
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Meet the friends

"There you are, Carlos!" Someone yells at Carlos. Carlos jolts and speeds off before Adrián and Hayes could see him.

"Man about time you came..." The person sighed as Carlos walks towards them. "What were you doing over there?" The other person asked. The first person was wearing a black shirt, jeans, a pair of boots, and a jacket that had seen better days. The second was wearing a navy blue suit and had glasses.

Carlos: "Heh, Payton and Kayden, they've been my friends since high school..."

"Were you wanting to know what Sera's dad was gonna talk about you?" Payton smirked. "Well, it was your idea to come over here just to be nosy..." Kayden reminded Payton. "Hey, I just came here for the food!" Payton crossed his arms.

Carlos chuckled a bit, "Man, both of you are nosy." Payton sighed. "So what happened?" Kayden asked Carlos. "Well, looks like I won't be sued out of oblivion..." Carlos let out a sigh of relief. "Man, you must be crazy!" Payton hugs Carlos. "Congrats..." Kayden tries his best to hug Carlos.

"Please stop hugging me..." Carlos tries to get away from the group hug. "Oh right, forgot that you don't like hugs..." Payton stops hugging Carlos as he laughs. Then all of them shut up.

"Hey look, Carlos, it's your angel..." Payton jokes. "Sera..." Carlos thinks as he felt his heart skip a beat. "Man, she's still beautiful out of school..." Kayden smiles. "Hey, I'm only allowed to say that!" Carlos glares at Kayden.

"Well then, go talk to her if you're the only one..." Payton scoffed as he crossed his arms. Carlos readied himself, but then he feels his face getting hotter, "I don't know why I'm nervous..."

Before he knows it, Sera notices him. Carlos jolts as Sera notices him, "Hide me!" Carlos moved Payton and Kayden to form a wall and hid behind them. Payton and Kayden exchange chuckles to each other as Sera walks to them. "What is Carlos doing?" Sera thinks.

"Hello Payton and Kayden, Carlos told me all about you two..." Sera smiles at Payton and Kayden. "...Say is Carlos here?" Sera asks. Payton and Kayden look at each other and shrug as they walk away. "Carlos' gonna hate us for that." Payton chuckles.

Carlos turns around, only to see Sera. "Hello!" Sera smiles at Carlos. "Dang it, they left me!" Carlos thinks as he looks around trying to find Payton and Kayden. Carlos took a deep breath, "Hey Sera..."

"Looks like my dad didn't killed you..." Sera giggles. "Heh, yeah..." Carlos chuckles a bit. Sera notices the cape, "And you're wearing the cape..." Sera takes a step closer to Carlos. "She's very close..." Carlos thinks as he tries his hardest to not blush.

Sera fixes how the cape looks, "There, all good!" Sera smiled as she stepped back. "Well, I'm going to be busy for a while..." Sera looks down. "D-Don't worry, I can wait till you're free!" Carlos tried to declare as he smiled. Sera nodded and left.

"Man, why are you so lucky?" Payton walks to Carlos and puts his hand on Carlos' shoulder. "It shouldn't be called luck, more like a chance..." Kayden fixes his glasses from falling. "Oh yeah, I remember how Carlos was when we first met..." Payton chuckles as he pats Carlos' back.

Then their attention is caught by a man that's wearing far better clothing than any of them. "It's him..." Payton grits his teeth. "Can't believe he made it..." Kayden scoffs as he crosses his arms.

I think I'm getting a hang of romance...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

CarloskingWritescreators' thoughts