
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Rivals at first sight...

"It's him..." Payton grits his teeth. "Can't believe he made it..." Kayden scoffs as he crosses his arms. "Alden..." Carlos glares at the man. "Glad that you could make it Mr. Jaxx..." Hayes shakes the man's hand while smiling. "Glad that I'm here, Mr. Harmon." Alden smiles back at Hayes. Carlos, Payten, and Kayden glare at Alden.

"That son of a biatch thinks he can come here after what he did to me?" Payten clenches his fists trying to calm down. "What did he do to you? Cause you seemed a bit grumpier than usual." Kayden asks. "First he has the nerve to go in front of me in lunch..." Payten explains while deeply glaring at Alden. "...Then when I challenged him to a fight, he wipes the floor with me..." Payten continues as he rubs his left cheek. "...He makes a fool out of everyone, even the ones that don't get in his way." Payten sighs.

"Oh, so that's why you looked like a bleeding tomato yesterday..." Kayden recalls as he laughs. "And he is better looking than us. Even so that nearly every girl wants to be with him in school." Payton crosses his arms. "Well if he tries to get to Sera, I'm going to stop him..." Carlos felt his heart race after saying that.

Alden feels like he got goosebumps. "Guess that they made it as well..." Alden groans as he can feel Payton's and Kayden's glare, but Carlos is the strongest glare he can feel the most. "I swear if he has the audacity to come to us, I'll knock him out!" Payton grumbled. As on cue, Alden appeared behind them.

"Hello there! I'm glad that you three came..." Alden smiles at the three of them. "Oh, you got some nerves to be here, rich kid..." Payton cracks his knuckles. "Payton, let's not get hasty..." Kayden fixes his glasses. "Right, it's not right to start fighting in a party..." Alden looks around.

"Even though I'm not looking at him, he has his eyes dead set at me..." Alden thinks as he avoids Carlos' gaze. "Say, you're the shorty that's with Sera..." Alden tries to remember. "Would you like to say that again?" Carlos clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "Carlos calm down..." Kayden warned Carlos. Carlos took a deep breath.

Carlos: "But why did he had to call me short?"

"Anyway, I'm pretty busy myself so I'll be seeing you three later..." Alden smiles as he walks off. "If only he wasn't going to become a hero..." Payton groaned. "Really?" Carlos asks. "Yeah, he even made a big speech about it. Don't you remember?" Kayden recalls. "I don't think I was paying attention..." Carlos puts his hand on his chin. "Welp, let's just go get some food..." Carlos sighs as he walks over to the food tables.