
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Tomorrow's uncertainty

"...That I-" Carlos stopped as he felt his heart race.

Carlos: "Crap, why did I stopped? I was soo close too!"

Sera looks at him with confusion. "T-That I'll tell you something on your birthday!" Carlos manages to spat out as he can feel his ears burning. "Okay bye!" Carlos quickly turns around and runs away into the forest.

Sera: "What's he going to tell me on my birthday? Wait..."

Sera quickly feels her face getting hot just from the thought of it. 'Well, one of us was bound to confess...' Sera turns around and leaves into the forest.

"Where is Carlos? He's been gone for a while..." Clara groaned as she sits in the car. "Patience Clara..." Adrián looked all around for Carlos. Then from the forest, Carlos came running to them. "Sorry that I'm late dad..." Carlos caught his breath from all of the running. "Where were you?! What were you doing inside the forest?! You have a lot to explain mister!" Adrián stopped himself from slapping Carlos.

Carlos: "Why do I have a beast of a dad?"

"Well, it's nothing serious..." Carlos walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. "What do you mean?" Adrián stopped and asks. "...I'll tell you on the ride." Carlos sat down in the car and closed the door. Adrián shrugged and sat down in the car and closed the door.

After a few minutes into the ride, Clara asked, "So what happened?" Carlos looked down, "I-I couldn't say it to her..." Clara gasped, "Why?" "...I froze and I couldn't say anything to her." Carlos clenched his fists as he stopped himself from crying. Adrián looked at Carlos, 'He's disappointed in himself...'



"Say, what was your boy's name?" Hayes asks. "It's Carlos, come on I even mentioned him multiple times Hayes." Adrián laughs. "Carlos, that little boy has yet to learn..." Hayes takes a sip of tea from a teacup, "...Well, if Sera can get to him, I believe he could be a good husband for her." Adrián looks at Hayes with confusion, "Man, stop joking around like that!"

"But then again, he seems to have a hint of evil in him." Hayes puts the teacup on the plate. "...We shall wait and see if he's worthy."



"Hey Carlos, you don't have to beat yourself up about it..." Adrián patted Carlos' shoulder. "...Life always has its ups and downs, but it's up to you to choose if you want to go up or down." Adrián smiles at Carlos as he put his hand back on the steering wheel. Carlos smiles back as he stops clenching his fists.

A few minutes later, they arrive back at the house. "It's good to be back!" Clara runs off inside the house. Adrián follows up as he locks the car. "So how was it?" Tamara smiles at both Clara and Adrián as they enter. "It was fun! There was even a really big cake!" Clara ran up to Tamara and hugged her. "Really? And what about you?" Tamara asks Adrián as she hugged Clara back.

"Well, it was fun." Adrián smiles as he puts the keys in a hook. Tamara looks around, "Say, where's Carlos?"



Carlos punches the punching bag. "This might be the last day that I'll be training..." "Can't say anything wrong with that..." Adrián enters the garage. Carlos looks at Adrián, "Dad, I-"

"Don't say anything negative Carlos." Adrián interrupts Carlos. "No, I'm not. It's just..." Carlos takes a few seconds to think, "...It's just that I want to make you proud." Adrián frowns, "Then why didn't you become a boxer, you know that being a hero is a dangerous thing to do."

"I know, but I didn't want to be just a boxer..." Carlos puts his hand on his chest, "...I know that I can make it through the tower, but I'm worried..." Adrián's frown goes away, "Worried about what?" Carlos gulps, "...I'm worried about Sera..." Adrián now has a face of concern. "...She told me that she's going to become a hero next year, but whatever I do, I know that the tower's going to choose me this year..."

"...I want to be with her, to protect her..." Carlos looks at his hand, "...I don't want to lose her." Carlos looks down and clutches his fist. Adrián walks towards Carlos and hugs him, "You don't have to be scared, Carlos, because whatever happens in the future is unclear." Carlos hugs back and holds back his tears. "Now tomorrow, go and make me, and all of us proud." Adrián smiles.

Carlos gets out of the hug and goes to his room. 'Now he's worthy...' Adrián sighs as he turns off the lights of the garage.