
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The Cultivation plane.

'Where am I?' Carlos moved his mouth, but couldn't hear anything.

Carlos looks around but only sees darkness. Carlos takes a few steps towards, but he quickly stumbles on something, 'I can't see anything, am I really Cultivating?' Carlos takes a knee to feel around him.

He feels grass as he runs his fingers through the ground, 'Even though I can't see anything, I can still feel.' Carlos stands up, 'But I can't hear anything. This is a bit scary.' Carlos feels something glowing.

He turns around and sees many blue lines. The blue lines blend like the wind and make a flower. 'Wait, that looks like one of the flowers that Kauro put on my clothes...' Carlos kneels and gently touches the petals of the flower.

As soon as he touched the petals, blue streaks of light flew all around Carlos. Then those blue lights make up everything around Carlos, in a small radius. Some trees, a boulder, and the grass. Carlos can slightly hear the wind blowing as he looks around.

'Man, this might be more confusing than magic.' Carlos tried to speak but still couldn't hear himself. Then another Kiwer appeared. Carlos walked towards it, but he stumbled into a tree or a bush. After brushing off the invisible leaves Carlos touched the Kiwer.

The same thing happened, but it reached out to a much bigger radius. Carlos saw a strand of blue light go into a cave entrance. Carlos tries to follow it, but he can't see anything beyond the cave entrance. 'Dang...'

Then Carlos sees something glowing on his shirt. He looks at it and it's a Kiwer. Carlos smirks as he follows the strand. Inside the cave, many weird mushrooms are glowing. 'It's best if I don't find out what they do for now...' Carlos sped up his pace as he saw the strand starting to fade.

His pace was made into a run as it quickly faded. 'I don't want to be stuck here! This place doesn't have that much free air.' Carlos started sprinting as the strand faded away. After a while, a bright light blinds Carlos.

After opening his eyes again, he's met with such a view. Carlos takes a few steps forward and looks. A forest at the right, with a clearing right at the middle, a strange structure at a cliffside, and a strange tower in the middle partially blocking the sun.

"What really is this place?" Carlos gasps as he can now hear himself. "Yahoo! I Can hear myself again!" Carlos throws a fist in the air as he jumps. Carlos looks around and sees everything take colors.

Carlos: 'I may not know that much about Cultivation and Ki, but I promise you Kaoru I'll become the best monk you've ever seen!'

Carlos looks down and sees the cliff, "No wonder the forest looked small, I'm on a cliffside." Carlos walked on a path as he looked around. Birds flew around chirping. "This place looks more like heaven than a dream to me." Carlos looked up to the sky, "Hmm... I think imma get used to this place."

The sound of twigs snapping made Carlos halt and look around. 'Don't tell me that there are hostile animals in here.' Carlos looked into the forest and saw a figure of someone. 'Huh?' Carlos looked closer, but the person ran into the forest. "H-Hey wait!" Carlos ran after the person.

Carlos: 'Who is this person? And how are they so fast?!'

Carlos weaved through some low-hanging branches and jumped over some rocks until reaching a small clearing in the forest. Carlos looked over it, 'Wait if they continue running, they're gonna fall from that cliff!' "Wait stop!" Carlos extended his hand to them, but the person fell.

Carlos leaped and slid to catch their hand before they fell to their doom. "Gotcha!" Carlos kept his focus on them. At a closer look, they looked like a girl, with long flowy hair. 'Wait is this..."



"And another note, you'll encounter spirits when you Cultivate..." Takehiko looks at the ball. "...I probably met all of them, but you'll mostly find one." Carlos looks at Takehiko, "So what are spirits?" Takehiko takes a deep breath, "Spirits are like the living, except they allow you to use their powers, The more time you spent time with a Spirit, they'll be much happier to allow you to use their powers..."

"...But be careful, you aren't exactly alone when you Cultivate..." Takehiko looks at Carlos. Carlos raises a brow, "What do you mean?" "...There's someone out there also Cultivating, but I'm not able to find out who..." Takehiko smiles at Carlos, "...So be careful!" Carlos nods.



'...Is this a Spirit?' Carlos struggles to bring the spirit back, be he manages. The spirit dusts off her dress, "Thank you." Carlos has a shocked look, "Uh, no problem just don't go running around..." The Spirit walks closer to Carlos as he stands up.

"Eh?" Carlos looks at the Spirit. He doesn't know if it's his mind playing tricks, but he can notice that the Spirit is blushing?! "Are you alright?" Carlos chuckles as he takes a step back. Then the Spirit puts her hands on his cheeks and leans towards him...

Carlos: 'Heh, this is bad...'

Then their lips connected. Carlos felt a bit of a burn from her lips as he feels his heart starting to race. 'W-Wha...' Was Carlos' last thought...



"Hey pupil, wake up..." Takehiko poked Carlos with a stick, 'Man did he really fell asleep? What a horrible kid...' Carlos jolted as he sat up. 'What just happened?' Carlos felt his lips. '...Hm? Didn't knew that he unlocked her first...'

"Well, you looked like you seen a ghost." Takehiko laughs as he looks at Carlos. "What happened? Who was that Spirit? And why did she need to do that?!" Carlos felt his emotions going wild. "Well, that was the gentle & kind healing Spirit, Aikea!" Takehiko pulled out a flower and pulled on its stem as confetti-like pollen flies around.

Carlos: 'Is. He. Celebrating?! Although Aikea kinda sounds like Ekia, or it could be me...'

"And it seemed that you were gentle with her..." Takehiko gave out a smug smile. "Stop saying it wrong!" Carlos felt his face burning from hearing that. "...Hey, you're the one that's thinking weird..." Takehiko chuckles. Carlos groans as he lies back on the floor.

"My first kiss was gonna be with Sera, and now she can't have my first kiss..." Carlos grumbles as he covers his face with his hands. 'Eh, I don't think Spirits think like that.' Takehiko clears his throat, "Now get up, and get yourself ready for some actual training..." Carlos looks at Takehiko while holding back his tears.

"...Since you unlocked a Spirit that'll heal you, this will speed up the training process, well hopefully." Carlos gets up and nods, "Thanks, Master." Takehiko smiles. Carlos rushes out of the room.

Takehiko: 'Since he was in my Cultivation zone, it's only been a month. And I don't know about it, but I would be freaking out if my kid didn't return after a month. I feel sorry for his family and to "Sera".'