
The Ordinary Life of a Strange Ogre

Follow the story of a strange ogre

Idk_what_I_can_Put · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


<<ELDER! >> The little Girl screamed as she saw the poor Elder of the village laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Everything happened so quickly and suddendly that every single person alive was still shocked and also unable to understand. But to understand better what happened, let's return back at 1 hour after Giulius and Victor started their pursuit to complete the challenge and Find the Bolt Rabbit.

The Builders were working to build back all the houses that those 2 have destroied while the day was going pretty much the same, some people were relaxing while others were working or doing something else like cleaning their houses or taking care of their animals. The kids were playing in the streets as usual as then one of them saw a bush of the forest moving a little. The kid did not understand what could be the cause of the bush to move like that so he went to check behind it. After some minutes his mother called him because it was time for lunch, but he didn't respond back, His mother kept calling him more than once but he didn't respond again so she started to search for him. After some minutes of searching she could hear her son's voice calling for her from a bush near the forest. She got angry because she always told her child to not go in the forest and so she started to walk towards the voice as she already started to scold him because he didn't listen to her but as soon as she looked across the bush she saw her poor child badly injured on the ground surrounded by 5 normal demons and 2 giant ones. One of the demons used her son's voice.

Demon:<<Hello Mom>> He then smiled in an evil way as the woman had just the time to release a little scream of fear as the demon quickly killed her by slashing her head off. The poor child had to behold her poor mother being killed and even if he was badly injured he couldn't do more than cry and to call between sighs and pain the name of his poor mother.

Erik(this was the child name):<<MOOOOOOM! >>

Demon:<<Shut him up>>

One of them demons punched him hard in the face and Erik closed his eyes as he lost consciousness. Another scream reached the Demons' ears as all of them turned towards it. A little girl was standing there with a scared face, she was so scared that her eyes were tearing up. One of the Demons tried to approach her but another one, that was wearing a dark red cloack and some black clothes and that had whwarnedite long hair, a black like ash skin and some red eyes, stopped him.

Demon:<<Let her go, It doesn't matter if she informs the others villagers, we were about to take this village anyway>>

The other Demon nodded:<<Yes boss>>

Then the demon with the red cloack turned towards the 2 giant demons:<<Ak, Uk, Do what you need to do>>

The 2 Giant demons slowly approached the village as then some magical orbs appeared on their back, the orbs then shoot some magical beams to the sky and after some seconds the beams slowly rained down on the whole village having the same effect of a cluster bombing as the village quickly fell in a state of panic and also destruction. The demon with the red cloack then ordered at the others to kill whoever tried to leave the village because they could have warned a guild and that could have been a problem to them, and the other demons nodded as they positioned themselves around the whole village perimeter. After just 10 minutes a lot of the villagers were killed and the whole village couldn't be saved anymore. The boss of that Gang of Demons reached the center of the village and the 2 giant demons created a big crowd with the survivor of their attack around their boss.

The Demon with a red cloack:<<Village of humans, from now on, you are all Prisoner the Bandit gang Grognus, now, take to us your leader>>

The Elder of the village slowly emerged from the crowd as he slowly approached the place where Grognus was without being scared even a little.

The Elder:<<I am the leader and also Elder of this beautiful village>> He then took a deep breath as he continued <<why are you attacking our village>>

Grognus:<<Honestly, 100 we need money, this village is quite populated, I must say that even if killed some of you, you are still a lot, probably around the 100+ people, do know how much people could make money for us sell all to slave market?>>

The Elder:<<If you needed Money could have just asked, we are a peaceful village who is built on the Idea of being kind to anyone, even if he any race different than ours or bad with us, So, I beg please stop attacking our>>

Grognus Looked down at the Elder before kicking him in the chest, sending him on the ground coughing in pain.

The Grognus:<<You know, I honestly Hate the beings like you, You are those boring and annoying characters of stupid books that people usually read to Kids make them sleep, "we a peaceful village", what bullshit, there is no thing such as peace in existence, wherever you go only find wars, Poverty, hate pain, can all together or even just one them, but will always matter what...Peace, Love things don't exist this world, your rank, higher it is, strongest are, better live, The world cruel place, sooner learn this, how live>>

The elder stood up and coughed a little more of blood as he then looked at the Demon and said:<<I have to disagree with you>>

Grognus raised an eyebrow as the Elder kept talking:<<The world may also be cruel, but you should always remember that the isn't maker your destiny are>> The elder smiled as he returned to talk:<<the present is a gift and you are the one who chose how to use this gift, can become bandit, miner, banker. You whatever want of beautiful things life, that there countless possibilities. I had long, really life lived it wanted to. am an Elder little common village country, lot people like me, but, If could go back in past wouldn't change anything at all because since was children always help people. In ex-slaves, ex-criminals repent themselves just normal safe so happy have saved them, so, beg not hurt them>>.

Grognus Looked at the Elder, then he sighed:<<You know old man, I must say that In all my life...>> Grognus Impaled the Elder's chest with his arm as he then pulled it back leaving only a huge hole in the Elder body that fell on the ground with a wet thud because of the blood as the people of the village screamed for their Elder, but they were immediately silenced by the 2 Giant demons.

<<...I must say that in all my life I never met someone as boring and Pathetic you>>

The people of the village couldn't do anything more than start to cry as they called for their poor Elder as his body was laying on the ground.

Grognus then spoke to the 2 giants:<<Ak, Uk, let's get this thing done already, tie all of them>>

The 2 giant demons nodded as they grabbed from their bags some rope that looked really small for their hands.

But then 2 figures appeared in the streets, they had something in their hands as they approached.

Grognus, the 2 Giants and the people of the village all turned towards the 2 Ominous figures in the streets.

Grognus raised his eyebrow again:<<what are those?>>

But the people knew who they were.

Those 2 Figures were Giulius and Victor, the things in their hands were the bodies of the 4 demons who were ordered to stay at the borders of the village to not let anyone escape, but now they weren't more than some lifeless corpses, but the most scariest thing was the fact that Giulius and Victor's faces were now serious and cold.