
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Taste of power...

37 Humans walk inside the room, expecting an easy fight. as soon as everyone passes through the doorway, the doors slam shut.

Flames surrounded the humans, most of them looking terrified at the sight of it. Everyone at the party had different weapons ranging from simple swords to hammers, axes, spears, and bows. Some of them started shaking at the sight of the monster. The monster has two great horns and a long, scaly tail. Its hide consists of large thick red scales.

"You all are no match for me, you weak humans!" The monster roared at them. One human charged at the monster and swung his sword into its hide. The human looked back at where he swung only to find that there was no cut. "You're puny sticks can't deal sufficient damage to my hide!" The monster mocked them as he swung his tail at the human. The monster threw fire at the party, but two humans having big shields blocked the breath attack.

"We won't be able to deal damage to it if we're just going to be burned!" A human said to his party. The humans disparted as soon as the monster stopped his breath attack. A few humans chanted a few words and rays of frost slammed into the monster. "Magic users, I'm going to enjoy this fight..." The monster growled as multiple humans charged at it.

A few minutes later, now there are only 23 left.

"You all came here as an army, now your spirit is broken alongside most of your weak comrades!" The monster laughed as he enjoys his victory. "We can't let it end like this..." A human said as he used his sword to keep him standing. "Then I'll just make your suffering less painful!!!" The monster yelled as it charged towards the human.

Then, in a flash, something flew towards the monster and hit it at its jaw. The monster groaned as it rubbed his cheek. "Who did that!?" The monster groaned as it looked around. then his gaze fell upon an individual wearing a dark blue cloak.

The monster laughed as it noticed that he didn't have a weapon. "You're brave kid, I'll give you that..." The monster said as he readied his flames. All that the person did was just take deep breaths. "But bravery won't save you from this!" The monster screamed as he shoots out his flames at him. In an instant, he dodged the flames seeming as if he teleported.

"Huh!?" The monster looked around and saw him in the air. The person moved the winds with him as he fell towards the monster. "Then be my guest if you want to be eaten!" The monster laughed as he opened his mouth. But in a gentle touch, he spun around the mouth and at the monster's neck.

"Swift strike." The person whispered as he struck the monster's neck. The monster immediately drops to the floor unconscious. The person lands next to a human. "Who are you?" the human asks him. The person turns around and...

Now, this is more of my style! and welcome to my second novel! If you haven't read my first novel, then you'll probably be confused about what I'm saying(Or writing). Anyway, Like it? Add this one to your library! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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