
The Leutheus Race Story.

The Leutheus race is known as a race that deserves to be called the Intelligence Race, this is because they have a fairly futuristic civilization and are indeed based on several important principles as a guide to their lives. Making them awake from destruction both from outside and inside. Leutheus itself is the name of their ancestor who was the first Leutheus Race created by the Creator, and the name of the ancestor himself was Evered. Evered was created and located in an empty galaxy without any creatures that were as intelligent as him, making him dominate and continuously recognized as an absolute ruler, but the Creator at that time saw Evered becoming too monotonous in his story, he created Eve to be his life partner and when they started, they began to develop society and other peoples of the Leutheus Race to date.

This race itself has a special army where this army is tasked with maintaining the galactic order they live in and the army is named: Amurous.

[Amourous] is an army of Leutheus Pocket Warriors who are known to be firm in making decisions, and they are quite famous among other races as a formidable army because they are accompanied by the superior strength of the Leutheus Race itself, as for their strengths are as follows:

-> Superhuman Physique: This is what underlies the strength of this army, where without a strong physique they could not possibly survive in this Unreality. Their own physique can be categorized as strong if it exceeds or matches the qualifications of the Amurous Warriors such as, Body Speed that can at least catch Ballistic Bullets with a speed of tens of Mach, Physical Strength enough to survive in a war that can occur for several years without stopping and not giving time to rest and a physique strong enough to be able to pull an artificial moon that is made exactly the same as the real moon both in terms of size and mass and of course at least one of them must be able to pull this moon at least 5 meters from the initial position. And this power also makes their bodies resistant to all kinds of dangers in space, such as Coma Radiation, Absolute 0 Temperature, Extreme Star Radiation Temperature and Conditions where there is no Oxygen.

-> Weapons Expert: At least every one of them has skills comparable to martial arts experts and action fiction shooters in general, making them experts in close or long-range combat and experts in improvising when there are significant statistical differences.