
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

New place

Carlos opens his eyes expecting to be in the tower's many rooms, but he was in a different place. His concern grew as he looked at the surroundings. The floor was wooden and the walls had a more eastern look, well to Carlos' eyes. 'There's even those sliding doors that are over at the east!'

Carlos stood up as he continued to look at the room. there was a small potted Cherry blossom with a small lantern hanging on it. Carlos walked towards it and looked underneath the tree, "Dang, so it doesn't have any cherries."

"That's because this one's in bloom..." A voice booms behind Carlos. Carlos quickly turns around, 'Who the heck is that?' The man is wearing a deep purple kimono with weird black symbols that Carlos can't understand what they are. "...And you must be Carlos, the monk that's going to be a hero."

"How do you know my name? And who are you?" Carlos took a step back. "It must have been rude of me to not say my name..." The man bows. Carlos looked at the man with shock, 'Bowing, a sign of sorry? I don't think I got it right." Then the man stops bowing, "...I am Kaoru Takehiko, your master into becoming a true monk."

Carlos: 'What. did. he. just. said?!' Carlos froze as he thought of something to respond. "Hm? My, you must be that excited to have a master, but I need to see something first..." Carlos blinked as he snapped out of his trance, "What is it?" Takehiko smiles, "...Well it's a test, now follow me."

Carlos walked towards Takehiko as he slides open a door to a hallway. 'What test could it be? Physical? Mental? Or Magical?' Carlos thinks as he walks alongside Takehiko, 'And what should I call him? Master Kaoru or should I use his last name like how they do it in the east?' Takehiko sighs, "Those are some troubling thoughts that you have..."

"Huh?" Carlos looks at him. "...Then again, you come from America don't you?" Takehiko smiles as he opens another door, "I can't wait to see an American going to his full potential." Carlos gulps, 'I feel like I can pass out just by seeing his smile!'

Carlos shakes his head and looks at the many flowers in the hallway, "You sure have a thing for flowers..." Takehiko giggles to himself, "Most of these mean something, not just their beauty..." Takehiko looks at a strange flower, "...This flower, it's not found on earth since this one only grows inside the tower..."

"...I'll tell you more later." Takehiko slides another door. The room looks like a gym, but it has a natural fountain and multiple strange flowers surrounding the fountain. "Woah..." Carlos looked around the gym. "Now let's begin..." Takehiko stepped in a boxing ring. "Huh? You were just right-" Carlos looked at Takehiko and where he was. 'Guess that he can teleport or something.'

Carlos stepped into the ring, "So what do you want to see?" Takehiko smiled, "To see your full potential, what else?" Carlos sighed, 'But I don't know what's my full potential.' "You can come at me at anytime." Takehiko looked at Carlos. Carlos hopped a bit before rushing towards him with a fist ready.

As soon as Carlos thought that he punched him, Takehiko seemingly teleported behind Carlos and chopped his neck. Carlos jolted, but he didn't fell unconscious. 'Hmm... Guess he can withstand a simple chop. Interesting...' Carlos swinged at Takehiko, but he grabbed his hand and spun him around. "Ow, my arm." Carlos rubbed his arm as he stood up. "Do you consider your legs as attacks?" Takehiko turned around.

'Oh right, but I didn't had any training with them...' Carlos swinged his foot at Takehiko, but he effortlessly dodges it. Carlos swings a few more times, but he still didn't manage to land a hit on Takehiko. 'Fine then, if simple kicks won't do...' Carlos takes a few steps back, 'Time to unleash the dropkick!' Carlos leaps and coils his legs. Then at the right moment he extended his legs.

Takehiko: 'Can't say that I'm impressed, managing to use his own version of a dropkick. But that won't be enough...' Takehiko stepped to the side and slammed Carlos to the ground. "My lungs..." Carlos coughed, "...Can't barely breath."

"Now if I were to use my full strength, your ribcage would've been shattered..." Takehiko stood up. Carlos caught his breath, "Then I guess it was a bit childish of me..." Takehiko looked at Carlos. "...To think that I can become a monk..." Carlos slowly stood up while rubbing his chest, "...I should've listened to them and become a swordwielder."

"There's no need to become sad, you've done all that you can..." Takehiko moves his hand to Carlos, "...And I say that there's still time for you to show your full potential." Carlos smiles and grabs onto his hand. Then in a instant, Carlos punched Takehiko's stomach.

Takehiko gasped, 'He still managed to hit me...' "And I landed a hit!" Carlos jumped while smiling. "Then i guess that means, you're my student." Takehiko grinned. "Wait so that was the test?!" Carlos let go of Takehiko's hand. "Indeed, and you managed to pass." Takehiko walks out of the ring. Carlos jumps out of the ring, "So now what?" Takehiko grabs Carlos' backpack and gives it to him, "Make yourself at home, training will begin tomorrow."

"My backpack, how did you-" Carlos looks at the backpack. "Got it? It wasn't that hard." Takehiko pats Carlos on his back. Carlos smiles at him as he goes to the door. "So how big is this place?" Carlos looks back at Takehiko as he reaches the door. "It's up for you to decide." Takehiko nods.

Carlos slides the door and looks around. Many rooms seem to have multiple strange flowers and one room looked like a garden. 'So where's my room?' Carlos slides a door, and sees his blanket on the ground.

'So this is my room?' Carlos closed the door and looked at the blanket. It had a tiny pillow and another blanket with a weird symbol on it. Carlos shrugged as he put his backpack on the side and lied down on his bed.

'This might be fun...'

Carlos closed his eyes as he yawned.