
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The talk

"Woah..." Clara watches the house as they get off. "Woah indeed..." Adrián responds as he smiles. Carlos smiles, "I'm here Sera..."

All three of them enter the house. "So are we late?" Clara glances around the hallway. "I don't think so..." Adrián responds. Then a man in a suit walks over to them. "Master Carlos, glad you could make it!" The man welcomes them as he shakes Carlos' hand.

"Who's this?" Clara asks. "And you're Master Adrián..." The man stopped shaking Carlos' hand and shakes Adrián's hand, "...I'm a big fan." "Well, thanks?" Adrián wonders who is this man. "This is Sera's butler." Carlos responds to Clara.

"I have a name, Master Carlos..." The butler then starts shaking Clara's hand. "...It's Issac." "So how do you know us?" Clara asks. "Master Hayes and Master Carlos told me about you two," Issac says to Adrián and Clara. "...Although, Master Carlos' first time coming over here was..." Issac recalls how Carlos acted like a child inside the house and gave a smile, "...special."

"Now the birthday party is at the back, I'm sure that Master Carlos can take you two over there..." Issac informs as he leaves the hallway. "Man, I think I can get lost in here..." Clara whined as she sees the many rooms. "Nah, just follow me and you both will get there in a flash!" Carlos smiled as they began following him.

After a while, they make it to the backyard. "This place is bigger than the house!" Clara looks around with wonder. The backyard is large, having a tiny forest surrounding it. Many kids are running around playing with each other. "Well, this does seem to be a big birthday for Sera's brother..." Adrián chuckles. A man walks to Adrián and says, "Glad that you could make it Adrián..."

Both Carlos and Adrián jump. "Can that be..." Carlos thinks. "Yep, that's him..." Adrián thinks as he turns around to face the man. "Hayes, how's it going?" Adrián responds to the man. "Wait that's his name?! I thought it was gonna be scarier..." Carlos thinks as he looks at the man. "...Then again, I wasn't paying that much attention to Issac." Carlos recalls the many time Issac mentioned Sera's dad by his name.

"Can you follow me so that we can talk?" Hayes requested. "Um, sure." Adrián responded as both of them walked away. "I gotta find out what hare they gonna talk about me..." Carlos then followed them as stealthy as possible.

They turn over to the side of the house that no one would notice them. Carlos stopped at the edge of the wall. "So what did you wanted to talk about?" Adrián asked as they stopped. "Well, it's about Carlos..." Hayes begins. "What did Carlos do wrong? Did Carlos do something wrong?" Adrián thought as he listened to Hayes.

"...I already know..." Hayes tells Adrián. "Oh no! Truly this is the end for me!" Carlos cried silently. "...That Carlos is going to be a hero." Carlos stops and continues listening. "Yeah, he's been training since he was 13. What about it?" Adrián asks. "And he isn't going to use a weapon..." Hayes sighs.

"Well he said that he was going to be a Monk, well whatever that is..." Adrián recalls the many times Carlos said about being a Monk. "...I fear for his safety..." Hayes continued. Adrián and Carlos let out a silent gasp. "...If he wants to be a Monk, I fear that he's gonna die trying, like the rest of them." Hayes cautioned Adrián. "...I know, that's why I'm going to train him to be the best!" Adrián declares as a smile appears on his face. "I know you will, you're a great father to him..." Hayes chuckles as he smiles.

Then he puts his hand on Adrián's shoulder, "...And I want Carlos to protect Sera, but first I got to see his full potential..." Adrián's smile disappears. "...I don't want to see him gone for too long, got it?" Hayes glares at Adrián. "Yes..." Adrián moves his head down.

"There you are, Carlos!" Someone yells at Carlos. Carlos jolts and speeds off before Adrián and Hayes could see him.