R-18 System World traveling

ProfessorNoob · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


(a/n: Edited a part of the previous chapter about showing Mikan and her friends the killing, you can re-read it or just be aware that they are not present when that happened, because I forgot they were there especially Yui-chan 👍)


The next day they are having class when Kuro noticed that something was lurking in the shadows observing him.

Kuro used his space skills to make it unable to move and transferred it in front of them. The whole class with the exception of Kuro was surprised and stared at the intruder.

Asuna: Yes! Finally! Something that looks like an alien!

Majority of them agreed with Asuna and kept on staring at it.

Kuro: what's with the hostility directed at me? You want me to beat you up or something?

Lala: ah~! Ghi Bree!

Ghi bree: damn you earthling! Lala belongs to me!

Kuro: hoh~ you want "my" woman?

Kuro snaps his fingers and Neuronist Painkill appeared in front of Kuro kneeling.

Neuronist: what can I do for you, Kuro-sama?

Kuro: Take him to Nazarick and treat him well there for a whole day. Give him the VIP treatment~

Neuronist: Yes, Kuro-sama. *looks at Ghi Bree* I don't know what you did but congratulations on receiving the VIP treatment~ *spoke like an okama*

Kuro: Lala can you call Zastin Later? I need to talk to him.

Lala: Hai~!



Lunch break, Kuro had a clone cook while he talks to Zastin.

Kuro: I am guessing information about my engagement with Lala got announced to the whole universe and more of Lala's suitors will be coming here and most of them have bad intentions?

Zastin: Yes Muko-dono.

Kuro: I don't mind handling them but before I hand them over to you they will have to suffer for aiming for my Lala~ *takes Lala into a hug*

Lala: ehehe~ *rubs her cheeks on Kuro's chest*

Zastin: we would appreciate it if they are alive when they reach us since most of them are important people.

After talking about the future trouble makers, Kuro decided on something.

Kuro: I think it's time for earth's technology to get a major boost and make humans aware of aliens.

Kuro made multiple clones to start a company that will focus on technology. Saki's group came in and heard Kuro say

Kuro: Lala, I will need your help when it is time to introduce extraterrestrial beings to earth.

Zastin: yes, Lala-Sama would be the best representative since she is a princess of the ruling family of the universe.

Saki: w-what kind of conversation are you having?

Kuro: oh welcome Saki, Aya and Rin~ we are talking about making earth aware that aliens exist.

Rin: aliens?

Kuro: Lala and Zastin here are aliens...

Kuro explained Lala's background while Lala and Zastin showed and moved their tails for Saki's group to see.

Kuro: but before that I need to improve my standing here on earth. I plan to start introducing advanced technology within a month.

Kuro invited them for lunch with Zastin obviously joining them and when Zastin took his first bite, Kuro almost killed him when he moaned.



Before Saki's group left, Kuro invited them to their home and have dinner there. Saki immediately accepted the invitation and was really happy when she left.



After school, Saki's group had to wait for Kuro's class to finish because they had longer classes.

Kuro: sorry, you had to wait for us.

Saki: it's okay Kuro-sama.

In front of the school four Cars and Kuro's bike was parked there. When the girls saw Kuro's bike they immediately started a RPS game on who would be riding with him.

Everyone joined including Rito because he wanted to lower the chances of Haruna winning.



The last round was Haruna versus Lala.

Lala: I won't lose!

Haruna thought 'I want to lose'

The result was, Haruna won and could not reject it since everyone participated seriously and it would be rude to decline the "prize".

Kuro drives the bike while Haruna hugs Kuro's waist, she had no choice because Kuro said it was safer that way.

Kuro: so~ how is your relationship with Rito? Any progress?

Haruna: eh? Y-you know?

Kuro: it's quite easy to see *laugh* well, if you need advice you can ask me or the girls.

Reaching the house Kuro parked the bike and went inside where everyone was already waiting.

When Yui-chan saw Kuro she immediately jumps towards him while saying "Papa~".

Saki: P-Papa?

Kuro: ah~ when our parents died I became a father figure to her and she started calling me Papa. *smiles*

Saki: I see. *sighs in relief*

Kuro: well, I need to prepare for dinner~ make yourselves at home and if you guys need anything just ask the maids.

Saki: can I watch Kuro-sama cook?

Kuro: eh? Are you interested in cooking?

Saki: yes Kuro-sama~ ever since I first tasted the food you made, I wanted to learn how to cook.

Kuro: that's good~ learning how to cook is always useful, you know.

The group that was interested in cooking joined Kuro in the kitchen while the others talked among themselves or watched the television.

Kuro noticed Zastin joining them earlier but decided to ignore him.

Saki's pupils turned heart shaped when she started watching Kuro, but still payed attention on learning.

Rin blushed while watching Kuro seriously cooking, at first she just accompanied Saki but slowly got absorbed in watching Kuro, not noticing some of the girls observing her and some also observed Saki using the Augma and some mobile mini camera that Lala made for their use. Kuro had to fix its defects before allowing them to use it.



After dinner, they had conversations before they all prepared to go home. The Pleiades all drove a car each and will take the others home while Kuro was in charge or Saki's group.

Saki: Kuro-sama can drive?

Kuro: yes~ *laugh* don't worry, i will drive safely. Right~ this weekend we plan on going somewhere, do you guys want to join?

