
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Hero Recruitment Day

"Carlos!" Clara yelled as she swung open the door expecting Carlos to still be asleep, but what met her was rays of sunshine. "Oh, hey Clara..." Carlos waved at Clara as he's fully dressed. "How are you awake?" Clara gasped as she noticed Carlos. "What, you expect me to sleep in when the tower's going to choose new heroes?" Carlos ran out of his room and ran downstairs.

"Oh, didn't know that you were up Carlos..." Tamara looked at Carlos with shook. "This is the day, that I'll become a hero!" Carlos grabs an apple and bites into it, "...So I can't be lazy today!" "Well, you sure seem to be in a good mood." Adrián smiles. "Isn't there a name for when the tower chooses new heroes?" Clara asks. "Well, it's called Hero Recruitment day!" Carlos remembered as he finishes the apple.

"Well, we should be going, doesn't it starts early in the morning?" Adrián grabs the car keys. "Yes it does, let's go!" Carlos fist-bumped the air as he follows Adrián. "Wait, Carlos..." Tamara hugs Carlos, "...You forgot about this." Carlos grabs the cape. "Thanks mom." Carlos hugs Tamara back, "Bye Clara, don't think your safe when I'm not here!"

Carlos got inside the car. "And I got you something..." Adrián points to the back seat. Carlos looks and sees a backpack. "Is that-" Carlos gasps after realizing what the backpack is. "The Hero's bag? It is..." Adrián smiled. Carlos hugged Adrián, "Thank you dad..." Adrián hugged him back, "Don't worry about it. Now you got somewhere to be..." Adrián broke the hug and started the car.

Along the way, the tower ominously seemed bigger. Adrián parked the car in an area that has multiple cars. "This seems to be busy..." Adrián sighed as they walked. "Are you two here for Hero Recruitment?" A man asks Adrián. "Well, my son's here for that.." Adrián answers.

"And his name?"


The man looks through a tablet. "Is it Carlos Jesken?" Adrián nods. "Then follow me..." The man leads both of them to an area that has multiple people sit. The man leads them to their chairs and leaves. "This doesn't look that bad..." Adrián whispers to Carlos as he looks around.

"Um, is this thing on?" A person speaks into the microphone. "Ah, welcome future heroes!" A man walks onto the stage. His appearance looks like that of a warrior prince. "Is that..."

Carlos: "Fletcher Rupert, also known as the #1 strongest Swordwielder."

Most people are shocked that the #1 strongest Swordwielder is here while some people whisper to each other. "Yes it's a surprise, but a good one!" Fletcher smiles. "Yet you can't even handle crowds..." A woman walks on the stage. Her appearance is of a wise mage. Everyone gasps as they realize who it is.

Carlos: "Aiko Etsuko, yet again known as the #1 strongest Mage."

"Man didn't think that the best heroes come here to do this..." Adrián sighs. "Well, it's mostly a surprise, since they mostly hunt monsters that are terrorizing places, and they're in a guild, The Legacy. Which that guild went worldwide last week!" Carlos remembers as he's seen them in multiple tv shows.

"Anyway, it's time for the tower to choose the next heroes!" Fletcher sighs. "So how does this work?" Adrián asks Carlos. "Well, it's simple..." Carlos points to a jar. Then in an instant, the jar is filled with notes. "I'll read out the names in alphabetical order..." Aiko waved a finger at the jar and all of the notes flew around her.

"Man, this would've taken longer if they weren't here..." A person gave out a sigh of relief. 'From teenagers to adults, there's a lot of people wanting to become heroes...' Carlos looked around. '...To be exact, they even brought their own weapons! From swords to hammers and to even katanas. Nearly any medieval weapon is present here.'

'Well, this might take a while so...' Carlos put the backpack on the ground and put his hands on his lap. 'Meditation, I don't know much of it, but dad says that it helps you to concentrate more...' Carlos took deep breaths as he closes his eyes.

"Man it must suck having no weapon to use..." A person chuckles behind Carlos' seat. "He must be stupid to think that he can make it..." The girl sitting next to the person chuckled with him. "What is he going to do? Punch things?" The person laughed.


~Back when Carlos was a child.~


A boy pushes Carlos to the ground. "Does the dirt taste good, you freak?" The boy laughs as Carlos tries to get up. "Just leave him alone!" Sera tries to push one of the boys. "Or what? Are you going to tell?" The boy turns around. "You know what happens to tattletales right?" The other boy cracks his knuckles. "Just stop hurting Carlos..." Sera took a step back. Carlos glared at them, 'Don't hurt her!'

Carlos swiftly got up and punched the first kid. "You freak!" The second kid punches Carlos. Carlos punches him in the gut and then tackles him to the ground. "Wait I-" The kid tried to apologize, but Carlos' fist hit his face. Carlos clung to his shirt as he kept punching him.

"Carlos?" Sera walked towards him. Carlos flinched as she put her hand on his shoulder. Carlos let go and stood up. Sera smiles at him, "Thank you..."



'That's one memory that I don't want to reminded...' Carlos opened his eyes. "Carlos Jesken? Is there a Carlos Jesken?" Aiko looks around for Carlos. "I'm here!" Carlos raises his hand and grabs the backpack. "Then come up here kid!" Fletcher smiles as he notices Carlos, 'The first one without a weapon? Now I'm getting worried...' Adrián stopped Carlos, "Good luck." Carlos nods as he runs off to the stage. 'I may not secure their safety, but having someone without a weapon might be difficult for them...' Aiko sighs as she continues.

After a few minutes, they call out the last person. Now there are 178 people on the stage. Some seem nervous while some seem to be ready for war. "Now then good luck to you all!" Fletcher and Aiko spoke in unison as a portal opened up behind them.

'Let's do this!'