
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Sera and Carlos...

-A few hours later-

The sun sets as the visitors take their leave. "Hey Carlos, we're leaving to get some snacks wanna come with?" Payton asks Carlos as he stretches his back. "Um, imma have to say no."

"Oh come on, we haven't gotten a night out ever since school started."

"Say when did school start?"

"A few months ago." Kayden recalls as he fixes his glasses. "Oh, welp you know me, the busy type..."

"Man, why do you gotta treat us like that..." Payton let his arms droop down. "Quit the act Payton, if he says no then we shouldn't argue with each other." Kayden smacked the back of Payton's head.

"And besides, the tower is going to choose heroes tomorrow, isn't it?" Kayden reminds both Payton and Carlos.

"Oh crap, I haven't heard about it!" Carlos exclaimed. "Well, we'll be going..." Kayden grabs his bag. "Wait already?" Payton rubbed the back of his head. "...Yes."

Kayden walks away. "Well, see ya tomorrow Carlos!" Payton smiles as he follows Kayden. "Well if the tower's going to pick the next heroes, I gotta tell Sera..." Carlos runs off into the woods.

A few minutes later he reaches a fence that keeps the forest from spreading, well that's what Carlos thinks. Carlos looks around and finds Sera sitting on the fence.

Carlos: "After the fence is a downward slope, kinda like a hill. It's pretty fun running up and rolling down it."

"Hey, Sera!" Carlos walks over to Sera. Sera jumps from Carlos yelling and looks at Carlos. "Hello, Carlos." Sera waves at Carlos as he reaches the fence. "Man, I'll never forget how beautiful this place looks..." Carlos chuckles as he looks at the sunset.

"Well, it doesn't seem that beautiful..." Sera looks at the sunset. "Well, I'm sorry princess, since you've been all around the world..." Carlos grumbles. "Huh? W-Wait I didn't mean it like that!"

Carlos laughs, "I guess you still don't know what's a joke or not..." "Well you know I wasn't raised to speak like that." Sera sighs. "Was that an attack?!" Carlos clutched his shirt. "Ha! got ya!" Sera laughs at Carlos' reaction.

"Man, your jokes can be evil sometimes..." Carlos sighs. Both Sera and Carlos looked up to see the clouds in the sky. since it was sunset, they could also see the stars. "Hey Carlos..." Sera looked down. "Hm?"

"...What made you decide to become a hero?"

Carlos' eyes widen from that question. "Honestly, I really don't know..." Sera looks at him with a confused look. "...Probably it was becoming famous or something..."

"...But what I do know, is that I'm going to be the first official hero that's going to be a monk." Carlos looks at her with a smile. "And you can count on it that I'll overcome anything that's in my way!"

Sera stays silent, "I don't think I've heard you say something with that much confidence..."

"I've always spoken with confidence..." Carlos leans on the fence. "Sure you have..." Sera smiled.

Sera jumps down from the fence. "Then it's settled..." Carlos gives her a confused look. "...Since we're separated by our two-year age difference, I'm going to become a hero next year!"

"But that means, I'm going to be a hero before you..." Carlos realized. "Doesn't matter, you can get a head start ahead of me."

Carlos thinks, "So when's your birthday?" "In about a few months, why?" Sera asked.

Carlos: "Only a few months? Why did I think it was a few weeks?"

"Then that means..." Carlos took a step closer to Sera...