
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Spirit training

Carlos wakes up in his room. 'Man, what happened yesterday?' Carlos rubs his forehead as he groans. 'All I remember is talking to Kauro, after that, my mind's empty.' Carlos gets up and hears his stomach growling. 'Well I haven't eaten anything ever since I entered the tower, and Cultivating didn't really help with that...'

Carlos wanders around and reaches the gym. "Hey Master, when can I-" Carlos slides open the door, but Takehiko isn't there. "Huh, where is he?" Carlos looked around the gym. Then a soothing aroma caught his attention.

Carlos: 'My sense of smell has been pretty good since I was born, So I can decipher what's making a smell. But this is a new smell...'

Carlos sniffs around as he walks around the corridors. 'It's getting stronger... Wait is something burning?!' Carlos runs around until he reaches a door, 'It's in here, but I don't think I've seen this door before.'

"Master! What's burning?!" Carlos aggressively slides open the door. Takehiko has a pot of stew burning in a fireplace. "Oh, well I didn't think you would wake up that fast." Takehiko smiles as he puts a lid on the pot. "Uh, what's happening?" Carlos looks around and sees many plates and bowls on a table. "It's just a meal that I made." Takehiko checks on the stew.

Takehiko: 'This is my first time cooking in a hundred years, so it might taste horrible...'

"Thank goodness, cause I'm starving." Carlos sighs as he sits down on the ground. "So you can't remember your first visit in the Cultivation plane?" Takehiko looks at Carlos. "Eh, yeah that whole experience is blank..." Carlos rubs the back of his head, "...But I remember a figure." Takehiko turns over to the pot, "Well, I hope you're ready for training after this..." Takehiko grabs a plate and puts rice and the stew in the place and puts it on the table along with a spoon, "...For now, eat up."

Carlos wipes his drool away as he takes a chomp of the stew. Carlos gently puts the spoon down as he tries to gulp it down. "So, how is it?" Takehiko smiles at Carlos. "I-It's g-great." Carlos responds as he can hear his stomach gurgling. "What's in the stew?" Carlos takes a spoonful of rice instead of the stew and eats it. "Well, it has herbs to boost your strength and some flowers to increase your Ki!" Takehiko takes a bowl of the stew and starts eating it.

Carlos: "Ha, no wonder... Wait is he trying to kill me?! Does he even know about the risks of a normal human taking that much stuff? and why did he had to add in so much of it? I can barely taste the stew!"

"Well then, next time I'll add in more herbs to boost your body..." Takehiko gives Carlos an evil smile. "Wah- I didn't mean it like that!" Carlos nearly chokes on the rice. "...It's alright, I was only joking." Takehiko laughs as he finishes the stew. Carlos quickly chows down the stew mixed with the rice.

Takehiko: 'What is he doing? I don't think Carlos' doing it just to forgive me..."

Carlos slams the plate on the table as he gulps down the last spoonful. "Um, Are you okay?" Takehiko notices Carlos shaking. "Yeah I'm fine." Carlos shakes as he puts his hand on the table. Then...


"Hey! This room isn't the restroom!" Takehiko goes over to Carlos. 'Then where is it?!' Carlos continues to barf off the stew. "Uh, I'll take you to it!" Takehiko grabs Carlos and speeds off to the restroom.


-A few minutes later-


Takehiko sighs, "Alright, hopefully, you're feeling well to train..." Carlos groans as he rubs his stomach. "...Now let's begin." Takehiko takes off his kimono. Takehiko wears a loose shirt and a pair of shorts.

Carlos rushes forward and crouches. 'Expecting me to punch first eh?' Carlos spins around with a leg out, but Takehiko takes a step back. "Now it was smart to start with a kick first..." Takehiko kicks Carlos, but that kick made Carlos go flying into the wall.

"Oh yeah, forgot that you're not ready yet for me..." Takehiko laughs as he walks to Carlos. "I think I broke something..." Carlos whimpers as he tries to not look at his body. "Well then good, now you can use the spirit to heal-" Takehiko stops and looks at Carlos' left leg. "...W-What? What's wrong?!" Carlos glances at his left leg.

Carlos screams as he stares at his left leg, then he passes out. "Oh come on! You pass out by that?!" Takehiko looks at Carlos' leg. It indeed is broken, but not shattered. "I wish I could heal it, but he has to learn by himself..." Takehiko kneels.

"...But I can at least stop the bleeding until he's awake."


-A few hours later-


Carlos slowly opens his eyes. "Ah, you're finally awake pupil!" Takehiko smiles at Carlos. "What happened?" Carlos rubs his forehead. "Um, you had an accident when you were training..." Takehiko walks to Carlos' side, "...But no matter, since you're awake you can use the healing Spirit to heal yourself!" Takehiko grabs the blanket and throws it off of him.

Carlos has bandages on his chest, both of his arms, and on his right leg, but the thing that caught Carlos' attention is his left leg. "Huh?! You expect me to heal myself?! I never got any injuries like these before." Carlos sits up and stares at his leg.

"Don't be a child, learn how to overcome your fears and become the best!" Takehiko smirks. "Well, then why can't you do it?" Carlos whines as he falls back to the pillow. "Do you want me to stop my help? I'm helping you by stopping the bleeding, so do you want to deal with a little blood?"

"Uh- No! I'll heal it!" Carlos quickly sits up. Carlos just stares at his leg, "So how do I heal it?"

Takehiko facepalms, "Just touch it, that's how it worked for me." Carlos nods and moves his hand at his leg. Every inch made Carlos want to pass out again. Carlos closed his eyes as he touched his leg, but he felt something warm touching his leg.

Carlos opens his eyes... 'It's you...' Aikea seems to be crying as she touches Carlos' leg. "I'm sorry..." Aikea sobs as she disappears. Then in a blinding flash, Carlos' leg is fully healed. Carlos moves his left leg around. '...Guess it worked.'

"And now I feel sleepy." Carlos yawned as he lied down on the mat. Takehiko nods and puts the blanket on Carlos.