
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Waiting for him

"With luck on my side, nothing can stand in my way!" Carlos hops in the passenger seat.

After a few minutes, a figure in the distance blocks the sun. Carlos looks at the figure, "The tower..." "Man that thing looks scary even when far away..." Clara whispers as she looks at the tower.

Carlos: 'My sister has been training since she was 10, although she doesn't go through the hell I go through... She's training in sword and says that she can beat me even if I don't have a weapon. Man, what a child...'

"Say, how has been your training Carlos?" Clara asks. "Well, it's been..." Carlos recalls the many times he's been knocked out by his dad, in just one punch. "...Interesting" "All I can say is that he has good stamina, Clara..." Adrián laughs as he also recalls.

"Just only having good stamina won't magically make you the best..." Clara sneered as she crossed her arms. "I can beat you up right here if you don't shut up!" Carlos snapped as he clenched his fist. "Knock it off, or else ill give you both a knockout..." Adrián demanded as he glanced at Carlos and Clara. "Alright..." Carlos and Clara apologized as both of them sighed.

Carlos: 'If I can be knocked out in one punch, can I be able to be a hero?'

'Wait why am I thinking like that?' Carlos slapped himself with both of his hands, 'I will become the greatest monk anyone has ever seen!'



A man walks into a room, wearing a formal suit. The room is spacious with red silk curtains close every window, all except one. The walls have a pattern of black and purple. the only window that has its curtains open is the one near the bed.

A girl is sitting on the bed, wearing a purple dress. She has black hair, but her hair shines brown when it hits sunlight. Her skin is white and her eyes are purple but look pink when light touches her eyes.

"Sera..." The man walks closer to her, making her jolt and quickly look at him. "...Me and Carlos' dad gotta talk about some dad business." The man continues as he sits on the bed. "Okay, father..." Sera smiles and looks back outside. "Sera seems to be waiting, but for who?" The man thinks to himself as he takes a glance outside.

"Who are you waiting for Sera?" The man asks. "I'm just making sure that all of the guests arrive..." Sera stutters. "Alright then..." The man responds as he walks out of the room. Sera watches him leave.

Sera: "Oh my gosh, did I made it too obvious?! If father finds out, my life with Carlos will be over!"

"What about your life with Carlos?" A boy asks as he stands in the doorway. "It's nothing brother..." Sera babbles as she tries to get the boy out. "I'm going to tell!" The boy giggles as he runs off. Sera sighs as she goes back to her bed. She gasped thinking that a car was Carlos' dad's car, but she sighed as it zoomed by. "Where are you, Carlos?" Sera whimpers.



Carlos sneezes. "That was out of nowhere..." Carlos thinks to himself. Then they finally arrive at Sera's home.

It's the biggest house in the neighborhood, having grand windows and two big doors. "Woah..." Clara watches the house as they get off. "Woah indeed..." Adrián responds as he smiles.

ok, imma just put in #romance just for the heck of it...

CarloskingWritescreators' thoughts