
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Unusual encounter...

-A few hours later-

Carlos swiftly opened a door but founded nothing. "Man it has been a few hours since we last heard of group 1..." Tobin sighed as everyone looked around. "I guess they already setted up camp somewhere." Carlos shrugs. "...Well haven't you heard about the lower levels of the tower?" Tobin asks Carlos.

"What's that? A secret thing inside the tower?" Carlos wonders, 'In fact, I haven't heard anything about lower levels inside the tower...'

"Supposedly there are lower levels under the tower, like underground levels." Tobin sits down on a piece of stone that fell to the ground. "That's weird..." Carlos sits on the ground. "...I guess we can camp out here for whatever time it is..." Carlos sighs as he pulls out a blanket.

"Alright everyone, let's camp here for a few hours!" Tobin puts his bag on the ground. The group sets down as one of them made a campfire. Carlos took out the rations and looked at it, 'Three packets of beef jerky, two packets of nuts, two apples, and what looks like a cracker...'

'Thank goodness there's a few bottled water in the bag...' Tobin chewed on his beef jerky, "Man, this thing is very chewy..." "Well mine's hard..." Lila whined as she munched on hers. "I don't know about you two, but beef jerky is the best!" Carlos smiles as he ate his. "So what about you?" Tobin finished his beef jerky. "Yeah, why don't you have a weapon?" Lila shuffles closer to Carlos. "Well, I'm going to be a monk. The first hero that's a monk!" Carlos grins as he puts the rest of his rations in his bag.

"Wait you're serious?" Tobin held back his laughter. "Tobin, we already saw him in action!" Lila smacks the back of Tobin's head, "And I can say that he can make it." Tobin pats where he got hit. "Hope all you want, a normal human won't stand a chance with a dragon or something..."

"...Especially someone to believes he can make it without weapons or armor." Carlos looks down, "Yeah I know... I've heard people mock me like that many times..." Carlos glares at Tobin with determination in his eyes, "But I'll find a way to surpass my human limits!"

Tobin: 'Kinda making himself sound like a main character in an anime...' Tobin sighs, "So how are you going to surpass your human limits? It's basically impossible." Lila looks at Tobin with a smug face, "And how do humans understood how to use magic?"

Tobin: 'Don't tell me that you're siding with him!' Tobin facepalm, "Magic isn't going to help a monk, magic are for mages." Lila raises a finger, "It might not help, but it could be an attempt!" 'But I haven't learned any magic, and doesn't magic takes up mana?' Carlos lets out a chuckle, "Well magic could help, but I haven't learned any..."

"See? It's all the same, they only focus on physical and forget that magic exists!" Tobin raises his arms as he lets out a loud sigh, "At least use a staff or something!" Lila gasps, "Tobin!"

"What? I'm being honest! This is why fewer and fewer heroes make it out of this damn place!" Carlos stands up, "I wish I wasn't here this year..." Tobin looks at Carlos. "...Yet the tower choose me for a reason, such like everyone in this group..." Carlos sigh, "...If you want to talk about fewer heroes making it, then how about the number of heroes that die once they leave the tower because that's another hell than this one..."

"...It's just people like you that have to bring down everyone..." Tobin glares at Carlos, "What did you say?" Tobin stands up while Lila tries to stop him. "...I may not be a swordfighter, but I believe in my goal, if you don't like it I'll happily leave the group and go on my own." Carlos grabs his backpack and blanket and puts them over his shoulder.

"Please Carlos you don't have to leave..." Lila reaches out for Carlos' hand, but Tobin stops her. Carlos walks off into a hallway, 'I'm sorry Sera...' Carlos looks both right and left at the end of the hallway and goes to the right, '...Guess I'll never see you as a hero...'

-A few minutes later-

Carlos looks into a room. There are three goblins near a campfire on the right side of the room. Carlos spots a few stone piles on the left side of the room. 'Time to sneak!' Carlos crouches and sneaks over to the rock piles. 'Since it's dark in here, their only light is the small campfire.' As Carlos sees the doorway to the next room, he holds the backpack and rolls to the door. 'Please don't make a sound.' Carlos quietly opened the door and snuck through.

'Well that was easy.' Carlos put the backpack over his shoulder as he walked along. 'Now let's see the next room-' Carlos peeked at the next room and saw something at the corner of the room. Its big and bulky hands covered the door and drool ran down its belly as it snored loudly. 'What the heck is that!?'

Carlos cautiously put the bag on the ground, but its eye's shot open, and stared at Carlos. 'Heh, crap...' Carlos looked all over and saw multiple rocks piled onto each other. As it stood up Carlos ran under the rocks. 'I guess that's a giant?' Carlos looked at both ends of the tunnel under the rocks. Every step the giant took, made the rocks rattle and the ground vibrate.

'If the giant doesn't kill me, the rocks might!' Then the giant reached into the tunnel. Carlos threw a rock at its hand, but it just bounced off. 'Well now I'm screwed!' Carlos ran out of the tunnel, but the giant started moving to the other side. Carlos ran back as he saw the giant and the giant rushed its hand inside the tunnel.

Carlos sprinted as the hand caught up to him. As he looked back the hand was gone. Carlos sighed but the giant took out a rock and flung it to the other side of the room, leaving Carlos vulnerable. 'Got nowhere to go, then...' Carlos put up his fists as he stared down at the giant. "I ain't gonna end this without a fight!" Carlos ran to the giant's foot and slammed his fist at its toe.

The giant yelled as it sat on the ground. Carlos punched its belly, but his punch just recoiled back to him. 'Well that hurt...' The giant stood up and slammed down its hand where Carlos was. The giant raised its arm but didn't found Carlos under it. "Oi!" Carlos screamed as he slammed his fist at its other toe.

But this time the giant didn't recoil in pain. 'Uh...' Carlos looked at the giant. Then he got grabbed by its hand. Carlos tried to get himself out of its grasp, but he grew tired, 'It was all of that running that made me ran out of stamina...' Carlos closed his eyes as he drew closer to the giant's mouth...

"Emperor fist!" Carlos heard a man say. Carlos opened his eyes and the giant started falling to the ground. Carlos noticed the giant's grip on him started to leave as he looked at the ground. 'Heh, heights...' Carlos started screaming his lungs out as he fell to the ground. But before he touched the ground, a figure grabbed him and his backpack.

"Carlos where are you?" Lila looked around. "Did that bastard leav-" Tobin looked into the room. "Huh?" Both Tobin and Lila looked at the giant. "W-Where is he?"