Saki: I am free this weekend, please let me join.

Rin: I will accompany Saki-sama.

Aya: same.

After dropping Saki and Aya, Kuro drove towards Rin's house.

Kuro: Rin, I noticed you carry a shinai, do you practice kendo?

Rin: Yes, I practiced since I was little.

Kuro: how about guns? Do you know how to use one?

Rin: Yes I have handled guns before and have decent marksmanship skills.

Kuro: amazing~ Rin, i wonder if you have a boyfriend?

Rin: *blush* i-i don't have one.

Kuro kept on asking questions slowly becoming more personal like her preferences on boys and her hobbies, likes and dislikes, etc.

When they reached Rin's house, Kuro gave her a cake to give to her family.

Kuro: good night Rin~ sweet dreams~ and dream of me please~ *winks plus smile*

Rin: *blush* goodnight Kuro.




Next day - lunch break, Kuro made Lasagna for lunch and didn't have to pay too much attention to it.

Kuro: so Rin~ what did you dream about last night?

Rin blushed hard when she remembered her dream because she really did dream about Kuro, in her dream she had a date with Kuro and it ended with her kissing Kuro.

Kuro: eh? Did you rea...

Rin: *flustered* i-i didn't!

Shizuka: don't tell me he used the "dream of me" line on you last night? *giggle*

Rika: and looking at her reaction she really did dream of him *laugh*

Rin's blush got worsen when she heard Shizuka and Rika.

Saki: Rin is so Lucky~ dreaming about Kuro-sama.

Rin: S-Saki-sama! I didn't!

Kuro: *laugh* Rin do you want to have a spar later? You can fight me, Saeko or Suguha~

Rin: You three practice kendo?

Saeko: Me and Suguha spars daily and Kuro joins us sometimes.

Suguha: but it stops being a Kendo spar whenever Kuro joins.

Kuro: and if you want to improve your marksmanship Rika and Shino can help you~

Shino: Don't exclude yourself Kuro. We still can beat you in shooting contests.

Saki: *kya~* Kuro-sama is a genius~! Can I get watch when you spar?

Everyone: 'this girl is completely on Fangirl mode'



After class they all gathered at the school gym. They all watched Rin sparing with Suguha and Kuro earlier and now it was Saeko's turn.

Kuro: Rin has good reflex and her form is perfect, she is better than Suguha before she started improving with us.

Aya: I can't believe Rin lost all three spars.

Rin already lost but still continues to spar with Saeko while receiving pointers. Slowly their spar became a sword fight not a kendo spar anymore.



Weekend at Kuro's house they laze around the living room while waiting for the Pleiades to return from picking up everyone.

Rito, Mikan and her friends are already there because they stayed over with Yui-chan last night while Rito also stayed over with the boys.



When all of them gathered Kuro opened a portal making Saki's group confused. Seeing everyone enter the portal they just followed.

Kuro: as agreed~ we will stay two days here in my world~ I do hope you enjoy your time here~

Saki: Kuro-sama where are we?

Mikan's friend 1: eh? They followed us without knowing?

Mikan: they are lucky there is no scary prank this time.

Saeko and Asuna pulled Saki's group to the side and explained things while also giving them an Augma each.

Saki, the Fangirl, went nuts when she found out that her Kuro-sama was a God-like being.

Saki: I knew it! Kuro-sama is really amazing~!

Kuro: let's tour first before going to the island~

Newcomers: Island?

The girls showed them pictures of their personal island and their immediate reaction was "i/we did not bring swimsuits".

Kuro: that's why I said we can tour first~ plenty of stores here that sells swimsuits.

Kuro snaps his fingers and transferred everyone to the shrine since Saki's group hasn't seen it yet.

When Kuro and the girls showed up those that were praying to the statues immediately redirected the direction they are facing and prayed towards them.

Kuro just sighed and waved towards the praying citizens, of course the girls waved too.



At the store they picked to buy their swimsuits. Saki modeled almost all the swimwear they had to Kuro and let him pick.

When Rin chose a one piece sports type swimsuit, Kuro got near her and said

Kuro: a bikini would look great on you Rin~ that one would look great on you.

Rin blushed and remembered her dream she panicked and just grabs the one Kuro pointed at.

After everyone got a swimsuit they resumed their tour. They had lunch at the castle when Kuro received a message from a clone that the rocketman from the series was already on earth.

He took Lala with him teleports where the rocketman was. The rocketman got surprised when Lala and Kuro appeared in front of him.

Pikary: Lala, we meet again!

Kuro: I am guessing you are here for my Lala?

Lala: who? I don't know him.

Peke: Lala-Sama, the outfit he is wearing is from Kirara planet.

Lala: ah~ from that planet~ sorry, for me all of you look the same.

Pikary: I am one of your fiance candidates. Now come and leave that plain looking person. Blah blah blah (lol)

Kuro had enough of the girly shit and snaps his fingers.

Demiurge: how may I be of service, Kuro-sama?

Kuro: bring that thing to Nazarick and put him on the VIP section. After two days bring him to Zastin.



Kuro returns back with Lala and they almost toured half of the places they could visit, they can finish the tour tomorrow.

Kuro teleports everyone to the beach, while they wait for everyone to change, Kuro called some people if they wanted to join them at the island.