
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

In the tower...

'Let's do this!'

Carlos took a deep breath as he and all of the other people walked inside the portal. The travel wasn't that long, as soon as Carlos took a step inside he was already at the destination. Everyone that passed through the portal looked around. It was a huge hall with battered-down pillars keeping the ceiling from collapsing.

"Woah, this seems scary..." A person says. A few of them took out flashlights, but suddenly torches lit the darkened hallway. 'Oh right, The Hero's bag...' Carlos looked inside the backpack. It had a first aid kit, 50 feet of rope, rations, extra bandages, a matchbox, a blanket, and extra bandages. 'Some have torches and some have bedrolls, but The Hero's bag is the best for new Heroes surviving the tower.' Carlos zips up the backpack and puts it on his back, 'For me, I got a blanket but I don't know why I got extra bandages...'

"Alright, everyone!" A person claps his hands to get everyone's attention. 'Wait, did the portal closed already?' Carlos looked back and there wasn't a portal to be spotted. "Now we'll all be in groups since we have more of survivability if we stick together..." The person walks around the other people. "So this half is group one and the other half is group two." The person carefully looks at the two groups.

'Come on, group 1 have more people...' Carlos sighs. "Now let's go!" Everyone walks along the hallway. A person walks up to Carlos, "Say you're in group 2?" Carlos nods. "Sweet, can't wait to see what you can do, say what can you do?" Another person smirks, "Can't you see? He isn't a mage or an archer, he's just more dead meat for us..."

"I don't think that he means it..." The person whispers to Carlos. "While group 1 seems to have better and more people in their group." The other person grumbles as he kicks a pebble. "Hey, I think that's a door..." A person points to a moldy door. 'That's odd, why would there be a door in a hallway?'

The person walks towards the door. "Wait don't touch it!" The other person yells. But alas, the person touched the door handle. The door swung open and a large tongue grabbed the person and dragged it inside the room. "H-Help me!" The person screamed as he stabbed the tongue with his sword. The other person grabbed onto his backpack, but the straps snapped as he fell to the ground. The door closed and everyone heard the person's cries as blood ran under the door.

'What. The. HECK!?' Everyone in the group was shocked by that encounter. Some started to cry as they realized that they can die in the tower. "H-Hey you okay?" Carlos walked towards the other person. "...Yeah." The other person grabbed Carlos' hand and stood up. "Say what's your name?" Carlos asks him. "It's Tobin." Tobin felt his breaths getting shakey. "Wait, what happened to group 1?" A person looks around.

"Could they have left us?" Another person asks. "Or did they already..." A person wondered. 'Alright, It's Hero time...' "Okay, I guess the person in the beginning was correct about one thing..." Carlos made sure his voice was louder for everyone to listen, "...But we can't make it if we're also scared, so yeah we might get into scenarios that'll involve someone in danger..." Carlos walked closer to the group, "...But nothing is secure as strength in numbers, every hero had to go through this, so we shouldn't be acting as if everything's bad!"

Everyone was now shocked that someone without a weapon is this confident. "Now let's do this without worrying about the negatives!" Carlos ran through the hallway but after a few seconds, he was met by a doorway with two large wooden doors. "Man, I wonder what's over at the other side..." Tobin touches the door.

"It doesn't seem to be that group 1 went through here..." The person recalls as she touches the ground. "...Oh sorry that I didn't introduce myself to you..." She walks towards Carlos, "I'm Lila, and you are?" Tobin glares at Carlos. "Lila, you shouldn't be so friendly with people you don't know..." Carlos looks confused. "So what Tobin? We need to at least get some reliable people acquainted with us." Lila frowns. Carlos puts his ear at the door.

'Meditation...' Carlos takes in deep breaths as he starts to hear... munching sounds and things speaking to each other? 'Could they be goblins?' "Take out you're weapons..." Carlos whispers to Tobin and Lila. "Wait why?" Lila asks. "There could be some goblins..." Carlos puts the backpack on the ground. "Weapons." Tobin looks at the rest of the group as they take out their weapons.

With one swift kick, the door swings open. 'Man that hurt!' 5 goblins set up camp. One of them screeches as they see the door swung open. "Charge!" Carlos runs up to one of them and punches it. a goblin tries to jump Carlos, but Tobin swings his blade at its stomach. The rest of the group easily handled the rest.

"Wait how did you know that there were monsters inside?" Tobin asks Carlos as the rest of the group looks around for scouts. "I just focused to hear what was inside of this room, didn't you two see me?" Carlos flexes his fist. "Well, Tobin was too busy arguing with me..." Lila gave Carlos an apologetic smile. "...Maybe not having a weapon is an advantage." Carlos looked at his hand.
